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Everything posted by Zoes

  1. Zoes

    5 years ago...

    1st natural disaster to actually affect my emotions RIP
  2. Zoes

    The "S"

    first thing I ever painted was "Shy Guy" with that S hahahaha
  3. This will help me sleep Good looks, Swamp
  4. My appeal hearing is coming up, I'm owed over $5K I've never had to collect before or ever needed the money so much in my life I was "discharged" for checking my personal email on company time even though the department was being let go that week If Human Resources claims that they aren't disputing my unemployment claim, why am I still nervous?
  5. vicissitudes eleemosynary senescence insouciance conterminous avoirdupois sesquipedalian cholangiocarcinoma circumbilivagination honorificabilitudinitatibus
  6. This one as well w/some ill cameos by teh homies
  7. 'Cause that's exactly what it is
  8. Could I suggest that this thread's subject be changed to scissorin'? Just throwin' it out there
  9. You've got a solid team, T I'd play to win it all
  10. So far, so good in both my leagues' Super Bowl To the left To the right
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