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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. I want the jizz emitting rapist men here in Oz to get the fuck away from Me and My van. Look at this shit and the broken locks from these cunts trying to break into My domain. Fucken dogs that what they are. 74943529774__E32E838F-C54B-41CE-891D-9D0297CD163B.MOV
  2. Got My confirmation email and thanks @misteravenfor the upgrade and here is My test video 74943508974__2FA2293B-2AF6-46DE-B3BB-2EDD98E53C1E.MOV
  3. True. I figure the better option is to kill the sensitivity of My fingers and toes (given they have appeared to Me as cocks in varying stages of inebriation) with bleach should I choose to go full Hanuman aka Monkeyman.
  4. Seriously I have had a ceiling come down as I was having a wank in the adjacent room and the same thing happened to the living room ceiling adjacent to the bedroom I was living in for 18 months prior to going to Europe last time. My Versace wallet purchased in Prague as well as My chests of drawers that match My bed as well as My uni degree and divorce certificate still should be in the latter room. Whilst it is difficult to believe, what reason would I have to lie about such thing and if there is any reason I should not be denied My wife then I shall happily manifest the wifes scariest movie as I drag (Me) everyone to Hell. If anything it is another crazy true story about My life and why I am the WAnKING here in WA as the King of Self induced pleasure and self love such that all love exists as directly compared to that which I give Myself and the world around Me. Never forget I was also a Banker prior to leaving to become King Wanker. And My Brother Devin here (born the day after Me) even wrote this song for Me Now you see why I told Devin I loved Him last time I saw Him in person /nohomo
  5. Nah have used it a total of 4 times or so given there has been a steady stream of fucken weird cunts in My vicinity when I have been parked up and My spot at the Blvd where it is quiet has too many streetlight people lining up with seeking to gangrape Me so waiting on the titles I requested to get delivered otherwise I should head south this next weekend to somewhere with less shitty energy and might bust it out again. It is probably better to wait and not use it all the time though as another reason I am reluctant to rent a place is due to having the roofs of 2 houses I wanked in cave in with one totally collapsing in the adjacent room in the past, true story.
  6. I look forward to advising you of the quality given I am lucky enough to compare it to the $200 tshirts I procured when I was financially in a better position years ago. I am happy to wait and include next months shirt if you haven’t got My order out yet if it is no stress, as I see it is just a couple weeks away now, but no dramas if not, as one can tell I have become a patient man in My middle age, lul.
  7. I have a widows peak as all that I love has been killed as I live on with the pain of what has been sacrificed for the pleasure of tards and pending the delivery of the titles I demanded in the shit I want thread I am still in limbo to awaken to strange boongs walking around stalking My van in the elevated car park 2 hours before the shops open so I am raging at this fact. And these cunts claim to believe in “The Dreamtime“ and as far as I have proven these fucks don’t respect people as they sleep and participate in their dreams if the cunt raiding My glovebox at 5am as I slept in the back of My van and the fuxktard I encountered this morning prove.
  8. I was considering it at one junction in time yet I decided not to use the scalpel I bought for the purpose. Yet it may happen in future as I can not guarantee anything based on the uncertainty of My existence requiring 3 weeks worth of future considerations for every financial decision I make due to lack of work and thus the ability to make money. Considering a 20 something degreeless student is apoarently more qualified to Team Lead yet none can answer My questions to prove capable and more qualified for Me to lead then the like.ihood of Me making such a choice increases with each moment as I seek distraction from the financial binds imprisoning Me.
  9. How quickly people forget. Bu s h died in the 80 only to be presidents after that. Sheeesh.
  10. As of today I only view the adult content made prior to 2006 (ie 18 year old film or video) or made specifically for or by Me.
  11. lol Also I want a restrictive design covenant placed on all properties on O'Brien St in Cowaramup to keep it all lowkey and humble as opposed to the ostentatious mansions the robbing wankers put up as ego statement holiday houses which sit vacant 95% of the time and are held for investment purposes whilst their owners are too busy spending their money to enjoy the nature of the region or actually surf.
  12. No worries I confuse ears and arseholes all the time due to those around Me having the ability to say nothing of substance as they dribble shit to distract and deflect attention away from the revelation of what is an ultimate truth in money being pure binary 1s and 0s on a fucking storage device or harddrive. You can understand I guess? With this said has anyone here ever harvested and ground fresh coffee beans boiled water using a fire and used freshly squeezed milk from a cow and compared the taste to some wanker charging 250q£ for a coffee like I saw some idiot try on Youtube? Just imagining a more pure world without commerce and shopping centres given capitaliSM is completely fucked and is the worst sadomasochistic bullshit humans push on each other. Also seeing scaffolders today made Me realise how fucked humans are mentally as a result of their selfish desires to try elevate themselves above other humans which if anything makes Me wish we all live in single story residences given nobody needs two stories as you can only ever be on one story at a time, a lesson I learned from experience.
  13. Inadvertently clicked this and it is hilarious so I figure it worth sharing
  14. Shit, I can wait on My shirts but I feel guilty of the email I sent earlier today with another query regarding the forum.
  15. Bulb? And in response, it does feel good when you had this massive ringing sensation and unceasing headache due to your ears being so blocked with wax you are almost deaf and crank your stereo 10 levels higher than you do with clear hearing such that a marble sized ball of wax pops out.
  16. woo woooooo Bubb Rubb all up here like it is 2005. Apologies to anyone who reads the above post and feels the bipolar leaking after My loving praise in My previous posts today, and there is zero hypocrisy in regards to Me obeying the Golden Rule as I am only responding to the input data recieved over the past 15 or so years in making My decision to unleash the full wrath of My Father choosing a selfish worthless cunt and her directive to stay away from My Brother and I due to her being an insecure jealous and selfish cunt which is why her kid needs to get crucified for being a roided out insecure cunt himself. So yeah, I feel with such a precedent and given the evidence My case and actions are completely justified and defensible against any and all scrutiny, so let that fucker burn. And with that out of My system, I am now ...
  17. Also I want a circumcision yet I don’t trust any Doctors to not butcher the fuck out of Me nor do I care for any Jew priest to suck My blood given I have been raped of enough blood sweat and emotional energy and I revoke allowing any of the above along with any previous invitation I unconsciously or conciously made to take any more.
  18. A Gold crucifix to add to My key contraption I have been making that has the name of the son of the cunt My Dad shacked up with whom he is more of a Father (lets the maggot drive around his car while I am homeless and broke) so the fucker is now crucified forevermore. Fuck that piece of shit rapist fucker getting more of My Father’s attention whilst the cunt sent Me to the loony bin with a $1000 ambulance fee to pay as a result. I will never forget nor forgive in this instance so I will metaphorically and artistically kill the son of the parasite that leeches off of My father to save Me doing it physically.
  19. The fact is I already have all I want. I LIST the ABOVE as I wish to see what others are able and willing to GIVE. My one and only limitation right now is finance, yet given money is binary 1s and 0s and those who weaponise it against Me are worthless. Lest it end in the death of all their claim to care about as I will be the “laughing stock“ while they are all cattle ready to be slaughtered and harvested for beef. Also thanks @misteraven for charging Me an amount equivalent to My wife and My birthdays for My recent shirt order and I love you Man who runs this place. I WANT raven to understand My appreciation for 12oz and the crazy members on here who have contributed to, supported, appreciated and encouraged My madness and lust for life. Also somebody in the Bay Area get EBPH back on here as he can at least make an effort for given I spent 3 hrs on BART travelling to party with Him when I was in SF so he can at least post on here to remind everyone he exists as I also wanna know how his kid is going with his baseball.
  20. Go read I am Ozzy. Finished it in 3 days it was the best read I had in years other than what I read on here about in-jokes made about My madness (Zolos, nangs and whatever else @LUGR never fails to bring up about whatever I have shamelessly and proudly written on here). That is the sickest Bentley I have seen. Add that to the list above given profiteering “property developer“ scum bought My Great Grandmother Elsie’s place in Bentley and turned it into dog kennel sized units. I wish such types “Eloped to the rotating prop of a boat“ yet until such activity being My fate ceases I wish death upon those whose greed has fuxked our society.
  21. Ok here goes. 1. $1 tax to be deposited into My bank account for every human that currently lives so all humans are ascribed an arbitrary value that sees them all equal. Otherwise they are all fuck ups and are below Me (and the posters on this board who at least give Me laughs as opposed to rendering themselves as backstabbing rapist thieves in My audio and visual spectrums). 2. the Certificate of Title for 59 Wardanup Crescent, Yallingup, Western Australia, Australia, 6282 to be emailled to Me as outright owner and possessor of the Land as being claimed under My Right of Crown and MABO Native Title (both policies applicable to My reclaiming this property from the scum that have corrupted My country and primary place of residence). I will give this place to My Brother to look after My Mum in. All property taxes are exempt as this is a religious “Church“ where I as The Lord of Love have family and trusted friends whose value is proven via their contributions here in Channel Zero prove them as being a 1 as opposed to a 0 as evidenced via their lack of membership and post count seeing them as being worthless other than as thieves & liars who hope the flow of bullshit they post on other social media wont have them accountable in future. 3. the Certificate of Title to 8 O’Brien St in Cowaramup to be emailled to Me. 4. Whoever occupies the above to be paid 3x (three times) whatever is the dutiable stamp duty value previously ascribed to said properties pending their choice to get a professional valuer to value said properties at current market prices as their only option as if they dont leave then this world and everyone in it can die a slow miserable death while I blame them as being the selfish cunts responsible for murdering Jesus 2000 years ago and all hope for today of a tomorrow ever existing, let alone a tomorrow that is more than the day and yesterday that came before it. 5. The cups process to use light via the lazers in the sky to never render any tattoo ink on any female ever again, as they can vanish forevermore for defiling God’s daughters with objectively shitty art that ruins the greatest creation God ever made (the female form). 6. TBA pending delivery of the above as I want no more emails that are not related to dealings I initiate given their origin is from Evil Males I FUCKING despise. 7. Should the above not be delivered, I change My “SAFEWORD“ which happens to be the descriptor of someone I respect to the most vile label I can ever place upon someone beyond “Hateful jealous Murderer“. 8. A vintage 1962 Lamborghini tractor. I don’t care for a car given I will get to use it when I get back to where I belong and the cars only bring Me Jealous Ass Motherfuckers trying to abuse, damage, deface or rev the fuck out of. I have had enough of such types to last 1 trillion lifetimes. WONK SAGGIN.
  22. And if anyone asks “WHAT DO I MEAN?“ in relation to the above, I graduate and ask the question posed at the conclusion to the initial scene of this movie to Ms Saint https://members.private.com/en/movie/404-the-academy/ And if I ever had a legit and appropriate time to yell “WONK SAGGIN“ in all caps given Mero sold out and lost his ability to write in them as he adandoned 12oz now is the time, as not only am I still here, but I along with all you reading this are laughing at those who aren’t or can’t (because they are dead). And I will never stop, as what else do I have to do to pass the time as a result of no work, having no money to spend on going anywhere whilst I endure immigrants coming over and thinking they own the place and make make jokes at the locals expense by driving prices up by 33% in a fucking year?
  23. I can see them blocking it yet if they do they damn well better make sure they block Onlyfans as well. Leave the cam sites alone so more “Lamp on Head“ shenanigans can take place as people from here harass some old lady and post “Lamp on head“ instructions in the chat while taking screenshots to post on here whilst encouraging more people to participate. If the internet could ever go back to where people paid for their porn maybe the glory days of red and black Private VHS TAPES high quality production content could once again be made whilst restoring the taboo and rebelliousness that came from creating such content with boom mike and reflector holders helping capture the action whilst the performers uttered lines from a dodgy script. Those were and are the days I yearn for, even though it is an impossibility now every kid and their cousin has a phone that can capture high quality video such that they think they are the next Frank Thring or Pierre Woodman or something when I honestly can say 99% of porn made since 2005 isn’t worth shit. While I obviously understand porn pirates will exist always, given we are just bots looking at pixels through the lenses of our retinas (so much so that Apple jokes about their “retina“ displays) anyway, I am sure that more companies will go and do the Legalporno frame marker trick whilst ISPs will inevitably find a way to have Big Brother take the $250000 FBI prosecution fine from everyone who steals stuff (well they did it to Me so anyone is fair game) and torrents are just a trap laid by the FBI and CIA who write and distribute the torrent programs such that they know the IP addresses of all those who procure such programs or at least are ready to fuck them when they download the inevitable “update“ which will see law enforcement shove a pike up one’s “date“ aka arsehole, because that is what the E-Police do, just listen to this song in context of the concept of the album it comes from and you shall understand. And if you don’t then at least heed this former Wicked Pirate who retired once legitimate paid digital after My crimes were already stored in metadata that has financially fucked Me to this very day, yet thankfully the supermarkets of Oz allowing themselves to “Dock“ with My avatar via their “Docket Deal“ dollar sign in a red circle being added to every purchase I make based on facial scanning at self checkouts sees the worthless parasites whom get to clean My bank account of the fine money I have paid off in full now render themselves as being worthless and worth $0 as opposed to the $1 I requested to be deposited to My bank account to prove all humans are equal and of greater value than being just talking meat traversing thru the light spectrum, as even My digital friends here on 12oz provide Me greater entertainment and conversation than any of the intellectually challenged fools I usually encounter each day whose conversations go like this. “How you been?“ “Good“ What have you been doing?“ “Work. Same old things“ “Have you done anything else. Travelled at all? As every day for Me is different and a literal adventure as I have zero certainty from one day to the next, as My money has been stolen, I have no fixed address, trolls damage My van, and I don’t have a guaranteed job from one day to the next so I can’t plan on even saving for any possible future that can arise. Are you sure you are not doing anything?“ “Went to the pub last week (didnt think to invite you because your property has been assigned to “Public“ status as per the Google Property list you discovered Matt as we rape and pillage all your database assets and render them worthless with our lust and greed but you aren’t supposed to know of our shitty “joke“)“ Then they walk away due to a combination of having nothing else to say, guilt, and the awareness that in spite of everything My existence is preferrable to theirs as at least I have comedy as I am the one telling the joke at their expense.
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