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Everything posted by Dark_Knight

  1. o yeah take you shoes off when you pass out and nothing bad will happen. Or maybe you just hang out with dbag white people
  2. drunk driving is fun. I drive flawlessly when im drunk too. If you can't drive drunk, you must not be able to drive sober either.
  3. it was all about the jailbait thread. So wrong yet so good
  4. i started shaving my head this summer. I will never grow my hair out again. It's alot more convenient and the ladies do seem to like it more. DO IT
  5. Dark_Knight


    listen to the man. He speaks the truth
  6. ahah the fact that you're talking about it on a forum tells me you're lying. Good show though. It's like sopranos. Unrealistic, but entertaining.
  7. ill help you fellas out. Are you just fixing up whats there or making something new?
  8. The sports illustrated curse!!!! Boise State Penn State My two tams this year
  9. She kind of looks like the uglier/nonjailbait version of this chick i know.
  10. Burger King- A plain spicy chicken and pur a whole container thing of their buffalo sauce on it. It is christ on a bun. Also dairy queen has amazing double cheeseburgers. Better than any other fast food place hands down. It's cheap too.
  11. we have this place called melt in cleveland. It's delic
  12. ahhaha i had to go to a family dinner at my grandparents house right after i just took shrooms. They kicked in right in the middle of dinner. It was weird and uncomfortable. I died a little bit in side that day.
  13. :five-o: :five-o: o yeah and...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sO_QntXc-c4
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