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Everything posted by fuse=--action

  1. hahahaha, I've never even heard that one. There was the time honored "If you keep making that face, it's going to freeze like that." "Drugs are bad" (Alright, they were a lot of fun for a while, but I'm done with that shit now) "If you don't stop playing video games your eyes are going to go bad" Yeah, my parents didn't lie too much that I can remember. Me on the other hand.... -fuse. p.s. I'm not implying that I have children.
  2. I only read the title. I love it. I'm tellin' y'all, if you're from H-town you know what's up with the Frenchy's. -fuse.
  3. I only ever really made model airplanes. Mostly props. A few jets. It's hard to find props and jets in the same scale. -fuse.
  4. Re: The Bridge..Golden Gate A lot of you seem to be talking about eating a lot of xanax to kill yourselves. I don't recommend it as a friend of mine took 50 in an attempt to do himself in; it didn't work. I would want to blow myself apart. Not in a crowd or anything, but I figure a dynomite vest would be a pretty cool way to go and it would be certain to kill me. Bonus: I wouldn't crap myself when I died. -fuse.
  5. Less healthy? WOW! That's... that's just amazing. -fuse. Also, thanks for the instructions.
  6. I'll be going to Sydney for almost a month in December. I'm thinking it's going to be sweet! Plus, I my friend there knows some people that are into drifting. I'm hoping I'll get to check it out. Not that any of y'all care. -fuse.
  7. Wait, how do you cook bacon in the microwave? I'm only familiar with doing it in a pan or in the oven. -fuse.
  8. Hooking up with a pregnant girl is worse than hooking up with a fat girl in my mind. Have some standards. Also, I still stand by my comment earlier that this is probably one of those stories/situations you should have kept to yourself. -fuse.
  9. Actually, drinking during class was always fun. Get a 20 of Coke, drink down to top of label, refill with favorite rum/whiskey. Easy as 1,2,3. -fuse.
  10. ^^You must not have noticed that it's $135.96 Canadian. Which means it's, what, $4-$6 American? -fuse.
  11. I'm currently in the "saving money" phase of my project. You know, the part where you really start thinking about committing a lot of time and a year or so of savings into your car. Also doing a lot of research so that I know what I want to do in what order and how much money I want to spend on it. -fuse.
  12. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say it, Maybe you shoulda kept this one to yourself, chief. -fuse.
  13. I don't know if anyone made something on this yet but here it is. Source -fuse.
  14. We used to do this in one of my High School English classes. Mostly during tests. -fuse.
  15. I don't understand the hate Dane Cook movement that seems to be going around, I saw him live last year, dude's hilarious. -fuse.
  16. There is also a non-alcholic beverage out there called Rat Bastard Root Beer. I enjoy their use of parallel construction. My favorite "cola" is Afri Cola. -fuse.
  17. I enjoyed it thoroughly. Sure you can play outside and take walks and ride your bike, or you can sit at your computer and do something. -fuse.
  18. I find the buttons infinitely amusing whenever I get in a situation where there is someone else trying to take my pants off. Mostly because I can get them undone so quickly, and these girls act like retarded kindergarteners. -fuse.
  19. I am intrigued Glik0, I'll have to try it this weekend. Other beers that I like: Abita Amber Guiness Shiner Bock or Blonde Stella New Castle Bodingtons -fuse.
  20. I've had Blue Moon before, but never with an orange. Do I eat the orange separately or what? -fuse.
  21. I thought I was the only person that still uses the word "stoked" -fuse.
  22. Crooked, why you hiding hiphop from me? You know I only know a buncha cracka ass crackas. How am I supposed to get hiphop exposure these days? And where you at all the time? I never see you online or anything anymore. -fuse.
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