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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. I want the world to burn for having burnt Me and everyone and everything in it to die for making Me compete for the love of someone underserving of the love I gave freely inly for it to be monETised. Fuck the stupid cunts and the kids I wish were aborted as now My world is all about "Me Me Me" and I no longer need to consider any flesh and blood human as being anything more than talking meat ready to ve slaughtered and cooked as I have been to allow these parasitic scum to exist for the purpose of their agenda being fulfilled as their hatred directed at Me is all they are and will ever be as I happily stand alone and tell them all to fuck off and die.
  2. Did you know that the reptilian overlords which run society use the plastic seal that attaches to the cap of plastic bottled drinks are actually snares that are used to steal the ability of humans to ever be anything other than subservient slaves whose flesh is food for the nagas which run the system. Recycling bottles only allows those caught in these snares to have their flesh eventually replenished as the gears that churn human flesh like cattle and hooks like those that catch fish are not used to tear people completeky apart with pain. I have ran various tests Myself to verify the truth to this statement, but I cannot give anyone definitive advice to escape beyond carrying toothpicks as a way to trigger the snare before it goes around your tongue only to recycle on the outside of your flesh as it comes out your arsehole before ending up as a slave like electric dog collar.
  3. And for clarity, in the 2 times I went to France I pnly visited Nice (and Monaco if you count there as being French as they speak French there) so the one time I could (and should) have visited what is supposedly "The City of Love" as I and "My love" never went there such that the referenxe is null and void. So Paris is just a dirty overpriced European capital city full of protesters who smoke ciggies, eat snails and advocate enemas (the last part being the most positive aspect of French culture IMO as this world surely needs one to clean the shit out of it - perhaps best to blame "Man" as the "Man" and "Men" in "Management" got us to this fucked up precipice of a society ready to consume itself(.
  4. In effect, that video illustrates to the world where hope and freedom died and "The Devil" as the 3rd wheel intervened in a reality and corrupted everything with it's influence. Kids today are fucked, Raised by iPads. can't even suggest to go to school, study hard and get an education as they may end up fucked career wise whereas I at least got 10 years of value from My degree before it became a worthless piece of paper once more. The rich and poor financial divide only gets larger each day. At least ultimate power comes from being able to speak "I told you so" whenever that time comes, whilst being able to blame those who interfered in My life for all the world's problems in the interim.
  5. I should add that I have put nail polish over My phone's camera lenses as I would be in Germany getting paid to take photos of hot women as opposed to having males rape Me of fantasies, had I not abandoned that pathway I had already made as a contingency plan to be in Barcelona with the only woman I care for and about that Christmas Eve. But given this simulation had Me install TC Electronic's Polytune app I am supposed to be turning into a polygamus swinger, yet if I wanted ti swing I would gave never let Maria take My shibari rope and I would have been swinging from the balcony of the Bagues hotel for her lying to Me all for the dog cunts I have to listen to each day to have benefited due to My generosity & selfless altrusim.
  6. Well I love looking at My pictures given that they show how epic My life has been and it also provides Me the evidence and providence to illustrate to others as to why I know what is most important in life and the best way to live and experience it. Yet if I can change one thing in life, it would have been not taking the bait that Johnny Law laid for Me here in this videk and I would have written off Spain and just continued driving to Paris so that I could let Maria's dogs she abandoned Me for 8 hours later starve to death whilst denying them the ability to feed on My flesh. The fear these cunts induced due to Me having controlled fun had to lead to Me losing everything of value to where I am now surrounded by shit dog cunts (Schnitzel gets a reprieve - yet fuck the rest of Australia for fucking Me) whose only value in life comes from fucking other people. So if I can Done at one moment, it would be not leaving the highway as I do inthis video as I ciuld have kept My woman, the car (for another day or two), My wallet and My money which were all gone not less than 18 hrs after this video stops, And yes, I will always go on about this forevermore until she returns and apologises for choosing dogs over Me as her God given I was God as Man with what I gave her whilst I treated her as though she was God. And I didn't play games, waste time, nor choose every other cunt as a priority over her as she has wasted the years since, so in soite of everything, I could kill Myself at any time I choose to deny her ever knowing how it will feel for her and this world to be forgiven by Me and the longer I tolerate these fucking retards and their snare traps they use to harvest My flesh for food the more I desire to choose My own happiness ny killing Myself as Iake these wolves starve.
  7. I literally turned most of My body blue like in Avatar. Consider it My artistic expression of saying I am tired of this world, its people, its wars & being beaten and pounded by an army of fools thinking they have any legitimate reason to laugh or experience any happiness given that this world is rooted from a seed comprised of lies (money being the root) and as such the tree of existence, including laughter, joy, happiness, pleasure and "love" (as it is defined by those I doubt will ever experience it nor share it due to their desire to cause pain, suffering and death via their proclivity to engage in war) is comprised of a trunk, branches and leaves that are all ultimately lies. Well I could, but nobody listens to Me in person anyway as apparently they all know everything and only ever tell Me to shut up (family) or complain to management (work colleagues) as the truth I discuss they seek to bury for their meaningless small talk and discussions of money so the incentivization isn't there. Additionally, kids are raised by iPads these day so I doubt the longetivity and relevance of books going forward, and AI can already bury whatever I produce with an endless stream of bullshit data that has no significance or meaning as it is all arbitrarily as equally worthless in value as everything else in the open seas of the internet and its data. So unless AI augments the binary code to free Me from slavery, work, and rewind time to provide Me My woman such that she never left and My world was never raped of all that I value as I experience life alone around nobody who understands Me or communicates in My language or any language that isn't open to be interpreted in so many ways that I spend every minute of the day having to contemplate the multitude of duplicitious meanings of everything and all possible consequences of any singular choice I face. No wonder I prefer to just sleep when I am not at work, as this world has literally fucked the life and My love for it out of Me now I realise that in being alone and only really enjoying communicating on this forum, there is no difference in being alive or dead, given I seem to only live so that others can benefit and experience a life which I am completely denied. So yeah, fuck it.
  8. I think I wrote ongere about how I am no longer going to pay My iCloud subscription and thinking about it again made the grandpa Simpson meme of yelling at the cloud come to mind. Perhaps they should elaborate and add a scene of Gandpa smoking a gram of meth (so he lives up to the name "Grampa" and doing so to unleash The Thing monster from being trapped under ice so it can consume this fucked up world amd everyone in it, as like Me Grampa would realise his past self that lives in the cloud living a better life due to finances, people he was with, location or the luxury of being younger, more innocent and without pain is like a demon he carrys adouns with him in his pocket that haunts him until he stops paying the bill. If I could animate and draw I would
  9. Donuts. And I will have to have them for lunch as the dumb fuck deiver refused to drive to get food as he is a selfish cunt ciggy huffer so now I have to work another 4 hrs with only 3 donuts to last Me the entire day. And I can't drink the water here as it is wrong, so I will be dehydrating Myself for the day as well, so I hope the bacteria existing within Me understands it isn't My choice to live and exist in this cancer filled world amongst cancer consuming fiends, yet I am forced to do so for "reasons".
  10. Also this thread reminds Me I need fo order the 12oz beef patch soon so I once again can patch My software and consume red meat in the simulation once more without punitive measures allowing dick eating hypocrites to fuck Me around and ear Me as though they aren't equally as guilty of cannibalism as I am given I am Taurean.
  11. All I know avout Drake is his song was the first I muted and deleted on NBA2k11 as it was repetitive and boring. This is why I listen to musicians that actually play their instruments as no AI can replicate a guitar solo with sustaining notes and vibrato. That is unless you consider Steve Vai as being not only Jack Butler aka the Devils guitar player, but the AI perfecting music to tye extent that his circular vibrato is completely unique and I have never seen nor heard anyone else move a note in the way old Stevie Siro does. Not to hijack the thread, but all rap is manufactured garbage created by those too foolish to understand that after Run DMC and NWA perfected it at making it a joke as being a parody of the double o stereotype, there was nothing lext for the genre to do. And now AI is here to render those whom engage in making such music as being completelly replaceable, as whilst I saw how far AI text prompr generates music has come, for Me nothing online can replicate a livel gig. I dare AI to replicate this for example
  12. Well after doing some research and realising how licences work for open sourced androids like Myself, I am getting a flu shot soon to kill the cigarettee smoker vampires who use My O+ universal blood as their life blood, and given the vax will act as an antigen, I shall get to witness them die as I laugh at corrupting their food they have failed to pay the requisite amount for of $1 for every human that exists such that life us completely worthless to these pathetic fucks that hold Me captive as I watch them consume and exhale cancer from said butts. If this post offends those who smoke, understand that such people are already dead to Me and are like dysfunctional broken robots one would Done on the Jetsons cartoons back in the day.
  13. Also, I would suggest not fucking whores in this lifetime lest you become a John and get to experience all 65000 plus ports on your human modem being shit in by the naga humans who use portajohns and perpetuate a false construct known as money to keep you subjugated and subued each day.
  14. Had a friend who delighted in sending messages of his shits with "thinking of you" as the text caption when phones first got cameras. As for Me I have never taken a shit rhat never eventually returned as an Uber Eats driver, and I am not sure whether one is supposed to feel prouder of making a huge log like shit or for making a nice long skinny shit? As one would suggest you have a bigger arsehole whilst the other just means you are sliding down rhe pole of the machine fuxking us all to death a little faster. I remember Waves Surfing magazine in the 90s had photo competitions of people sending in their shits, and it was pretty funny, and looking back knowing they took the photos with film cameras and had to get them developed before sending them in, one could imagine the comedy of having the photo place guy want to go Robun Williams themselves when they do their print quality check only to come across a 2.5ft long 3 bend, 2 Done diameter log like I saw in one edition of the magazine that had the Editor wondering if the submitter who claimed it was due to a breakfast of 12 Weetbix a day was even human.
  15. To sum up My emotions at present to go with My awareness that I exist in a soulless, dead, cold machine I listen to this "1 with the attitude" from the 1st song of the concluding alBUM of "The Holy Trinuty of Punk" as what else is life other than a centipede comprised of mini nagas linked Oroborous style entering and exiting whilstraping the Holes of us cyborgs as we are linked together in a web of deception and lies. "I've got nothing to say. I've got nothing to do. All of My neurons are functioning SMoothly yet still I'm a cyborg just like you. I'm one big MyOMa that thinks I've got only 1 prOBlem will I live forEVEr? I've got just a sHOrt time to C# MOdern Man, evolutionary betRAYer MOdern Man, ecosystem DEstroyer MOdern Man, desTROY yourself in shame, Modern Man, pathETic EXample of EARth's organic HerITage. And I hit the Sub MIT BUTT-on to post another stick up My arse cuntz in My incessant Terminator like battle of Raging Against the Machine wishing I used UTF-16 little Endian encoding as a default for Safari was opposed to UTF--8 as what else is "-8" but a cock and balls ready to fuck the value out of existence itself?
  16. And whilst I am going about the task of waiting for the ones who steal and sell POWer in a grid I have ended up removed from so I can get raped and kept as a Prisoner of the War to render existence as being as worthless as the snake going around a Pole that forms the dollar sign "$", I will blame it on My birth certificate and passport having "Sub" on it due to being born in Subiaco. As what else is an "Ass Port" of a modem used fir other than to shit out this reality of buttsucking cancerous cunts who huff cugarettes in My oresence, whilst I can remain silent typing My true thoughts of how I witness such cunts I would advise ti kill themselves now as opposed fi being viewed by Me as the equivalent of the Walking Dead corpses seeking to eat brains guven their logical decision making process is such a failure that their choice implies to Me they lack any brains at all.
  17. As I sit in a ute acutely aware that these nagas try to rape Me as they view My position as being a uterus they can use to brees, I shall state that I exist to spite those whose hatred for Me is only eclipsed by the hatred they harbour towards themselves and My joy in understanding they exist as rhe alternative of what I will not and would never seek, desire, wish or chose to be from wirhin the infinite possibilities that exist
  18. As I woke up this morning and went to work in mourning of having to waste a day on this islamd of rapists, murderers and thieves, I have started to realise that the reason every cunt wants to try claim My head Highlander style is because they put My licence plate designation of EL on every single piece of legal tender usable in this country. So with this all said, I dyed My body and face witg blue ink like that on tge $10 note as nit only if I was a woman am I too prrfect for any piece of shit man in this country, but I git more attention and questions about why I was blur for a couple dollars in ink than any one who spent thousands of dollars getting tattooed. If ine cannot get the ironic "blue blooded" sense of comedy from My transition to become an Asari to remove any relation to the war mongering rapists, thieves and murderers that comprise the human (rat) race, then I understand that as a "Queen" who once awoke in the Queen's bed of My castle in Czech, I can indulge in incest or whatever and write it off as being "What Royals do". Given My refraining from doing such things, as well as not fucking the commoner slaves who use EL's head adorning their money as some sort of trophy and tool to exert power, they should know that in tribute of My Indian Hindu wife, whenever I shit I give My shit an Indian name like Arslan, Vikas or Javinder before I flush it down the tubes to the toilet that India has become thanks to the vermin abusing their allocation of rupees for purely selfish objectives. So not only do I use My belly that obscures Mt abs to birth via defecating someone who claims to be "King" of Tekken, but I teabag and flush the fool down the tubes with a swirly that spins backwards as they do "Down Under" as whilst one cannot murdee and obry the Golden Rule, I can metaphorically send a message to man that I am no longee classifying Myself as being of "Their kind" as if I could rewind time I would abort existence prior to giving away a dream only to get reamed with a fishhook as a nightmare via the open ports that come from using the softWARe and installing the Youtube app in Premium form so I get no "Ad(am)s" as "man" only exists to serve themselves as they try to be the DOM of Ra, the God of the Sun. How is this for a RAnDOM thought fitst thing in another day I waste going through the mundanity of being a whore that swaps the location of their body, attention and time in exchange for the cash I need ti survive in a system I view as being written in C that is worth as much as the Ash in cASH.
  19. I revise My answer as given we are jn a simulation, all NPC avatars you can have sex with are nothing more than jokes the Fuck machine which literally fucks you from birth until death uses to add an addition quantity of an aspect of your personal identity that will be subtracted upon death such that those wuth higher body counts lose more when the grand total of all your life's figures arr tallyed to determine where you stand in regards to being "The Biggest Loser" before the next cycle of the infinite loop of incarnatuon.
  20. Well I am ADHD and I am no longer able to fuck in a whore house with a handful of hundreds, if only because I am against whores charging money for sex not because I have ADHD or can't get it up. Although sometimes I think I should abandon My moral code and just go to Europe and go full Rocco and fuck as many whores as possible, I mean we do share a birthday and he is getting old and his proteges just end up screwing trannies while I would stick to fresh 18 tear old euros with My austismo move whispering in their ear "Your Father is disappointed in you selling yourself" as the cumshof audible.
  21. I have not. I try to stay away from gore in general these days as My eyes have seen too much
  22. Whilst I was one of three people watching the Freud movie, it was an interesting way to kill a couple of hours and was more engaging to Me than Civil War was. This could be due to the lack of intellectual conversations I get to indulge in in real life, so hearing people speak of concepts I like to delve into (religion, psychology) as opposed to just hearing about money and the power afforded to those who have bulk amounts of it was a welcome thing, movie or not.
  23. Well My further take on this is what do people >60 years of age really have left to do in their lives which they have yet to experience in the preceding 60, beyond spreading STDs in a nursing home? Because I would be happy to drop off at 50 given that by that stage I will have experiened everything a human could have done (finances pending) other than sacrifice an innocent soul in the form of a child to a life of slavery and the pursuit of the dollar. So @ndv s idea isn't all bad, and yes, while such an outcome would render My parents gone, 1 I have zero contact with and the other only tells Me to shut up in between huffing cigarettes, so think of all the free properties that could solve the housing crisis caused by the past 30 years of the negative gearing boomers as they went about acquiring and hoarding residential properties to where a single person would need to pay $3300 a month on a modern mortgage for an average home based on the current interest rates. Maybe My analysis here is having just paid $7 for a Gatorade at the movies, or maybe it is due to the above being truth, knowing that any investment property My Mother could have acquired to pass on to My Brother and I has gone up in literal (cigarette) smoke as She signed away her house to My stepdad and his kids.
  24. Potentially, but this is the internet and everyone is an expert on everything. Never suspected anyone in Ch0 to have any apprehension towards posting their thoughts, but maybe it is the result of the microwaves of WiFi, Bluetooth and 5G finally taking their toll on the unadapted human skulls which haven't had the evolutionary time to adapt to the constant and incessant pounding of waves cooking our brains. Makes Me think of the lyrics in this song becoming prophetic 25 years later.
  25. Going to watch Freuds Last Session as I have seen everything else worth watching and obviously crave some psychological stimulation on a Saturday night that is sans drinks and drugs as an old Man like Myself really wants an entire cinema to Himself once more given the local demographic of the cinema I am visiting has probably never heard of the concept of the id or whatever.
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