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Everything posted by Zoes

  1. Yeah, I made this thread a couple weeks ago
  2. "NOOOOOOOOOOOO0000000000000000000!!!"
  3. "We're never going back to Arizona"
  4. Fuck I used to watch em play @ Foxborough stadium almost every week in '86 RIP
  5. I might have to cop the itis @ some point today
  6. I was just thinking about how it could be a white person problem, not that only whites shit themselves But I'd rather occasionally shit my pants than be starving in a 3rd world country or locked up for life, not that... nevermind I retract my statement
  7. I didn't even leave work, just threw my boxers outside Hungover as shit, thought it was only a fart worst
  8. Its Monday, 9am Not a wink since Saturday
  9. Who? Black Betty? Great, now I got that song stuck in my head & it makes me wanna blow lines
  10. Re: a tranny gave me a blowjob last night
  11. Celebrating a rare, significant victory by the Celtics
  12. Please Rob Me Dot Com "...The danger is publicly telling people where you are. This is because it leaves one place you're definitely not... home. So here we are; on one end we're leaving lights on when we're going on a holiday, and on the other we're telling everybody on the internet we're not home. It gets even worse if you have "friends" who want to colonize your house. That means they have to enter your address, to tell everyone where they are. Your address.. on the internet.. Now you know what to do when people reach for their phone as soon as they enter your home. That's right, slap them across the face."
  13. I heard 44" Chest was a let down, considering its from the writers of Sexy Beast
  14. Then it would be Dwight Howard, Stoudemire, Bynum, Josh Smith & Nene I think it should be: Josh Smith Dwight Howard Dwayne Wade Kevin Durant & Lebron
  15. nah, he just doesn't wanna be called big baby anymore he said that he'd rather be called uno uno than big baby so essentially, he'd settle for anything but.. nothing specifically Big baby is sticking, he's just gotta deal with it constantly crying certainly doesn't help his cause
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