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Everything posted by Sars.Saw.Chicago

  1. dont the black guys in the movie die first?
  2. hollywood is crazy...... movies repeat themselves.....just different stories/characters/plots. this movie looks like garbage. aint even gonna bother attempting to watch it.
  3. im gonna try to gain about 10 pounds.... all the women in my life say im too skinny.... possibly eat more healthier... (dont really see that happening) step my game up in everything.
  4. thanks i peeped out arcade fire.... right up my alley.
  5. in highskool they had some bullshit ass rule about everyone had to do 40hours of Com. Serv. in order to graduate.....
  6. i wanna kno more bout shrinks...... i got this girl on my mind....... im always paranoid too..... help?:scrambled:
  7. i have insomnia.....only because i think too much....:confused: :o :eek: :huh: i also have schizophrenia....
  8. Many years collecting and shooting....
  9. put the money in the bag!!!!! Shoot at will...
  10. sorry for the horrible quality.....shot taken from a video
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