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Everything posted by Sars.Saw.Chicago

  1. Have yall heard bout that kid doin 8 years in jail for graffiti? http://12ozprophet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=131052 and bitch ass frugoli is still out huh?
  2. ive never found out where any of my hoppers went. i seen one roll back about 3 or 4 weeks after i painted it. no luck on any other ones
  3. i came here askin the same question..... i removed everything and my image is still on the screen. ?????
  4. your talkin bout the Dc5 wall. i'll see if i can find it
  5. When he did SNL skits for jeopardy. those had me rolling.
  6. I hate Parking Tickets I hate how i just got my stereo stolen today in the morning......and they took a buncha burned mixes lol. I hate no reception
  7. when i feel like i gotta shit when im out chillin.
  8. I've never seen number 8 or 2. all the rest have seen / been LOL Nocryingirloner
  9. yeah ive been seeing alot lately. who knows.
  10. you know who's probably not pleased about this?......
  11. chicago is where its at. many different yards and small track lay ups. HOLLA
  12. i hope raggedy ann and andy get the fuck blown outta em.
  13. modern hippies aka hipsters pbr? :huh:
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