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Everything posted by Sars.Saw.Chicago

  1. ive been comin in here alot askin for a lot of help lately... i guess thats what i get for buyin a used iBook. well heres my new problem. as of today i was uploading some painting footage....i come back in 5 minutes and my screens all fucked up lookin ghost white and has noise/distortion. so i restart it and it seems to be breathing and running... but nothing appears on the screen...its all black... its been black for a good while so i turned it on again about 2 hours later and its all good....except that it was only good for about 15 minutes....then it freezes again and i restarted same thing black screen.... now nothing comes up on the screen.... completely black. any ideas what it could be? burnt fuse?....broken screen?...
  2. LMAO. this thread is goin to be an instant classic.
  3. earl- i glanced over it i didnt even knotice!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  4. is that lando from star wars??:lol:
  5. thanks alot anyways i have found out the reason why. you are NOT suppose to rename the home folder. if you do the desktop will completely change. in order to restore it you have to open the home folder....i will post some pics later to help explain this. but i have figured it out for future reference.
  6. ok i have found out what the problem is... i renamed my home folder... which is suppose to be done in a safe mode way. if anyone can still help me get the computer back to how it was.
  7. i need serious help with my ibook. i was using it last night and it was fine. so i turn it on today...and it appears that it somehow rebooted itself to about 2weeks ago none of my recent files are on there anymore. just the applications that i recently installed. i still have the same amount of gigs that i had last night is there anyway to undo all of this? can anyone help?
  8. readin all this kind of made me upset... im not gonna be ignorant or the subject...im gonna inform myself on what this all is.
  9. i just read about that protest... seems pretty intense.
  10. all that money from oontzin raptor/shark/komodo dragon jesus. ORLY Myspace picture post cheeto feet ect ect. i think we should all benifit off this money...HA
  11. WICHITA, Kan. - Two Komodo dragons have hatched at the Sedgwick County Zoo, apparently without the fertilization of a male. The dragons, both males, are believed to be the first in North America known to have hatched by parthenogenesis, which occurs naturally in some species, including invertebrates and lower plants. It happens more rarely in some vertebrates Two other known cases in which Komodo dragons hatched by parthenogenesis were at the London and Chester zoos in England in 2006. The zoo in Wichita is having DNA testing done to document the mother's and the babies' genetic structure because of the remote chance that a male's sperm was stored on the female's body. Komodo dragons are one of the few species capable of storing sperm, said Don Boyer, curator of reptiles and amphibians at the San Diego Zoo and species survival plan coordinator for Komodo dragons. The Sedgwick County Zoo has had this female and one other since 1993, when they were less than a year old. They have been laying eggs since 2000. "We never had a male dragon at the zoo. There were no tramps that came wandering through," said Nate Nelson, the zoo's curator of amphibians, reptiles and fishes. One of the Kansas zoo's females, Gaia, laid at least 17 eggs on the nights of May 19 and 20, 2007. The females can lay as many as 30 eggs at a time. Because the English zoos had documented parthenogenesis, the Sedgwick County Zoo checked to see whether the eggs were fertile. Only two of the 17 eggs were hatched — one on Jan. 31 and the other Feb. 1 — because the zoo doesn't have room for more dragons, Nelson said. One is 16 inches long; the other is 17 inches. Komodo dragons can living 20 to 40 years. Males can reach 10 feet long and weigh as much as 200 pounds; females grow to between 5 and 7 feet and weigh as much as 125 pounds. Komodo dragons are endangered, with between 3,000 and 5,000 in the wild. Eighty live in 30 zoos in North America. Only six zoos in the nation breed the dragons. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080207/ap_on_fe_st/odd_komodo_dragons
  12. yeah no prob. howd that puzzle turn out from a while back? ya never let me know the feedback.
  13. :lol: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=cheet
  14. everyones style has changed over the years.
  15. thats crazy.... i wish i could do something productive like that
  16. yo..... i just quit ma job at the yellow pages.... shit killed me. so i dipped. gettin rid of one problem at a time... thats all it is bro. time. you aint gotta finish skool right away. i know niggas in their 30's in college. their doin good. just gotta take some time and think about what you wanna do... find a skool with a fast program. you'll be outta there in less than 3 years.
  17. That Jew on top got poppin colors.
  18. Vday is for chumps.... im just hatin....
  19. ^^^ on the complete opposite im feelin horrible.
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