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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. Also fair. But if the argument is smoking increases costs of insurances due to medical costs, and dhabz argument is smoking should be removed from society due to these un-payable medical bills and degradation of society wouldn't it be a better argument that obesity is a incredibly large problem with a higher death toll and causes higher rates in insurance due to higher costs in medical bills therefore shitty food should be removed from society as well? Obesity rates have risen through the decades yet lung cancer deaths related to smoking are falling (roughly 154,000 in 2018, 143,000 in 2019, and estimated 138,000 in 2020 according to the American Cancer Society.) I rounded up.
  2. Someones a little defensive of their boy JC.
  3. My grandfather drank and smoke from the age of 13 until he was in his 70s, he died at 91. He outlived every single one of his siblings, and the vast majority of his friends. People are built different. Some people never smoke and get lung cancer. Some never drink and drive and roll their car over because they wren't paying attention. Not saying smoking and drinking doesn't increase risks, but there are plenty of variables in the world to increase your chances of death without alcohol and tobacco. Who else is paying the bill because you can't afford it? Pretty vague statement. There's plenty of things dragging us down as a society that isn't tobacco and alcohol. Of course alcohol and tobacco can be abused and result in negative consequences. So can food, guns, cars, Nyquil, water..
  4. Edit: never mind. I thought it was trying to direct me to Uphold but it was not.
  5. Correction, i had unclaimed rewards.. so like $15-20
  6. Very useful information in my line of work. Thank you.
  7. Listened to one song, i think i can fuck with this.. i’ll dive into this weekend.
  8. He just validated every conspiracy argument for war in the middle east in 1 fuck up of words, haha. god damn hilarious.
  9. Everything is Putin’s fault. 9-11 was a Clinton/Putin collab. You heard it here folks.
  10. Something else i just thought of was this. I don’t know how it is in other states so i’ll only speak from experience in my home state.. A person goes to the bar, gets drunk, and drives home. If that person gets arrested, crashes, or worst case crashes in kills someone, one of the questions you are asked by police is where you were drinking. It is investigated and if it is proven through the timeline of events that you directly left that bar and drove, the bar you had been can get fined as a result for allowing you to drink to that excess, technically a bartender is supposed to cut you off if you are intoxicated. Now let’s get real, that rarely happens. You go to a bar and get hammered and they feed you drinks all night. It’s your responsibility to stop. The bar didn’t make you drink, they didn’t make you drive and cause any of the events that happened after you got behind the wheel. That bar is still held to some degree of responsibility for having a hand in you getting to that level and not stopping you, as they could have and were supposed to stop serving you. That could just be the liberal state i hail from though.
  11. I would agree. @Dirty_habiTand i’m fine it was just a little mace, thanks though, haha. I actually almost got myself arrested as a result because the cop continued yelling for people to “get back,” yet no one could see. So i stood my ground and called him an asshole and almost got myself arrested as a result. Thankfully a friend of mine hadn’t been hit that bad and pulled me away from the situation, haha.
  12. Example: (this is a true story i was a part of.) Fight breaks out outside of a bar. This was a large downtown event in the city, food trucks and music everywhere, that sort of thing. Cops show up and are arresting folks. One kid, completely oblivious to the situation, as a large crowd had formed, strolls directly through the crowd and pops out close enough to pat one of the arresting officers on the back. The cop panics thinking the kid is attempting something and pulls mace and maces the entire crowd. He swept left to right and maced absolutely everyone in sight, including myself. Was this the fault of the kid who started the initial fight? No. It was the cops fault for macing everyone in a state of panic. Would this have happened had the original fight not broken out? Absolutely not. Do i think the original “fighters” should apologize to everyone? No. edit: Is there some degree of responsibility of the original fighters in the events that followed? Yes. Their actions set forth motions thats resulted in an entire crowd of innocent people being maced.
  13. Do we really have to get into this one? See: “War on Terrorism.” Also, this doesn’t work because they didn’t HAVE to shoot down the plane, they chose to, in a heightened sense of defense, panic and tension. He doesn’t need to apologize, he did not push the button. Iran should have and could have checked what the fuck they were shooting at before hitting the button, but his actions directly set motions into effect that resulted in the plane being shot down somewhere in the chain of events.
  14. In the past few months using it.. between mobile and on my Mac, about $10. Nothing too wild. I also dont spend a ton of time on my Mac.
  15. Love this sort of shit. If i’m not mistaken @KILZ FILLZis posting patches and stuff like that to his Instagram sometimes, right?
  16. Ok, how do i transfer all this BAT i’ve been earning into somewhere i can manage it? I have a etherscan account and all that, how do i transfer these Brave rewards into there? @Mercer edit: whats the deal with BAT? There any expectancy these will ever be worth something? Been hearing a lot of Brave ads on podcasts lately.
  17. I didn’t mean they were at fault in any way, i was legitimately saying they had guts getting on a plane with missiles flying around. I mean i’m sure they had lives to get back to and everything but i may have waited for the next flight out of fear, haha.
  18. Seems to be, i’m just keeping closer tabs on stuff at the moment. I’d imagine these sort of attacks sting a little harder to these militia groups with Suleimani dead.
  19. https://www.haaretz.com/middle-east-news/iraq/.premium-eight-said-killed-in-strike-attributed-to-israel-on-iranian-backed-militia-in-syria-1.8379060
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