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Everything posted by Sars.Saw.Chicago

  1. Bojangles..... your book inspired me to restart writing my book. big ups. ima try to come up on a copy bro.
  2. well im currently chasin a girl whoes relationship material. ive been tryin to give her a lil space. she sent me a text sayin why have i been avoiding her. she seemed pretty upset. and is kinda doin the cold shoulder towards me. and wont let me explain the biz.
  3. Giordanos pizza is where you wanna get it from next time your round these parts.... 2 slices fills me up...
  4. i was tryin to remember what he said. mooneys a classic.
  5. hollywood is crazy..... you have brad pitt staring in The Mexican..... Tom Cruise as the last samuri.......... Tom hanks as the last nigga on earth.
  6. well....you aint gotta worry bout watchin your back..
  7. HA..... its been in the single digits in chicago...... it went below zero a few times this week... and its gonna be 54 tomorrow.... fuckin schizophrenic weather.:mad: :huh: :p :mad: :mad:
  8. man.....while reading this i just told my brother to pick up that plate of food he left in his room.:D roaches are nasty. :huh:
  9. thanks man. im gonna go take it to the shop see what they tell me.
  10. my ibook wont read any type of cds... i can hear it loading but it never loads... when i put in an audio cd it loads but it will only load about 7 or 8 songs. but i wont be able to play them. i opened the same audio cd with itunes and it loaded all 14 tracks...but when i clicked play it was showing the loading sign...and it never played it. any idea what it could be?
  11. ^^^^ seems too easy... wheres amerika get the $$$ for all this shit? aint we in debt?
  12. you forgot:lol: raptor jesus?
  13. FUCK i was gonna post this :lol:
  14. im waiting for them to pull out some shit like... for $1000..... HAVE YOU EVER MURDERED ANY ONE? ha.
  15. smokes over here go for almost 8 bucks:huh:
  16. well we could talk about my problems..... would that make a good CH.0 thread?
  17. pretty interesting....to bad my cables out....
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