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Everything posted by viperface

  1. I think the skull looks great with the weird flat background. Not so static like. just take a look at these http://elitechoice.org/wp-content/uploads/2007/09/bullfighting-painting.jpg http://lila.info/wp-content/0-152-chirico-ariadne.jpeg http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metaphysical_art
  2. Inconsiderately longer + serious tirade defending them.
  3. just don't get caught http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVvUZmNrAHA http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=334_1297216174
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TjemyqWPRbs
  5. currently my job is about sitting in a truck and pushing bins that may or may not weigh up to 1300lb
  6. ^^^Hoplophobia (fear of guns) is as paralyzing to a conversation as the opposite attitude (hoplomania?), and as in all fields of argument strong emotions tend to polarize discussions into boring, discouraging bullshit. AOD's post is pretty good acknowledgement of that kind of phenomenon and actually made this thread worthy of contributing some other viewpoints. I'm not a gun owner. I realize that I might qualify better than others, but I definitely know why I shouldn't. And why most people shouldn't. Some wish not to own a gun at all, not neccessarily because they hate or fear firearms, but because of the responsibility and risks that are involved: 1. I can not absolutely trust that I would be able to keep the weapon in my own possession at all times. It could be stolen or taken away from me. I could take all precautions to minimize this and still it might happen. In the world of total gun ownership it would eventually happen to someone if not me. (I mean it does happen already wtf) 2. I wouldn't know if I would be able to efficiently use my firearm under threat. I'm personally aware of weapons training and muscle memory in order to be able to use a weapon "instinctively". I've been to military and managed to fire automatic weapons without much hassle in somewhat confusing situations. But it's still generally acknowledged that some people just won't be able to shoot to kill, no matter of their rank or training. No matter of your RTT CQB man war face, you never know before you're in that situation: In these specific kill spree cases the nutjobs spent months or years deciding what they are going to do and how. they most likely dwelled and mesmerized the situations over and over again, decided the time and place etc. All their "manifests" and youtube shit tells the same story of sick determination and escalating madness. People targetted would have only seconds or minutes to make up their mind or even realize wtf is happening, then get to the fighting spirit and then act. And I just don't want to live my life being ready to draw a weapon and shoot a person just like that. Even writing this makes me a bit irritated, trying to imagine a situation against one of these loonies. And the most fucked up part is you never know. How many bullied, live-roleplaying kids have planned their revenge and backed out or maybe wisened up? Once in a while you hear about failed attempts etc. Was it because of armed citizens? unarmed citizens? Something else? Like with islamic terrorists, these nutjobs have the advantage of surprize. They choose their time and location. You could keep all students in all schools sitting in class with .45s and not have an attack because of that. How do you prove it? Maybe it's because not one kid in any of the schools choose to extend their suicide. 3. Goethe said: "There is no crime of which I cannot conceive myself guilty." In other words I have no idea why some people actually go nuts for real, and others don't. I don't believe prisons are full of murderers who, from day one knew they would eventually kill and end up in prison. There must be people with "normal" upbringing who just made enough wrong moves and managed to fuck up one split second in their lives. I've seen perfectly sane people go apeshit in seconds whether intoxicated or sober. So in my view there's always that wild card of fate, you don't know where you'll find yourself next etc. Crime itself is a good reason not to hand everyone a gun. not all criminals come from criminal families. 4. Let's say cops are dispatched to a scene where a shooting spree is taking place. They get different descriptions of male in his mid 20's shooting people. They need to act quick and are expected to use deadly force at will. I woudn't want to be aiming at corners when the swat team arrives. 5. I don't think gun crime exists because there are just these "bad people" wanting to "violate rights". Everyone has a personal history and most criminals might perversely justify their ways even if they initially admit that they are breaking the law, or "made sin". People with short temper, opportunistic nature without real train of thought. People who realize that you can acquire the same certain quality of life today with a firearm much faster than with a career over 20 years. Or those who tried the career and got jaded or fucked over. Or kids who got their shit confused from the get go. Everyone seems to act in desperation because of some imaginary struggle that becomes real in their minds. Im not saying a shooter needs to be "understood" at all. There just could be an origin or a spark that initiates the struggle or desperation in these people. But yeah I don't think the issue is solely about guns.
  7. WB church is one of the most successful trolls in existance
  8. Re: fuck my life nevar gonna read OP
  9. 2012 is soooo 2009 "im trying to warn you guys but all i get is this awesome feeling of martyrdom via ignorance"
  10. Yeah, the sanitation bastards are probably not busy at the moment anyway
  11. CARD card Losing an argument you start pulling imaginary "cards"
  12. Yeah, experiment. Some people like to use cheap paint for the effect. Then again high quality paint might have color intensity that you don't actually see much anywhere else other than arts. Compare silk screen prints for example, to regular offset etc. And pay attention to the opacity rating, they're usually marked with square graphics on the label.
  13. those would fit the humor thread as well.
  14. I pretty much agree, especially about the nuclear part. but I think you slightly ignore the possibility of unconsidered escalation, human error and miscommunication. No orders of official mobilization is needed to sour things up if forces on the border lose their nerves, get faulty orders, start the crisis protocol or what not. Such a mess could take several days to calm down. To my knowledge the recent artillery strike had a several hour aftermath of people not really knowing what was going on. The fact that "no one" died just made it really easy to ignore and slide back to normal status. Imagine such an artillery strike [accidentally] hitting a kindergarten or marketplace, and maybe one person taking pictures. Even if everyone and their dogs were against the war, something like that would have more than diplomatic consequences. Like I said, I don't think NK will ever attempt to conquer anything geographically. I only acknowledge the possibility of sthn stupid happening. Current type of provocation might get more frequent and grow into low scale border conflict enough to be considered a new "war". Lot of speculation here, but that's what crossed my mind recently.
  15. this one's been all over facebook for a while now http://kimjongillookingatthings.tumblr.com/
  16. Re: Great Pictures~ The person was just standing still. Of course you could use flash in the foreground to catch a moving target but that'd create a very different mood.
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