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Everything posted by Zoes

  1. I've been waiting to see that movie for a while now, can't find it anywhere Danny Trejo obv fucking rules expected better
  2. Yeah but bro, its virtually impossible to test for rhino dick Speaking of... Swamp, your cousin is totally givin' me one now
  3. That's usually how overtime works Dansby was the last dude to touch the ball & ran it into the end zone
  4. It's pretty sick but I'm a sucker for flicks 'bout desolated, post-apocalyptic dystopias
  5. I was just wondering if I should keep mine growing, its been a while Starting to look like a super villain
  6. What makes you think that I would do such an idiotic thing?
  7. Still a lot of ball to be played, anyone could get hurt Plus some teams *cough* Washington *cough* will be blowing their teams up so expect some absurd trades
  8. Got my fucking money, son $6,350
  9. Ironically enough, Rodman fucks dudes
  10. I'd have to gamble, at least a little Roulette & Black Jack, dawg
  11. I've been stressing the fuck out lately 'bout money Thinking about selling this macbook, music equipment, flatscreen, losing half my wardrobe, etc. But found out today that I'm getting over $6Gs tomorrow What a difference a day makes
  12. This is definitely thread worthy That being said, these are so 00's
  13. This thread is chalk full of win I really wanna see Floor again
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