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Everything posted by Sars.Saw.Chicago

  1. hell yea its like 2 degrees.....i got the heater on full blast
  2. it was a joke....i know better. i wanted to see what twinky had to say about it. jenny looks good.:)
  3. Re: World War I, World War II, Vietnam, Cold War, Desert Storm, War On Terror Aint Got Shi ^^^ hahahaha i should have around 1k posts.......but i dont.
  4. thats cuz that songs the shit.....i like the demo.... i have an over dub wit louis armstrong singin wonderful world to the no suprises beat Sonic youth - bullet in the heather.
  5. karmas a bitch. keep yo pimp hand strong
  6. i watched clover field....last night. does your mouth taste like shit cuz you possi-bly rimmed someone? possible
  7. hopefully paint more this year... get outta friendzone with these girls. understand myself better. hopefully have a steady job. live to see 2009.
  8. friend zone is a horrible place...... :o im stuck in it... LMFAO i aint ever heard no fuckin KRAGEN murray got some dumbass teens though.
  9. Re: when it's all said and done, modest mouse will probably be one of my favorite bands ev that song float on makes me cry.
  10. anyone ever heard the song Schizophrenia...from sonic youth? it talks bout jesus havin a twin....who knew nothing bout sin.... could this be his twin???:huh: how ironic....post 666....ina shark jesus thread.
  11. LOL looks like your first on the smite list.
  12. :eek: :) they should rename this the tig ol bitty jello jiggle titty superthread.
  13. im sure that would backfire in some horrific jaws type style....
  14. He'll smite our enimies and cast out the non believers into exile!
  15. hey history repeats itself...over and over.... and perhaps a third time....
  16. id start freakin out if the rapture happened....
  17. anyone gotta/find a hipster diagram?
  18. i wanna see that shit with a human female....... i bet half yall here would freak the fuck out... i know i would...
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