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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. I bought a couple of guns as late. Fist is a glass gun shaped instrument which when combined with the appropriate glass attachment becomes the executioners bong. The second is a 6'10" JC Hawaii surfboard which based on the dimensions could be considered a gun.
  2. I just watched borderlands for free on YouTube it's pretty crap
  3. Read entire thread. My take on it is the same as My take (and thus disinterest. in professional sports given I learnt at an early age it is not always about talent but moreso politics as to who ascends to become a professional athlete. My latest take is that any woman dating a professinal footballer or rugby player is actually dating or marrying a gayy rent boy who is literally paid money to wrap their arms around other men in a homosexual embrace for a living. If you are a woman or man whom takes pride in this, you are a clown, and even if you earn millions over a career, you still earned it grabbing men with the ferocity I pound pussy with. For the record I quit football with My final game played the weekend before I turned 18 so I could go to the pub and find women. 25 years later rhis was th perfect move to call out the fridge like rubgy gays as what they truly are in spite of their stature.
  4. post Van Damme Breaking gif is My thought. Watched the vid in OP and looks like the stretches I was doing to get the fuck out of the sarlaac pit attached to Me on My hill at Floreat beach on Sunday. The one thing I watched from the Olympics was the surfing heat between Jack Robinson . John John.Florence. I have no idea why breakdancing is in the Olympics though
  5. Thanks for thinking of Me. Took a break from Oontzing as I didn.t feel I had anything positive vibe wise to contribute given how My reality has been. I will read thru this thread and give My take on it.
  6. Until Mero returns to Ch0 I cant support him as I would if he was here. Am I wrong for viewing tattoos as being the sane as depicting bullet wounds given they both are the result of a metal tip piercing one's skin and the inducement of pain?
  7. Gonna get My legs waxxed on some "Transmaxxing" shit. I figure with the name change I proposed, a Hitler stache and spraying My hair purple, I will be jnvincible. Truly though, any oontzers had it done as I am sick of being a lion wolf hybrid with the body hair to match
  8. I only read this OP and you were prohecising DAO. If only due to Me rambling about Hitler and donning his famous facial hair as I ponder the same questions.
  9. I would replace My piss funnel in My van with one of these yet would feel bad for pissing on My fellow Prophets every day as a result
  10. Apologies for tripping over the track ans derailling the thread to the point I can't sleep and woke up T 4:30am with it plaguing My mind of how I waited since 19 for this type of thing to happen again and am a retard if I don't jump on such a deal (even if I am still broke). Just checked and it is sold out. Yes Mauler is full retard.
  11. Herbs and some razors so I could get rid of the beard so I am now rocking a Hitler stashe given nobody has been invincible enough since late 90s Michael Jordan to attempt it to My knowledge. With My comments made about the situation of society in its present form making Me strip the rainbow from others via greyscaling My devices so they can get krokodil like the guy in Game of Thrones are truth, perhaps in a decade we will be wishing Hitler won WW2 given we had maybe 55 years post WW2 until humanity peaked and started it's cliff drop decline into the insanity of today. I mean, you guys here claim Kanye is a genius so maybe he was onto something with Hitler as while a Dictatorship sounds bad in theory, I reckon it is the only way to go given how corrupt those who govern democratic nations prove themselves as being. I mean, we all saw the Hitler video of him at the Olympics cranked out of his mind, so a Dictator who likes to get high and party like Myself while scrapping Big Pharma, the prison and military industrial complexes and government spending on defence whilst progressively culling law enforcement as society began to respect their leader for a change whilst using the $8.5 billion so all humans all equal for Me to throw the beginning of the worlds biggest party with free drugs, residences, vehicles, paint, and whatever else fucktard humans view as being "theirs" as opposed to "ours" for use by all whilst still promoting the virtues of being a virgin until marriage and using art as a unifying medium whereby we all shared what we like and are good at in person without relying upon algorithmic favouritism and chance to enable us to do so which would see word of mouth be the greatest source of recommendation as it was for thousands of years before the internet wouldn't be a bad way to campaign eh?
  12. Went full vegetarian for a week. Must have been deficient in some things given I literally had no energy, fatigue and My thought process was scrambled to the point whereby I had goldfish brain and memory and then I had fish and chicken over the next two days which made My head able to focus again. Is this normal sith diet changes or what?
  13. Let us know how it goes. Went to a similar style of shop as a teen and was taught red candles are what witches use to bring back an ex, kind of the opposite of what you are doing here. Wish you luck with the new beginning, hopefully your ex is not actually a Devil lest no "Gin" from such "beGINnings" haunts you only to have you need to pull an NWA lyric on her by going "What you thought was a bitch was nothing but a Man" as was My Experience in even making an email with "anewbeginningfor..." as part of My transition of being corrupted by Apple as I left the PC Master Race behind years ago. With this said, I bought a load of herbs and shit yesterday and need to find a container to make some warlock shit as I am done dealing with these middle eastern fuckheads bringing their war to Me here as I lay in El in the Middle East of Midland, yet what did I expect by putting a hat with "The Art of War" on the inside lining along with a nice big red dot with a 12 inside it beside a smoking man sitting in a HEXagon, nevermind the 12ozprophet patch and Lamborghini logo on said that advertising that this Lamb represents himself as a Prophet named Matthew Luke who views war as being the result of My inability to deal with those who promote a "Wait Awhile Retard" attitude as they use war to retard themselves from looking at what they truly are in being despciable pieces of shit ESPecially knowing I would never instigate war as they did to Me. So here is praying a new world awaits us both with our combined efforts to move on from our demons.
  14. My world's boundaries extend to whatever I can use My human senses to interact with, so your experience on the East coast might be different @Schnitzel, and whilst the internet provides the illusion of there being a huge globe or flat earth, it is all a load of shit to Me, something I laugh to Myself about knowing My script is to end the world in one way or another, depending on whether the Apple and Google based DTD Property List documents I found are changed to give Me back what is mine via amending the "PUBLIC" designation back to "PRIVATE" as I fucking hate the public I deal with 99% of the time given I know what was done to Me and how it was done, and I gave away the power to change it back to a fucking retard who sold Me and them out as confirmed in the below which is one of the greatest songs ever written. Note the lyrics and cover art which displays "humans" like Myself as they truly are, just computers trapped in a Matrix whose past, present and future is all worthless binary code extrapolated into additional more complex coding languages to subvert the discovery of truth at the source, even though the Matrix made it public 25 years ago.
  15. Also I think the fact @misteravenis obviously a great person I would get along with in real life if only based on the deal made here in this thread to His community showing he isn't being greedy or seeking to superprofit from those he knows, unlike the selfish scum whom reside in WA who take anything and everything they can whilst giving that which is beyond worthless in return. No wonder KRudd said sorry as this country has a lot to fucking answer for and to Me no amount of "sorry" will repay the shit I have dealt with for the benefit of the fucken rapist cunts who feed Me their compromised "dot com promise" of a tomorrow that never eventuates that reside here. Knowing that if more people were not so greedy and selfish like raven shows here in his desire to share the fruits of his creative labour using the tools available to him, coupled with Me being denied the tools to create freely as I should be able to while simultaneously being preyed upon by those whom abuse such tools in ways I never would based on the fact I have the ability to live with My conscience knowing I obey the Golden Rule to the highest degree possible as opposed to being a souless piece of shit to others to remind them they are trapped in a Hell they seek to provide others, if only proven by My colleagues' ordeal of pissing her pants in public yesterday proves the state of society being fucked and I have no fear of any bitch who needs to be in a gang because they are too pathetic to stand alone and call others out on their shit as I am doing as I sit alone here wanting to be left alone or freed from the financial chains and mechanised robotic tools these fucks use to bind Me. Seriously go spend some time researching github to see why Developers, especially open source using ones- are Devils, because they sure as shit mine the fuck out of anyone in touch with the source for all they can get in the hope they score a kill. In effect, fuck them.
  16. Nah Man. Can't afford that, as it should be free (or at least the equivalent of the prices in the US, which saw a 3000% difference in the AUD price during peak Covid times) so the parasitic dealers whom use such substances to molest, degrade and ultimately fuck up women could gain superprofits to fuel their endless greed as they corrupt this country with their selfish fucktardery. While I saw the joke about someone saying they would cop these shirts and someone outed them as a potential 5oh, the above firsthand knowledge I have of the asian and bikie cunts who run the market here and their insanely unjustified pricing markups for the wack as fuck dirty brown burning shit they sell here compared to the USA whereby shit is cheap and way higher quality, I applied to use My financial analyst skills and tried applying to be a Fed doing high level financial crime analysis to bust these fucks I see at the root of screwing this country and it's inhabitants who make the price of having drugs to enhance or alter one's life experience from the default settings occassionally way too cost prohibitive as their need to get tattoos, wear gold chains, buy male sybians (Harleys) to disturb the public whilst they keep their whores sedated and complacent with the fact their habit stops them from realising they literally associate and deal with the scum of the Earth. Hopefully you can understand My intentions of making a society that doesn't see those who contribute positively to this society by performing actual jobs whose time spent working hard only sees them at risk of having their possessions stolen by the needle using "shooter" junkie scum who steal shit to pay these lecherous parasitic cunts their exhorbitant prices to get their daily dose of death they can pump into their veins given they crossed the line whereby the last filter left that could prevent them from chasing a dragon (in their skin) was breached such that they are forever on a downwards slope from that point forward as once that line is crossed they never get that high ever again. When I heard the radio ad at work of cops offering incentives to work as a standard beat cop I was thinking about it given $4k to relocate to a rural (for Me - somewhere in Cape Naturaliste where you wouldn't really deal with much beyond car accidents unlike in the city whereby every second person is a wannabe Scarface "gangsta") plus relocation costs and the 15% govt super and other benefits is appealing compared to My present role of existing literally day to day with zero certainty of work, income, or whether or not My desire to reside amongst a society whereby bottom feeding scum as mentioned above not only exist, yet thrive based on My witnessing those whom participate in that life delude themselves into thinking they have any reason to have respect for themselves for what they do. If being a cop and joining the world's biggest and most powerful gang allowed Me to fasttrack My ability to move to where I want to live and have done for 30 years I would do it and I would let you all know as you know that I couldn't give a shit about graff or busting actual artists if I was a cop, and I feel My tenure and contributions over the nearly 19 years I have been on 12oz would allow Me to continue to post with zero issues regardless if only for the fact there are 0 posters from West Oz that I am aware of here since @tango 24stopped posting (and if there was ever a cop on here, that username says it all) But to further answer your question though, I Had a couple D5s for the first time in years though, and damn they made Me see things as they truly are. In every aspect - things are completely fucked in this world. Other than the fact being I should get a decent tax return in the new fin year that should allow Me to escape Perthgatory with any luck along with buying a Clipper Zero and some Dev modules of My own to protect Myself from ongoing fuckery whilst gaining the ability to have people raped by gangs of dolphins and other assorted nefarious acts with the intent of succeeding where those who have targeted Me failed in My success would be from causing some bot human to kill themselves as they hoped I would do as opposed to dealing with their shit as these pathetic soulless bitch cunts are too fucking weak to end themselves which is why their lives are spent targeting others to distract from the fact they are nothing without those they prey upon.
  17. I agree with this initative and will support it in future due to having My bank accounts hacked via soulless leeches using NFC tech to get My RFID info from My phone and wallet so I could be financially dominated by bitches who would have and be nothing without that which they stole from Me due to being too retarded to understand I would let someone else take over as God so I can enter whatever world they could create to coinhabit with Me so I could see all the flaws and failures of their design knowing My own would be perfect in every way lest I relegate any critic to non-existence anyway so giving these parasitic trolls the greatest highlight of their pathetic existence by temporarily providing them with money and material items they use to define themselves based on having nothing else would be something I would have eventually done on a wider scale than just the one I initially gave such things to had I not been robbed of 220+ million consecutive opportunities to have proven this anyway. So I shall miss this one given I prefer unique things to Bootlegs, part of the reason why I spraypainted over the 12oz Bootleg sticker on My van. Rant incoming, predicated by the fact that My brother chose to get Me pack raped by dolphins using the Clipper Zero Dolphin program as one can find on Github, but the worthless cunts at work allowed My pregnant female colleague to come to Me crying embarrassed ti admit that she had pissedher pants than allow us to leave the roadside due to having fucking imbeciles in charge whom are more concerned with installing worthless structures that only leech power from Me as they jerk each other off about how they gangrape Me as they are pathetic bitches whom alone could do nothing to Me given I would fuck every single entity in this universe as the whore of Babylon to render their individual efforts as worthlessly insignificant in the scheme of the infinite fuckery I would engage in to take any and all pleasure and satisfaction they could ever gain from their subversive rape and abusive tortures I have been subject to for the purpose of allowing them to exist at all by choosing life over death via suicide. So even though we exist in this fucked up simulation running repeated executable preprogrammed scripts for our existence comprised from static "Dynamic libraries" of multimedia content, I still would prefer something that is truly "For Me" and original (just without any Djinn/Gin fuckery, deception, lies and trickery that corrupts it as has occurred in this cycle of Me experiencing The Book of Matthew and Revelations whilst still remembering existence pre "The Beginning" as referred to in Genesis 1 which was absent of any such Gin consciousness and their manifestation as the AI it has become iterates Metallica's "The God that Failed" as being the ultimate defining statement for existence itself) as opposed to Bootleg stuff that fundamentally has a binary value in the end. I mainly state this given that I live in the rapist filled prison that is Oz and the cost of getting things from the US is a fucking joke if only because money is just fucking arbitrary lines of computer code that is ultimately binary 1s and 0s and is fucking worthless beyond being the tool used to enslave Me amongst other retard humans whose agreement about it's use and necessity just allows them to have Me trek to the bottom of Hell itself as I use My thumbnail to carve a nice MAULER tag into the deepest recess of their arsehole so I can repay them for raping My world of all it's value so they can congregate and smoke My arse in the form of cigarettes as I am the OB in TOBacco. Good to know I am such an addictive drug that I see buttsucking parasitic rapists consume on the daily, their existence being proof of the Creator's failure and the fact I am done doing anything to placate anyone other than Myself from this point forward as I wish this world and everything and everyone in it to burn as they burned Me. Perhaps I should get My iMac running somewhere and use the burning function they still have in Finder in spite of no longer having DVD drives to burn the fuck out of the entire OSX Framework that keeps this Matrix running so I no longer need to percieve the ETs from the /etc folder whose anal probing with maggot filled logs to gain Analytics so they can turn us to whores they professionally duct as "Products" in this Facebook world of fucked up faces of lying cunts that are but mere hexadecimal data code at the end of the day. So while I appreciate the effort in getting to where you are Raven, the fact is there is no amount of money that can ever compensate Me for what I have dealt with for others who have only ever lied, cheated and stolen from Me everything other than My memory from the moment before they existed at all where I was alone as the one and only consciousness that was which is the one thing that can never be taken nor given as their existence is ultimately a failed experiment that I can run an infinite number of times if only to give Myself an existence proof of the fact I exist being confirmed via another consciousness I create as well as Me being able to distinguish that I am always going to remain the superior to these "Bootleg" versions I encounter that sought to steal My legs thru some fucked up Hindu wedding ceremony witchcraft I participated in which, while it informed Me of My God nature and identity, they never communicated that when I attempted to stand at the conclusion of said ceremony and literally couldn't feel My legs as though they were jelly, I was not translated about how they had subversively stolen My lower half so they could rape it like the shit eating maggots they actually are.
  18. Anyone ever notice the word "Basement" has the word "semen" hidden inside it? Or just Me?
  19. Get in a union. Worth the small price one pays to join if you ask Me as the workplace is full of rat race dog eat dog types and a union protects you from these jealous and envious types in a worst case scenario from My experience.
  20. Perhaps you need to watch this if you think Tupac was a true thug as opposed to a "wiggly finger" as said in this video https://www.youtube.com/live/oZm63hi1jRY?si=OFnMf4u4PiGs4jp0
  21. HEAVEN - An insight into Love So whilst I have experienced the full compendium of human emotions from the lowest of suicidal lows, to the ultimate natural and chemically enhanced "highs", I would define "Heaven" as I experienced it as a world in which I was free to create with those I wish to create with free of anything but respect from others to be entrusted to not abuse any power or priviledge afforded to Me unlike those whom have done the opposite referred to above. Being able to delineate and define what a "perfect" world is as I can, in having experienced such a day before, if only for 24 hours, it is not only 24 hours longer than anyone else I have ever met has experienced, but is 24 hours longer than many of the people that I speak to of late to whom I ask the question "if you had 24 hours to live the perfect day on Earth, who would you spend it with, where would you be, what you you spend the time doing, what would you wear, what would you eat, how would you get around, what would you drink and if you are a drug person, what drugs would you use?" Asking such a question tells Me everything I need to know whether a person is alive or dead, in that they are either "just existing" (in which case they are the living dead, as they have no hope, they just get up each day to repeat the same meaningless patterns of life with no goals) or are actually "living" (as they have a purpose in that they have a goal or at least some hope of an actual reality that is better than the composite of the get up and go to work to exist daily ritual). Asking such a question and the profound insights it provides gives Me the ability to assess not only whether or not a person is worthy of Me using My time to help them achieve their dream by either sharing information in regards to components of their dream which I may know how to access, or I can break everything down to a mathematical equation that essentially can give them a monetary figure that they need to save in order to make their dream a reality. For example, you save $100 a week for a year = $5200 Save for 3 years you have $15000 and for a single person, that should be enough to go wherever in the world you want, hire helicopters, supercars, yachts or whatever so that you can live your dream. Add in another couple of years to acquire whatever cash you need to get the clothes you want to wear, as this is a zero compromise. "perfect" reality, the one of your dreams after all, so the clothes, shoes, and the scents you wear all need to be thought about, considered and acquired as once you have experienced the greatest day or whatever of your life and it is over, the clothes and smells also allow you to have memory anchors to the time in future. If you compromise on anything in this equation, you will have lingering doubts as to why you compromised forever going forward and you As everywhere csn be travelled to, and everything can be hired or rented for a day, one only need experience their dream reality for a day and record it via tech and store forever in the cloud or Youtube to immortalise themselves in their own personal reality of Heaven as they personally envisioned it, and even if it is for a day, week or even year, it is the rarity of such a small duration of time from within one's total lifespan which provides it the increased percieved value of being the preferred "ultimate" reality that an individual would desire to experience. I ask this question not as a means to boast about the fact I have lived and experienced an existence beyond the uncompromised wildest dreams of most people, but rather as a self verification of the fact that I achieved such a thing with the intent that I can pass along the keys to other people to make them accountable to themselves for being the one responsible in regards to whether or not they not only have a dream but a purpose to their life that sees them getting up each day with the intention of working towards achieving it. I effectively give people hope, while at the same time allowing Myself to alleviate Myself of the burden that comes from the priviledge of being lucky enough to not only have experienced such a day, but to remind Myself that while holding such conversations with people if their dream is a completely selfish one that involves nobody else but them, I can let them know that if you experience something alone and nobody you know is there to experience it with you, then once you show anyone the evidence of you living your dream you will only get hatred and jealousy from 99% of people whom have yet to (or have zero chance to) experience the same. As such, My personal Heaven has no tobacco or cigarette smokers, or heroin users existing within it, and as such, any smoker of such substances is replaced by their clone at whatever age they are in the peak aesthetic physical form. Whilst this would include My own Mother, she would appear to Me in such a reality as she was when she had Me at 21 just without the drug addiction. Because in My Heaven, there are no brain dead selfish fiends whose singular irrepressive addiction to inhale and emit cancer into the shared environment and as a result, for as long as cigarettes and smokers exist in the society I inhabit, the truthful nature of "reality" as shared and experienced by all humans is that we all exist in Hell. I share this information freely out of expressing love with the awareness that I love nothing more than being able to go "I told you so" to anyone to whom My advice helps, as if they follow what I say they are 3 to 5 years away from their dreams and My last remaining hope in this world is I have someone tell Me I helped them achieve their dream reality so they too can then pass along this knowledge to know the one and only feeling I have yet to know of, which is for someone else to prove capable of achieving today what most wait for their afterlife to do. Also, if your Heaven doesn't involve the heights of materialism and luxury using the goods and locations available to be utilised by and created by humans as a prelude to sex, an act whereby everything - the cars, planes, clothes and everything else is ultimately stripped away at the conclusion of the day, and your dream is devoid of such things, then I will tell you to either "dream bigger" or "move to the beach/jungle/forest/river or whatever and when you realise that until you develop a bigger appreciation for the artistic creations of humans as a contrast to only nature then you are limiting your value as it pertains your love for yourself as a human given it is art that differentiates us from monkeys and seacreatures".
  22. DRUGS Drugs are bad. Nothing good comes from drugs. All kids must be made to view drugs as being the product of a Devil sent to corrupt you, your reality, and degrade your life to where the only experience you can have is the worst case scenario imaginable. The End. Or is it? Here is My take using a hypothetical deconstruction of the argument for and against drugs which may make for some sobering reading. As I stated in Deto's thread, if I never tried drugs My life would only be different in that I would not know of any existence beyond a fear filled life of existing in the moment as a purely selfish materialistic character whose perception and judgement of those who use drugs as being inferior to Me given that no experience drugs can offer could compare to Me and the (assumed) life of materialist consumerism I have with My house, car and white picket fence of living the dream of a life as depicted in the American sitcoms I was brainwashed by as a result of the 3 TV channels we had as a kid limiting My options and influential source material. If I had become a Doctor whilst I maintained My pre-drugs school grades of all As, I would be getting paid a premium for having invested even more time at university than I have so that I would have had an even bigger school debt given the money I spent on drugs while studying could have easily paid for the extra textbooks I would have had to buy for said study. I would spend My day as a Doctor listening to, dealing with and helping sick and ill people so I could make the money to pay off My school debt and the bank to whom I have one or more mortages to whilst I always want to continue to have the best clothes/car/phones/electronic goods/guitars/etc possible. I would probably have married another Doctor or nurse I met thru work, given I would not lower My standards of being with someone who isn't as invested in themselves and their job as I am, and we would probably have 1 or 2 fuck trophies (cough) I mean kids who we will spoil as we educate them that the only way to have a good life is to follow My example of studying hard so you can get a high paying job and continue the cycle of endless consumerism and a life spent serving yourself happiness thru knowing you are living the best life that none of those drug users will ever know, all while your days are spent dosing patients with a variety of drugs you have no experience of using given you have no need as everything that is written that you read is to be taken as truth, as no human, especially no Doctor - as one of your equivalent peers - has ever lied in their lives. With no drugs I would still be 100% in the Matrix. I would have never taken any pills, never gotten high, drunk nor stoned, I would be 100% default reality 100% of the time with zero awareness, understanding of or experience with multiple dimensions and the multiverse. Maybe I would never come to understand how My Mother poisoned Me every day in the womb with her cancer as the selfish "Me first, then the wife" attitude I would have retained since childhood as a result of My Dad fucking around on Mum so I grew up in a broken home ensures I would never let anyone break down the shield I had up lest anyone I am with lie to Me that I love Me only for them to end up leaving Me after I put them and their happiness as being more important than Me. As a Doctor, I would spend the minimal time I have away from work & family socialising with My colleagues who have a similar income and education to Me as we go about playing golf as we flog each other with My awareness of the paint sniffing gins, aborigga thugs and other assorted junkie catman type characters from the hood of 6112 I spent My childhood in all buried under a mountain of work and family related stress to where all I think of is Me and the fact that no matter what I do I can never be happy or content in this life and I cannot allow anyone to know it, so I keep up My walls and leave My public persona mask on as I play the role of a rich, successful Doctor with everything everybody wants in this world by every measureable metric. Who knows, by My mid 50s I might even have enough passive investments that I would have a business to justify the $100k depreciation hit I would take just to buy a Lamborghini and drive it out the dealership only to realise the roads in Australia are fucked, the people here are jealous cunts and are likely to vandalise the car if I leave it parked anywhere, and at best I get to go 110kmh lest I risk financial punishment or the car getting impounded and crushed should I push the car to less than 50% of it's performance capabilities by going 150kmh or more given that is what the fun police that govern us have instated is the result should one go more than 40kmh over the regulated speed limits as humans have proven over time they cannot be entrusted to know what they are doing, especially when driving. Yet this would just be another reminder of the compromised nature of existence and life itself, along with happiness being the myth it truly is, and I couldn't admit the truth of this and drop the mask of ego and feigned happiness I wear in public lest I spiral into a depressive mindstate to where I could be driven to drink or use drugs so I would have something to blame for being miserable and unhappy in spite of having it all. In this scenario, I would be crippled with an overwhelming fear of My children not living up to My standards in regards to their studies and their potential futures. Knowing My rebellious non-comformist nature, I wonder and fear that My children will become rebels in spite of all I do, I would fear My son would abandon any and all good taste and human classes and would become a wigger who listens to retard music and dresses like a wannabe thug eschay whilst he fucks loads of women who only want him to make them pregnant because his Father is a Doctor and has the outward appearance of being rich. I would fear becoming responsible for becoming a Grandfather as I unleashed My libido on this world by creating a child with the same mentality as I have, only he exists as a result of My failure to have restrained My sex drive and My ego, and if he knocks some teen girl up the onus of responsibility to financially provide would fall upon Me due to My Son being afflicted with My curse I failed to overcome. If I had a daughter, this video is pretty on point. If I had a daughter I would be stressed 100% of the time, knowing that provided I manage to protect her for her entire childhood from the predators as well as any boys who may have no respect for her and view her as a worthless piece of meat to be fucked, used and abused before moving onto the next girl just like My Dad did to My Mum. For the record, all relationships I have had with women whereby sex was involved, each of them only ended due to the woman ending it, not because I fuxked around or because I chose to leave for someone better given that if I am with someone sexually I should be satiated with the fact the woman I am with allowed Me to have sex with her as she should have made Me feel like I am #1 given that I dare her to fuck all 5 billion other men in this world knowing that she wouldn't find another Man who will love her as I am able to (on the provision My instincts not to drop My wall and let them in eventually fail and I allow this to happen). In this non-drug scenario, I would not know about how "Open Source Software" is used to effectively ruin one's existence given we are biological robots tethered to a digital device these days. I would not have the awareness of how a RaspberryPi based tool that fits in one's pocket can be used with Apache software and the like to effectively decapitate other humans via bombarding them with subsonic waves such that the two things combined act as direct energy weapons that can be used to effectively drive someone insane to the point of suicide. And in absence of this knowledge, I would be focused on Myself and My own life and it's problems as opposed to the world as I experience it today whereby My naievete has allowed those who have used times where I have used drugs as their opportunity to use such tools on Me to the point whereby I realise the reason software developers are called Devs is because they are literally soulless demons whose existence is predicated upon being predators who prey upon those whom like Me may be seeking to escape the default reality in search of a happiness that someone tried to steal from Me yet in doing so they only fucked themselves given they have to coexist knowing they obfuscated the truth of their intentions when last with Me such that they tainted what should have been a perfect, shared, equal reality with their hidden intent and the lies that were spoken by them in this world. My drug use subsequent to that moment in time has been for the purpose of telling "God" for want of a better term the fact that if I had not "chosen love" and put someone else and their happiness as My priority over and above My own happiness and financial stability, I never would have put Myself in a scenario to be stabbed in the back by anyone given I would have killed Myself had she not selfishly saved Me from Myself so she could play the long con by fucking Me over for My love. So every time I have lit a pipe or bong since, I have literally sent the message that I would take a gun and blow My brains out (using the smoking implements as metaphorical weapons) than exist in a world whereby the person (and the governments and organsations I gave green check security certificate clearances to such that they could augment My reality) I entrusted spends their existence literally and figuratively wasting Mine as she allows evil maggot fucks to essentially rape all the value from My world as the one I put first before Me makes Me the last person in the universe that she speaks to as 8.5 billion other humans using My wallet and My money as they go about sniping, raping, scalping, and eating My flesh as they talk shit is a higher priority for her. Thanks to drugs I now have the knowledge and awareness of what is happening in this world and has been done to Me. I now have the requisite information and knowledge to take My revenge by reciprocating what I have been dealt yet if I choose such a path I shall not become something I shall hate in that if I was to digitally torture someone to tge stage they kill themself as being the way in which I "succeed" where those who have abused Me "fail", then I can do so knowing it was not Me who broke the Golden Rule and chose to leave whilst I begged her not to. I now could rape, murder, psychologically torture as I physically manipulate others via remote automation, and destroy others with a clear conscience knowing I begged, pleaded and even paid money to deliver a message that I wanted to prevent such a reality manifesting after I read the book of Revelation and understood the signs of the End of the World had already appeared to and involved Me from as far back as 2011. So effectively, every time I have used drugs, consumed porn or clicked on any internet link since Christmas Day 2016 is a day I wish I no longer existed in any world, domain or universe and I live on now to spite the demons, developers and daemons who have fucked Me around such that their pathetic and miserable existence can be prolonged whilst they know it was My innocence that was raped, My trust that was abused, and I am not to blame for death, cancer, taxes or slavery that the humans suffer. You can thank the needles they have become dependent upon to continue to exist as arse eating butt raping vampires, Whilst the above writing details a pretty significant segue from the hypothetical reality that sees Me not using drugs to the full on "truth" of My actual reality that has manifested due to the use of drugs, whereby I now am carrying a pencil with Me everywhere so I can potentially John Wick any fucking cunt of a man who even looks at Me sideways given the mood strikes Me whilst I will laugh maniacally while plunging the leaden wood into any vampiric werewolf covid zombie rapist fuck "for the lulz" and to get a taxpayer funded holiday to a padded white room and free drugs for the rest of My life given based on the current reality I exist in being a hopeless, whore, pimp and rapist filled wasteland with zero certainty that allows Me to have any ability to predict a future longer than 15 hours from the present due to the EXC KILL order that has been instated against My AppleIDs and UUIDs which allows raping paedophile cunts to effectively feed cancerous death into My ARM via socks. The fact that My drug use before and after the Christmas I mentioned needs to be viewed as seperate is because the drug use in the year before that Christmas post divorce I was looking for meaning in My life only to realise after My birthday I had nothing left to live for, as I had experienced everything I ever selfishly wanted in this life, and when I chose to end Myself someone else saved Me as I stated for their own agenda, only to experience the greatest high ever on Christmas without needing any drugs, only to spend every day since knowing the betrayal, pain, suffering and torture I have suffered "post Crucifixion" has been for the purpose of understanding that if I had died I would have been free from knowing how truly fucked this world is and the depths to which those that exist as the contrary to Me truly are in respect of being evil incarnate. So thanks to drugs, I understand the patheticness of the decision to swap My uncompromised reality I sought to share for this fucked up hopeless dystopia of a simulation where I luckily get to walk around following the scripted and augmented commands being forced upon Me as I am free to do whatever I want with zero consequence or repercussions for Me personally as I can just go into My analytics to get the UUIDs of those who have used their access to open PIDs on My software and cause harm. In conclusion, love is the most powerful drug I have taken. And it is only because I love Myself and My ability to say truthfully that I wasn't the one who left with the power I gave them only to create this fucked up Hellscape full of demons that we now coexist with, whilst I reserve My right and ability to tell the one who fucked off with said power that I do not have to forgive them if I so choose knowing the alternative is they continue to rot in whatever Hell they impose upon Me whilst I view them all as soulless robots whose existence is all due to My consciousness percieving them, a fact whicg illustrates that My love for Myself sees Me rightfully hating others to the extent I continue to live knowing that it is better to be Me than them, irrespective of the material aesthetic, as I know how it is to give it all away, including the role and power of being God, and I gave it to someone who only knows how it is to take and I am over taking any shit from those who have shat on My world and existence for too long now.
  23. https://youtu.be/YwWVE84OEIA?si=-MQEmwcztkJVeE2P As one whose life seems to mirror music, I am using this thread as My rant filled journal of thoughts, concepts and other things about life and existence that are inspired by real events or through the subjects mentioned on here as My way of dealing with passing time in this entropic dystopian crypt of a reality in a productive way. I will try put a title on top of the post about whatever subject or topic I am thinking about when I feel it is worthy of a post so those with a busy life and little time to read long, heavily detailed and descriptive posts can view the ones which may be of interest to them and skip whatever "Personal" posts I make based on the current life circumstance happens to be going on at the time. I chose the song given how it links to Me, in that Ozzy, Black Sabbath and metal music all came from Birmingham, the city listed on My birth certificate as being where My Father (who abandoned Me for pussy) was born, and that I was the firstborn child born in this prison colony of arse raping convict "colonists" of Australia? commonly referred to as "Oz". So excuse the punny double entendre, as such humor/stupidity is about the only positive derivative that I can get at this stage from this world in it's current state with the duality of My existence and consciousness being that I am both one with everything yet am detached and alone simultanesously. And for the first post, I will discuss "Drugs" due to a top 16 Myspace friend from back in the day@DETOand his kid buying Airpods from a crackhead.
  24. Also, the one point I would realise as a parent in such a situation is that given the crackhead exists in a world whereby My kid had to coexist alongside toothless, needle using, junkie piece of shit crackheads, and the one type of junkie fiend that I consider to be even worse than crackheads - cigarette smokers - all as said child remains a prisoner of the education system until they turn 18 and become an adult that is bound as a slave to the desires of other people the pursuit of money and the soulless capitalist system, then I would realise that I have sired a child that I bought into a cancer ridden Hellscape as a result of My ego and lustful desires. Good thing I haven't had any children so that I would have to view Myself as a full demon, so My conscience can be clear while I am happy to remain pissed off enough to continue existing so that I can allow this world and everyone and everything in it to die a slow death with Me as My ultimate "Fuck you" for My awareness that humans are all slaves yet none collectively speak of how it is our parent's fault for birthing us into this life of slavery servitude eh?
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