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Everything posted by Zoes

  1. "I am SOOOO SOO sorry, baby!!!"
  2. Joe Wong killing on Letterman
  3. Ever hear Chappelle imitate a crack-head?
  4. Yeah he has, they all do I seen it
  5. Some comics, like the "blue collar" dudes, are constantly doing gigs which demand a larger quantity of jokes, hence the lack of quality in their acts. So instead of sounding like a broken record, they pay guys like Ritch Shydner to write some corny ass shit for em. Especially during this interweb age.. If you plan on seeing a popular comic who's currently on tour & want to spoil the experience (or worse, heckle dude by yelling out his punchlines), just youtube his name & search by most recent uploads. Chances are, he's doing the same act in each city he hits up.
  6. Re: motherfuckin' fushigi. "The Prayer Cross!" 0:34
  7. OH! Speakin' of niggas.. Mel's new shit is hilarious
  8. Norm on Stern giving his take on female comics (delay sucks tho) I can't hate on Wanda, I appreciate most of her insight.. that being said, she's never made me actually lose my breath laughing
  9. Its definitely old news but nigs don't seem to realize the fucking validity/magnitude of this shit
  10. Dude in orange killed his wife & son that night Brad Daugherty was thinkin' bout stock cars & white womenz
  11. Finally, a thread that'll prove how gay some of you pre-cum-cravin' fagholes really, really are
  12. & you'd fucking let her? Dude...
  13. I'm diggy down.. I refuse to be an administrator tho
  14. Horrendous movie, impossible to watch, unless extremely inebriated One of the rare instances to have such a solid remake of a shitty original
  15. Whenever I even see the word "Audition" I always hear the sound of wire cutting thru bone Cliché as fuck, but.. considering the content & it being released in '73 I'll have to agree
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