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Everything posted by Tails0nE

  1. Also side question.. does anybody like keep a journal on them for productivity or anything..? I've had some journal things pop up recently on Instagram for some reason and have been kind of in a rut with everything I got going on and can't seem to focus or stay on track with certain creative goals and things alike.. apparently journaling is good cause I guess writing things down you kind of internalize them more and it's a better way of keeping things organized and essentially holding yourself accountable too.. least that's what I've gathered being a nerd and looking all this shit up.. has it helped any of y'all out..?
  2. My asshole is gonna fucking hate me later...
  3. Literally every single fucking manager I have to deal with right now.. I work the service industry so it's just food and booze.. pretty straight forward you'd think.. but NOPE... It's like every day they come in and ask themselves "hmmmm... What can we do to make things any worse than they already are.." 🤦🏽‍♂️
  4. It's technically a filter I guess.. it's an app called "Huji" it's basically like an old disposable camera app.. the lens flairs and everything are at random so they just pop up any time.. For example this is another one I took right now..
  5. Made this a while ago but made it again recently and thought I'd share.. eggs in a whole with guac, tomatoes and purple sweet potato bread.. this place in Chinatown called Tous Le Jours basically makes all their pastries fresh that same day so this loaf of bread was like holding a cloud in your hands.. 10/10 Also went and tried making some homemade onigirazu with spicy crab and avocado.. simple and turned out perfect tbh BUT I didn't store my sushi rice properly so when I went to make some more the next day the shit was dry as fuck.. next time tho I'm gonna try a different mixture and also see if there's a better way to store my sushi rice to keep it sticky..
  6. Tails0nE


    I played Skyrim once way back in the day and immediately got pissed off.. I went to some town right in the beginning and went into some random house.. nobody inside, went to steal, the whole fucking town knew and started attacking me.. then I ran and met some fucking ogre or some shit in the woods and died and proceeded to delete the game.. BUT I know it's definitely around 100 if not more especially if you're really gonna be exploring and stuff.. been debating on playing it again and giving it another whirl 🤷🏽‍♂️ Recently just beat Atomic Heart and I enjoyed it.. the whole robot thing was kinda rough and annoying cause the bosses move super fucking fast.. but also the random robots you kill there's always a "hub" so to speak of lil robot repair drones that fix them up unless you shoot down the repair drones.. but they KEEP coming.. which makes it interesting imo cause you don't get no chance to chill really.. only thing I think was rather annoying is that it doesn't really explain much as far as puzzles and door locks and stuff.. story was dope tho and English dub was hilarious cause your character says "crispy critters" a lot.. like A LOT... Also same voice actor who did the voice of V from cyber punk so there's that.. I'd give it a decent 7.5-8/10 I enjoyed it.. Also been playing Hogwarts legacy and it's pretty fun.. annoying in a sense in order to gain more inventory slots you gotta find these Merlin trials and complete the puzzles n shit.. like y'all can fuckin Aveda kadeva but can't sew some extra pockets on your coat...? Wack.. Also for what it's worth the whole jk rowling bullshit and these dweebs harassing twitch streamers for playing the game and calling everyone who plays it a transphobe or whatever is dumb.. they're clearly represented in the game the chick who owns the bar in hogsmead had a deeper voice than mine so the whole outrage is pretty redundant.. overall it's pretty fun but can get kinda boring from time to time with the Merlin trials and stuff like that... Also TONS of fucking stairs.. holy shit.. so many god damn stairs... Like I don't even think you would understand..
  7. Part 3.. just a bunch of other random shit.. Pretty dope handstyle to start off Then from here the staff started somewhat aggressively telling people the museum was closing and kicking us out... Pretty solid day for calling off from work..
  8. Part two.. There was a lot of other cool paintings from others but I figured I'll keep this specific one about dali.. also these pictures can't nearly do the actual paintings any justice.. the amount of intricate detail in person along with his colors were wild to see in person.. I gotta admit the ladies with the flower heads are insane.. once again picture can't do it justice but the way he painted the flowers on them were fucking crazy.. no matter how close I could get to the painting the details and flawlessness of them were unreal..
  9. How do you do fellow kids? Anyway yesterday I called off work because fuck them.. but I ended up hitting up my cousin since it's been a minute since we last hung out and ended up going to the art institute downtown to check out the dali exhibit.. and here's pretty much how the day went.. Shout out team chubb lubb
  10. Five pages worth of contributions and nobody has posted the chin rock goat...? Edit: now it's six..
  11. Literally... Just sitting here waiting.. 🤷🏽‍♂️
  12. Definitely didn't think I listened to ghost that much but here we are I guess... 🤷🏽‍♂️
  13. i got my son for the weekend so were just hanging out.. going to my girls families house today then my mothers house tomorrow.. pretty chill overall.. just more so entertained at the idea that my sons mother told him not to call me daddy and by my normal name because she's still big mad she lost her court case on wanting to move to texas with him.. sucks to suck 🤷‍♂️ im chillin though.. might make some eggs in a hole for a late breakfast since i haven't ate yet but im too lazy to even begin getting it started.. might teach my boy how warzone works in the meantime though.. Happy turkey day my fellow 0ontzerz 🦃
  14. Cold as hell waiting for the bus home.. Then noticed this throwie across the street..
  15. I definitely did not read all of that rambling but from what I've gathered.. bikers are closet homos because they get tattoos, are in a gang and tried to upcharge your brother a ridiculous amount for the drugs he was trying to buy from them.....? And are lesser than you because you drove a Lamborghini and let your wife peg you.....??? The oontz never fails to bring the lulz..
  16. Looking at random rap letters while waiting for my train to work..
  17. i was telling a coworker friday my whole tequila threesome story and why i dont drink it anymore then afterwards remembered i posted about it on here.. ahhh what a time... still dont fuck with tequila though..
  18. i think longest relationship ive had was this recent one of 4 and a half years.. she legit just sprung it on me on monday shes not renewing the lease and leaving by september and i have till october or november till the lease is up.. so now im looking for a new spot since she decided to drop the ball on me like that.. fuck it tho it is what it is.. kind of glad tbh just wish it was better communicated but whatevs.. thing that sucks with me is that ive kind of always had someone dependent on me and with the way my conscious gets me sometimes (and i hate it when it happens) i tend to give in and help out.. when my parents split my mom became mad depressed so i had to be there, my sons mother when she had my son but then i found out she been had some other dude on the side, which she has two other kids with now.. and my recent girlfriend just had this thing of always identifying herself as the victim and always seeing things black and white.. i cannot tell you how many times id be enjoying my day off just chilling and jamming out only for me to call and check in with her like "hey hows work going?" and for her to start off ok then go off on a fuckin 2 hour rant how she hates her job and how life blahblahblah while she cried to me about everything.. that shit is draining as fuck.. but for a couple months now ive just been blocking her shit out just deadass putting the phone on speaker and letting her rant while i go make a sandwich or something with the occasional "yeah.... uh huh.... nah i feel you.." i got no time for that shit anymore especially with these recent developments.. now i just gotta reclaim all this lost energy and get back on my shit..
  19. shits been in the back of my mind since saturday... 🤦🏽‍♂️
  20. just ate a late breakfast.. eggs in a hole with avocado and spinach along with a delicious cup of cafe bustelo.. now just sitting here doing more investigating on soundproofing and makeshift booths i can make but im about to force myself to work on some music ive been putting off for a while.. been kind of down lately and realized i have absolute zero motivation to do the things i actually enjoy so ive been trying to be proactive about it by turning off my phone and wifi for a while just so i can concentrate with no distractions.. wish me luck..
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