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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. I should have waited and included this. Will grab a large if I find work or My bank account adjusted by the thieves who robbed Me.
  2. I mean I would advocate for Creative Commons licences but when I get excluded from the commonfolk and become the MO who is supposed to be ok with getting eatenalssariq I would rather get eaten then GNU smoked gnome sayin?
  3. I think the reason I got zero hrs at work this week was due to Me going into My keyboard settings and changing every open source projects Developers names to automatically change to "Nicotine" so they get smoked for as long as cancer breathers occupy My domain and drain My bank accounts to where I shall soon be living out the Blanka and Dan "forgot to pay My phonebill" reality. If I disappear from 12oz at the end of this month prior to "smoking out" said Devs (whom I would respect if they could generate Me a non-game based no-financial constraint no cigarette based reality lest I view them as cold blooded soullless reptilians) then at least I leave the breadcrumbs as to why here.
  4. A Sean John logo. Gays and ladies alike seem to love the vibrating lazer buttplug whenever it gets whipped out. The bad thing is due to babies choking on the battery to the remote control the one I have is sans remote and I am unable to change the colour of the beam.
  5. Here is between $1.57 to $2.05 a litre over the past month. How they can justify 25% overnight price hikes not being a criminal act is beyond Me. I shall not complain otherwise given what we pay is nothing compared to Europe from My understanding.
  6. The surf might be good once the wind changes. 74963038746__88B825A9-A2F8-475E-9738-1D10F110780F.MOV
  7. Shoutout to @rushawn wuanfor offering to drive out to meet up last time I was in CA
  8. 34 images from My photos in glossy 7x5s to keep or hand out to other people certain images relate to.
  9. Of course we can. We can say whatever we want unless you fear the wrath of retards who get offended by words as a result of said words being accurate descriptors which trigger their own self hatred to become exposed such that they resort to violence as a result of being literally intellectually retarded.
  10. Yes. Yes I am. That is why they erected this statue of Me in Rotterdam, the pic of which I captured during My brief stay there and is My favorite memory I captured given photography and videorecording was forbidden at the concert I went to watch there Plus I can always use My foreskin to dock with said plug and then I have a cocklazer and shoot a heart out the end of My cock how many people can say that is something you get to do in their lifetime?
  11. I mean how else could I claim this statue as being modelled after Me?
  12. Yes. Yes it is. Because I carry it around to display to people what they can do to themselves if they choose to be a cheeky elf.
  13. Bit of both. I leave the laser in the van as it needs to charge some time. My van is of no concern to them beyond Me espousing the joys of how truly free I am compared to those blowing up to $500 each a week on renting a bedroom. On the positive side at least I have young chicks commenting how they "love My energy" as I walk around in public not giving a shit about tge judgement of the superserious egoists that litter this place with sour grape vibes whereas I bring the good vibes (literally)
  14. Looks so clean you can eat off those floors. the halo on the front looks like an Oakley logo. Other than that it looks good to Me just add the velcro to the back so it is adaptive and it would be perfect imo.
  15. was "mooning" ever an institution in the US like it was in Oz prior to the world becoming pussified?
  16. Same here. By Thursday I will have worked a total of zero hrs with equivalent income earned. And it isn't due to lack of wanting nor asking to work.
  17. 74947147772__38F53259-3D69-4308-A3A0-80B52F4190B8.MOV
  18. It is dinosaur jizz as I live in jurassic(ar) park surrounded by old timer wannabe thug badguy Heels. They obviously wish they were an El Dude brother but they thankfully aint.
  19. Ok My friends I shall take your advice and leave Myself in one piece. Thank Raven for the VIP and now I can post images and videos once more to circumvent massive walls of text as I meme the fuck out of this world. I could care less about the jizz as it is the solar panels and the porthole cover which I cant afford to replace that pisses Me off and I thought I posted about the literal trolley or shopping cart in American that was thrown on My roof as I sat out front of My gym in Bassendean a month or two again.
  20. Looked at CBS and they said it was "Biblical Damage". Looks pretty fucked and I wish you well with the recovery process although I wonder how much damage would be mitigated if you built houses in the US using bricks and mortar with steel frames as opposed to using pieces of offcut to make wooden frames with plasterboard drywall walls. Everytime I see US weather destruction I think this.
  21. I always worry, My career was in Risk Identification and Mitigation as an Analyst so worrying and identifying things to be worried about is what I exist for it seems. I was moreso looking forward to this thread showing the destruction and the rebuild of whatever was destroyed and as I am not familiar with where you were til this post I have no idea where to look to see what has happened. Asheville sounds like the last place I would personally live given the connotations I adhere to ashes (highschool and death bullshit as My highscools acronym was ASHS) Will scope it out though.
  22. If you are poking shit in your pooper you are doing it wrong as you are meant to get that shit outta there. And you know the score here is pics or it didnt happen
  23. the only joke I can make is that I act out as Moses parting their sea of aborted seamen given no woman would ever breed willingly with any of the pieces of shit here in West Oz unless they are worthless whores who value materialism and money that comes from the "miners" and their "everything is mine to mine or be mined" mentality.
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