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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. This was a Youtube recommendation and was worth the click
  2. Would post more pics but I'm out of storage. What is the easiest way to sort through my uploaded images to get rid of some crappier ones? in other news it is fucking cold snd i might be getting the flu.
  3. Will be interesting to see how my screentime varies this week given that I have a course for 3 days this week so that I'm in a classroom learning how to ManAge Traffic. Will advise once done.
  4. For me, the whole concept of OM was introduced to me due to the woman depicted previously. Yet given it is also my initials MO reversed, it's funny to consider that my outside world is effectively the mirrored image of me as though it is my reflection. Even the AUM spelling pertains to me given I was born in AU with the M not only representing Matthew, but my belief that we are all just waves flowing throughout the infinity of space. If you are into researching different belief structures then I recommend the "Lets talk Religion" page on Youtube as something to fall asleep to.
  5. That is perhaps the greatest compliment I could ever be given. I wrote an essay response to this compliment in respect of the gratitude I have for it being given ti me, yet I will only post it if other members desire to read it by requesting it, as I have a hard time agreeing with the sentiment of you being right in your desire to vote for me to hold such an authoritative position without coming across as an egomaniac in the process. And if it wasn't obvious from my orevious posts in this thread, I want to maximise the utilisation of other's time as opposed to wasting it such that I can help shortcut them to the eternal utopian like zen place I exist inside my head until I step into the outside world and have to deal with the bullshit the universe and it's inhabitants dump on me given my internal peace & knowledge that I "won the game of life" is completely alien to them as they wish to continue to play.
  6. I decided to get pizza for lunch, and in doing so, I have started to contemplate whether my day to day "reality" I experience upon waking is the actual reality based on the dreams I have whilst sleeping becoming increasingly realistic and detailed to the point whereby they appear to be leading a merger of sorts. Pretty much the Singularity in situ. The backwards winding clock shall reveal all in time I guess
  7. I'm layed up in bed contemplating what to do on my day of resr for the week knowing I start a Traffic Management course tomorrow.
  8. As a former (actually qualified) window tinter whose Father has done the job his entire working career, tinting buses is the absolute worst, so get a few quotes if you intend to get more than just the front door windows done. And the older the bus the worse a job it is, as cleaning those windows perfectly is a near on impossible job if the bus is 20 years old. I would just recommend painting the bitches in a non reflective matte black, curtains or using cabinets and shit to obscure them or look online at how van lifers are dealing with such problems these days, as to tint it would be at least 70% if not 100+% of what you are buying it for.
  9. I can relate to this, given I changed the word "billionaire" in my dictionary to autocorrect to "nobody"'a long time ago as nobody should be burdened with such weight of social responsibility such that anyone holding over $100M in liquid assets should be forced to join a ittee whereby they have to be held to task about using the excess towards improving public infrastructure and incentive grants to inventors who get rewarded for innovation. Whilst one could say this would result in "Illuminati" being brought into the light of existence as Governments whom tax said individuals would be forced to publically out such people (and by extension hold them to account on behalf of the people they represent), thus eliminating the incessant greed and social responsibility that sees the current crop of billionaires wishing to escape such problems they face on Earth by getting on a rocket into space. Obviously there exists potential for corruption, yet this is where someone like me comes in as the verifier of "God being real" holding such people to account knowing that they will inevitably die and leave a legacy of being nothing but what we in WA here refer to as a "BGC" or "Big Greedy Cunt". And beyond fucking, every other purpose a "cunt" should serve is utilitarian in nature isn't it?
  10. Ghost in the machine multipost. My apologies @LUGR Back on track I think it may have been the lifesize poster of this unedited (which had a "landing strip visible") image from 93 my Mother graciously allowed me to hang on my teenage wall which affected my tastes in this regard? The good thing about comparing the Oz and US versions of Playboy as a youth was seeing how much more photoshopped the US versions were in regards to their images, plus the differing paper and ink qualities to the pages. *wonk saggin
  11. ^ and @Fist 666 hopefully the above post makes up for any offence you may have taken from previous (admittedly drunken ones) posts I made of late as the above post is more reflective of my intentions of trying to share knowledge gleamed from life's journey such that other's may benefit from reading it without spending $10K of more on head doctors.
  12. I think I can recall the pic you are talking about, and your dates are about correct too as I was still posting here consistently up to 2010 or so before the forum crash. As for your comment about being "a top shelf fucker", perhaps if you reframe your use of language to beinf "a top shelf lover" it might help you with the other aspects of your self perception, as if you "fuck" things, then it usually means "you fuck them up (or ruin them)" via the standard connotations that follow the use of the word "fuck" being mostly negative. Where if you say you "love" instead, then you flip the meaning on it's head. If your therapist was any good at their job, they should have told you this iMO, given their job should be to guide the self talk we have inside your heads we divulge to them away from the negative back to the positive, and our use of language in how we "talk to ourselves" in this way has wayyyyy more of an impact than we realise. It's another reason why I refuse to call them "the rapists" any more as opposed to "counsellors" given I don't wish for those I am seeking to listen to me to "rape my mind" in the process, as the world around us does enough of this as it is. Just my takeaway from seeing various psychs and such over the past 22 years of life and thousands of dollars invested in myself in the process.
  13. Exactly what I thought as soon as I saw the b pic. Yet given this story comes from the mainstream media, one has to wonder how close we are to the end of the simulation based on the fact that this is apparently the most important news story to be told in the entire world right now.
  14. It would appear that way on the surface, but I can't snap a decent image of the fact that the train line is called "the CP line" die to frame rate of my phone camera. I'm out of storage so might have to clean out some images I have uploaded, yet the point of my phone cameras being weapons that facilitates me capturing and "shooting" fools seems to be lost on people given that I have never fired an actual gun in real life.
  15. This isn't nonsense, but it is insane and beyond my capacity of understanding the balls it takes to do this
  16. Ahh I can still post pics up to 10MB so here are some more from the life of "Lord MOB"
  17. The other funny thing is that by fate or luck the two cars I have owned the longest in my life were green and gold as well. As I originally was going to get a black Lambo 2014 model Huracan for my 35th birthday present to myself in Vegas, but the place I got it from upgraded me to the 2015 green car instead. I uploaded this screen grab of me driving the green coupe in case someone doubts I had two (as you never know with internet stories and "pics or it didn't happen" is the Ch0 rule I abide by). Plus I have my Sesto Elemento shirt on like a true fanboy, but lucky my own initials (MOB) are stitched into my shirt (AutoMOBili Lamborghini). I would put down in the goal thread I started that I want to get a red Huracan (or even the new Revuelto) at some point just to finish off the set of traffic light colours and because I had a massive blockmounted 25th Anniversary poster since I was a kid that my wife had me get rid of when we moved into our marital home. Hopefully though this just shows how if one works hard enough they can save $10k to go somewhere and do crazy shit like this, but I definitely recommend doing it in Europe as the roads in Spain were epic and empty as I facebook lived myself driving a 400km or so round trip from Barcelona to Tarragona and back again. I seriously consider myself the luckiest man alive (hell even my middle name could be pronounced as Lucky if you were to pronounce Luke phonetically) and I am eternally grateful for the gift of life and the intelligence that has allowed me to not into fulfill my dreams I had formed for myself as a 5 year old kid after 30 more years of life, study, and work. So much so that at least I was able to then share My dream with a woman who had the same dream I made reality for her, and then enhanced it with getting the Lambo dropped off to my hotel on Christmas Eve as my way of sharing the love that beyond me being "Santa" in reality, what more could a guy ever ask for?
  18. Three. One in my hand that matches the poster both my brother and I (and every other kid) had in the 80s and 90s on our walls. The Two in the cloud, one green (I had in the US - Vegas specifically) and one gold (I had in Europe - depicted above and below outside the Olympic stadium in Barcelona where "The Dream Team" won their gold medals) which I only just realised are Australia's Olympic colours over the past few months. So yeah, just like Michael Jordan was the greatest of all time when it came to basketball, I got gold in Barcelona too for shooting balls of a different kind as a lover, and I got the pics and videos to prove it as I have Maria calling me "Fucking God" as we went up the mountain in the Lambo, only because she had already "sampled the merchandise" previously. And funnily enough, I am now out of storage so I might have to go through my pics I have uploaded and delete some. I can give details of what it cost me, but it was around $2000USD or $2000 euro a day plus the security deposits so for me it was like $7000AUD day with exchange rates and the insurance deposit that was held on my creditcard in case I crashed the car. Still not cheap, but considering that a Huracan is a half million $ here, the fact I was driving around what has effectively been me "going all in with my post divorce house money" and my paid out in lieu long service leave I had from my corporate job was completely worth it.
  19. As the contrast to my scathingly critical posts in regards to the future of humanity, I thought that starting this thread as a means through which we can share and hold ourselves accountable for fulfilling in regards to the future goals we have for ourselves and/or the society we are to exist within going forward. My only goal at this stage is to once again meet Devin Townsend to shake his hand as I did when all I could say was "I love you Man" with the difference this time to say "Thank You Man" for his sharing of life experiences with his podcasts, music and interview, which He was (lucky or unlucky - lets go with lucky) enough to have experienced prior to me such that he could tell my stubborn ass how to begin to fix what was wrong with my life. Primarily this related to quitting drugs so that I could see how those around me were preying upon the weakened state of my perception that resulted from overclocking the processor that is my brain. Even though this is a simple goal, it will require me to find a job to afford to attend his next show whenever he comes to my city to play the music that provides the soundtrack to my life and the various stages that "The Tests of Manhood" have posed to me. Obviously I have more goals, but one achievable goal is enough to get this thread started, so please feel free to share whatever goals or bucketlist items you wish to achieve prior to your mortal life ending as the fallen members of this place serve us reminders of with the posts they left behind in their wake.
  20. I'll need a swag at least, as they are going away this weekend to someone's property in Bindoon to go hunting so they at least stay the night to make the trip worthwhile. I may see if I can tag along at some stage, yet i am glad my half brother is spending some time with his Dad (my stepfather) as he has had health issues so I wouldn't want to detract from their time together if you can understand? As my brother is younger than me I will have plenty of time to go with him in the years to come should I wish to, yet at this point I would just be in their way if it makes sense?
  21. I share this sentiment, and the exquisite wording used to define our shared preference in this regard.
  22. Also I'm sorry if there was any misconception that lead anyone to believe I would be catching public transport every single day as opposed to being able to jump in my Lambo to get groceries. I thought it was pretty clear that I am back in Australia where I would be sitting on the other side of the car to drive (even though I flipped the recent Youtube clip I uploaded to mess with viewers lol)
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