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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. Why they so this is beyond Me. This is "My" scent, and whilst I am glad they stopped making it (as I never will ever meet anyone else who wore it), the fact that one bottle was lost to hotel cleaning staff within an hour or two of checking out after I got wrecked at a bank staff Christmas party and left it there, and My other bottle being left with My Dad in 2017 when I first became homeless and had to live in My car for a week while I found a place to live, onky for him to not have returned it when he gave Me the rest of My shit. Considering I wore this for 3 weddings, and My Dad took the 6 hour round trip thru Indian traffic for Me to go back to Delhi's Giorgio Armani store to buy a bottle the day after I first tested it, and My second bottle being acquired in Melbourne as both a souvenier (sp?) and because they had stopped making it by that time a year or two later, it is a crime against My reality that I am not able to inhale this scent every single day for the rest of My life, costs be damned. https://www.fragrantica.com/perfume/Giorgio-Armani/Armani-Prive-Ambre-Orient-10885.html
  2. If only I had My high school ball pictures, I legit ended up with this haircut in a limo after getting a haircut day of the balll, only to wash the product out of My hair, and once it dried it saw it end up in this state, and I was alread too busy popping pills, drinking beers and smoking bongs to have noticed how it ended up until the pictures arrived. I never knew that America had drive thru teller machines though until I went there, yet here they are removing ATM machines to where they are reducing the reliance on physical cash. Or because I as Matt am over dealing with the asses that come about due to ATM and all that.
  3. Thanks Man. I am going well, getting used to walking on My toes so that I can get My running speed back, as I was once the fastest kid in school but age and quitting football the week I turned 18 to go to pubs to pursue women as opposed to sharing showers with men saw Me have no real need to maintain that which I did subconsciously as a child. For anyone with back pain, I recommend walking on your toes for as long as you can each day until you get used to it as it will help your posture and engage muscles that remain dormant if you just walk heel to toe all the time. Look at how cats walk to see what I mean. Plus it keeps the dogs off one's heels, especially in this land of the "Blue Heelers". My only issues in life are financial at this stage, and between posting on here or writing journal entries, coupled with people like yourself who at least ask the question of how I am going with legit concern (no doubt the result of life and the many members here who have passed due to suicide or ODs) I have all the tools needed to cope2 with any psychological state of depression.
  4. What would you think about "The Black Dog" of depression dying forevermore? It is a "dog" after all?
  5. In a duplicitous turn of thinking, I have decided to eat a seafood basket for dinner. Call it the result of subliminal programming from hearing eating fish mentioned on a podcast I was listening to, or My desire to "pay for My sins" by eating a fish and whatever else is in the basket that someone else in this world is guilty of killing by removing it from it's environment, as I get to allow it to live on thru and as a temporary part of Me, like I am an ARK aka A Retired Killer (Comedian) of sorts
  6. Yeah Water pump and yeah a little high. Just had a siesta, given I was walking around feeling a buzz like one gets from inhaling nangs, although rather than dissipating after 10-15 seconds it is constant. Best way to describe how I waa feeling with the most recent posts as I chose to take off the bullshit filter and call it as I witness it. Perhaps I need an eye test?
  7. There could be worse fates in life when it comes to Colombianas. Eating beans produced from banging ass must be part of Apache Netbeans or something? Take Mine for example, whereas mine turned into Sinterklaus as She rides Me like Krampus in some bizzare Hindu-Pagan Goddess type mount steeze, and I have had to get a Super Mario type plunger and go to work on My head and heart as I drain the shit piled onto Me by the sinners of this workd who thought they can hitch a ride for free without Me holding them accountable forevermore. And apparently My crime was "fucking around" with non-physical matter fairies made of Photons conveyed via porn tubes and torrents, I only just found out Yet those who tolerate, accept, encourage and participate in communicating with Me are always going to be forgiven by Me, unlike those who seem to have abused the priviledges We bestowed upon them. And they say that CERN smashing atoms together never did anything? lol
  8. No shit. Maybe when I next get to the Doctors I will get cleared to donate blood again from My supposed thyroid problem they accused Me of having last time I tried fo give blood. Whilst I have a brand I gave Myself on My inner thigh after holding a torch light plugged into the wall to My leg as I was trying to go thru the process of becoming enlightened, I am not sure whether that is what they are referring to, yet I feel giving blood will save these adrenachrome zombies from needing to consume it straight from My body as the source. Yet I am still a little reluctant as My blood is now evolved after I downloaded every single country's Covid apps in an attempt to immunise Myself only for Me to get infected like a bug chaser. Yet if I now have supercharged blood and am connected to the Source of life and the simulation, I may now possess blood that can render Me immortal, so perhaps I shouldn't give it away for free if I cannot use Apple Pay to those who request that I pay for things using money.
  9. After yesterday's decision to make an effort of trying to eat vegetarian until My birthday on May the 4th, I am eating falafel, potato and Tomaksu? from a place called Soul Origin. I saw Moogle was able to go in and edit and delete old images, is this thru the beta app or is there a way to do it using Chrome on iPhone?
  10. Actually now that I remember, this Irish cunt at work ended up with My nail polish on his lips by the end of the day as though he was parasitically sucking on My fingers as I was giving Myself chinese burns to prevent the cryptomining drills that are flowing thru My blood, which was comedic to the point I couldn't even call the guy out due to My acceptance of hating a shit talking fool like this within the simulation is fundamentally meaningless and a waste of time and making a smartarse comment would serve zero purpose. And no, he didn't have zinc on, as I painted My nails with Royalty coloured nail polish as a tribute to My Polish Grandfather and Jesus getting nailed to the cross.
  11. I figured out that it isn't a cockring but a flying alien casino chip. Obviously I know this given one has attached to Me and has become like a motorbike tyre that acts as a chainsaw and settled around My waist like a lapband so the reptilians can feast on cockmeat as the "Demon that eats the baby" from the Book of Revelation like My cock is a kangaroo's joey.
  12. Hope the guy was able to get a Sekiro type arm to replace that one. I was lying down the other night with My arm under my mirror, and when I removed it I felt this tingling sensation as though I finally reconnected the circuitry as My actual arm is as good as dead as it has some poisonous vine venom that has fucked it
  13. I have visited the beach 2 or 3 times over the past couple of weeks, including yesterday and today but given I have had to catch public transport (train and bus) and it takes like 90 mins each way, I haven't taken My surfboard. As for My guitars, even if I had them with Me they are pretty useless without an amp, and I sold mine in January as My plan is to just buy an interface for My iMac and this plugin given that it covers everything My amp did to the extent I need, as My friend has it and testing againstour amps, it was 95% as good without the need for a a 90W tube Mark and a 2x12 cabinet which is suitable for stadiums as opposed to MadIsSon Square bedroom. As for My Photos, went to delete them all today, but I changed My mind for some stupid reason. It isn't because I am stuck on My past (completely), more the fact I have deleted My 72000+ file Adobe cloud before and I regretted it, moreso if I delete My history then it is as though I may as well never have existed in the first place as My life story and "identity" is told through whatever I have put in the cloud. Even though I agree with your suggestion, My lack of willingness to suffer an "ego death" only so the machine/God/Devil can relish in having completely destroyed "Me", sees Me wanting to hold onto the evidence that allows Me to exist as I do, given the lack of being given what I have given away in the same form I gave it due to My adherence to the Golden Rule allows Me to persist thru the depressive mental states of mind whilst remembering how "peak" My reality has been (and potentially can be). Also, it allows Me to go thru each day unafraid of death or the Singularity occurring whereby I merge with the simulation (or the Dragon that is "God" for want of a better word) knowing that even in the event an accident was ti occur that ended My life, I get to pass on knowing that after what I gave up for love, I get to hold God or the universe to account for what I have had to deal with whilst at the same time I can justify whatever actions or choices I have made since that fateful day as if I wasn't sent to Hell for manifesting the love I have always wanted to experience yet previously hadn't due to My fears, any choice I made only eventuated as a result of the circumstances that I found Myself in which were due to decisions outside My control, whilst I know I did everything possible to prevent what happened happening. As for My wallet, it is another story but the quick version is you are right in "She" took it whikst she masqueraded as a photographer who jumoed out in front of the Lambo on a single lane st and then came up to Me and started muttering some Spanisg while touching the window as I told him No habla Espanol as hus accomplice grabbed My wallet from the oassenger seat as I stupidly didn't put it in My jacket pocket after I oaid for the overnight secure parking fee. While I own My mistake to a degree, understanding that I had only had about 4 hrs sleep after experiencing the "ultimate high" of life and existence the day prior,'My perception of "everything being finally right in My world" saw Me let My guard down only for the pieces of shit to take advantage. Considering having only had one similar issue prior (on My first ever overseas holiday) and having visited 20+ countries subsequently, I think you can understand where My mind was at to have had that happen.
  14. Thanks man. Was a good start to the weekend no doubt, although it seems I have a 5 day weekend and based on only working 2 days last week, I am pretty much financially fuxked, Whilst I am content to live on beans and bananas, I view doing so only ends up making Me more appetising for Covid jabbed vampire dogs to feast on. With this said, I understand the reason I am in such a predicament is a result of My wife's jealousy, so I decided to clean some trash from Scarborough beach today as My way of doing something positive after My jacket appeared. And given the literal thousands of cigarette butts I saw littering the beach and the gardens around it, I decided to procure a few for some warlockracy, and funnily enough, upon entering the toilet at Innaloo shopping centre, someone had left a shit attached to the bowl so I got the butts I collected and arranged them so that whoever fucked up and polluted My beach is likely to be the recipient of a mouthful of someone's elses shit. I think such a "reciept" (to use wrestling slang) would see such a person discover the result of their fucking around and sucking brown cancerous shitty smoke from a butt only to find out with a mouthful of literal shit instead.
  15. Based on the coordinates on My 12oz hat, I would differ about the knee pads lol. Is it wrong that of all the "Sohos" I visited, I would go Hong Kong > London > NY, even though I have the funniest story about London?
  16. My YT feed is the same, polluted with nothing but the things I have watched in the past week, but it probably doesn't help that I removed all My subscriptions "As I subscribe to no Man or Woman's thoughts but My own". Given the YT podcasts and such I was consuming is mostly people just giving their opinions on whatever topic, I would rather form My own on the people whose boss I technically am given I am paying them with every click as a YT premium member. Because last I checked, a boss is the person paying their staff, and as all Youtubers are mostly greedy cunts whom collectively have never given Me a single cent, I have shifted the power dynamic of "truth" back in My favour. Plus I paid the fee to download stuff when I was assigned to country works recently and was outside network range. On a brighter note I found My jacket this morning, where it had been moved by someone other than Myself , yet at least it was found so crisis averted.
  17. At times. Depending on who it is, the context, and the situation. Obviously My tolerance for dealing with fucktards has been pushed to the stage I don't fucking care about the feelings of those I view performing the equivalent of putting a gun barrel to their head 20+ times a day and blowing their brains out, with My intent to offend them being less with words being less offensive than Me having to breathe in their cancerous smoke due to them being the exact selfish cunt I refer to them as being. If one is offended at a critique, it is because there is truth in such criticism, so to those to whom this applies, if you are offended then you can change yourself or exist with the truth of what and how you are percieved.
  18. He has only gone part of the way there, I am talking full face and entire head, arms, cock and leg and feet as being blue like that. Still this old coot got more attention than some cookie cutter tattooed kid ever will these days to where some random took his pic yet I am sure the photographer would just view a tattooed clone walking past as being unworthy of having their image captured.
  19. Get this thread back on track though, this is why I will never ride motorbikes
  20. I am completely sober and feel this way. All My money is to be used towards getting My van (and thus My sirfboard) to be able to drive to the beach without the cooling system exploding. I am just going to go to the shopping complex to get the security footage and figure out whoever removed My jacket. I might even just stealth kill whoever took it and get a free holiday on the taxpayer in a padded room for the rest of My life. I was diagnosed with ADHD 20 years ago and was an adult already. As for the rest of your point, I agree, but I seriously this world just depresses Me as there is no end to the trust violations to which I have to tolerate and I can't be bothered allowing anyone else any ability to fuck Me over in any way, be it robbing Me of things or breaking their word.
  21. Hiw else does one get these Covid jabbed vampire bats out of the cave they eat shit in as a result of downloading a Dracula skin for his Mac's VLC player without sticking toothpixks up their rectum? I mean I read online that chopsticks are an alternative, Bridgette Kerkove style.
  22. I went to work and it is closed due to Anzac day. I left it on the drivers seat of the ute I was driving, left to take a shit, and dont remember seeing it again and only when it cooled down at night did I even remember wearing it to work yesterday. Seriously though. I am just over existing at this point, and truly feel death is the answer to all life's problems.
  23. I legit am going into My work tomorrow morning to reclaim My Armani Collezioni leather jacket left in ute 006. Funnily enough, fucktarded cigarette smokers surrounded the ute from when I last remember seeing it, and the guy conveniently named "Butcher" I was supposed to be working with magically disappeared during the time I was on here. So if My jacket isn't there, I will be taking an olga knife and slitting My own throat in the office so that My blood flys on the managers faces as I am going to exit this fucked up workld full of thieves as I am not letting My final momento of the one time I faked being happy in My life be taken by worthless cunts.
  24. In effect I now embrace My role of ending the world as this croww seeks to fly away and leave the ashes of this .com commercial wasteland behind along with the shit cunts who have corrupted it by placing a responsibility on Me I never asked for nor have been compensated for. If seeing a video I recieved on Easter of My wife fuck her brother over My grave wasn't all the fuel needed for Me to acknowledge I nor only don't seserve this, but she doesn't deserve to be with Me. My forgiveness no longer can be bought nor granted as it isn't My responsibility to repair other people's mistakes but I will rather hold them accountable for making them to begin with as there is nothing more I could have said, done or tried to prevent the inevITable apocalypse.
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