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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. crack, you ever hear of the casket factory? a friend of mine was talking about we could probably build some shit up in there, i've never been inside but he said its like 4 floors of rentable area. im instantly thinking.. a place called the Casket Factory... already sounds like a great spot with great potential.. then he proceeds to tell me the other floors are generally used for some wild S & M bondage parties and shit haha.
  2. jesus christ that ramp looks fun, solid work dude. edit: crack its funny i was actually talking with a buddy earlier today about renting a place like that and doing the same thing. but it wasnt very serious, now i kinda wanna see if any dudes are down on a serious level, cause that'd be incredible. how much it cost you dudes to build that?
  3. FUCK i've always wanted to drop in from a second floor like that, thats so sweet. props for that. a 2 level skatepark where you could go floor to floor by just shooting up like a vert wall would be fuckin awesome.. i can also imagine some pretty gnarly collisions though ha.
  4. fuck yeah, thats sweet. blow up palm tree really ties the room together haha.
  5. if you like mashed potatoes and are lazy. 1:30 in a microwave and bam.
  6. ya they were real tight as hell, everything was on point, sounded like you were listening to a record. dudes are starting to look old too ha.
  7. damn that looks like a lot of fun.
  8. Went to see Bad Religion, Bouncing Souls, and Off With Their Heads last night.. bad religion sounded fucking incredible. originally had tickets for the mezzenine(sp?) section cause its all we could scoop online, luckily for us my buddies cousin is a bouncer at the HOB so we were able to convince the dude at the door to let us on the floor! fuck yeah! heres a video of them playing Wrong Way Kids, not my video.. bought this shirt.. didnt realize this was on the back until this morning ha.. up the punx!
  9. naw it was out in an executive kinda park out by like route 3, i was with some dudes out and about checking all those industrial/executive kinda areas up and down 95 and one of them had his camera equipment, and dude hates skating around the city with it, and i hate driving spot to spot to skate, id rather just start in a general location and skate around.. so we went for a little drive searching spots so dude could have his shit with him incase people started throwing down. edit: had a fuckin blast skating yesterday, went to this spot that has these little banks going up the walls, so basically theres wall rides for days, and theres a nice little curving roadway that goes down and curls into the lower level of a parking garage.. my buddy happened to have some work gloves in his truck so we threw them on and started carving the turns and shit and powersliding as far as we could. kept trying to cut around one of the sharper turns on the sidewalk but i kept sliding out and rolling off the curb and down the hill a little bit haha. i wanna make that turn so bad though, shit was GREAT.
  10. A.I.D.S. - Ass Injected Death Sentence?? ... hahaha, what the fuck is that? thats hilarious, kinda sounds like a punk song or some shit.. or maybe a storm troopers of death song.. reading the great gatsby again, felt like reading something lately and i havent read that since high school, so i figured why not, piss through it and brush up on it.
  11. i think i was talking about this spot recently, it only lasted for about a week cause they tore the foundation up so we only got to skate it a little bit the day we found it, really wish it was still there, interesting spot. had to do some serious sweeping.
  12. ha, thats the story i got from everyone when i was in DC too. i grabbed some food and found myself over by freedom plaza so i was heading to check that out and ran into some locals who had just go kicked outta there, so i skated a few spots with them. which was cool enough. only had about 3 hours of sunlight to get skating in and dudes said by the time i got to a train and over to the bowl it would have been pretty close to dark so it wasnt worth the trip,. atleast thats what they said, but im def. gonna work it out better to get some skate time in on that thing if i make my way back to DC though. cool flicks on the last page too.
  13. if it looks disease ridden, dont stick your dick in it.
  14. Dear Earl, hahahaha - ME.
  15. watching a show about the "worlds dumbest daredevils" its pretty sweet.
  16. word, the drive wont bother me crack. i wont say i can shred my ass off, but im comfortable on my board and have a few tricks up the sleeve. but if by shredding your ass off you mean always trying to go as fast as possible, than yes i shred my ass off haha. so anybody from DC here? that pool at that Green Lab place looks awesome. on concrete disciples some comment says its in a shit neighborhood, the other says that the person was just scared cause its a black neighborhood haha.. so i dunno, its a good skate from where im gonna be. got no problem if it is a black neighborhood or if its not the best neighborhood, but i mean if i skate all the way over there just to find out its a shit neighborhood and to have some dudes try and jack my shit im gonna visibly upset ha. so im just wondering if i should make the hike.
  17. im gonna have to say ALLAH OR BUST def. pulls that all together haha.
  18. love how people just throw up lists of bands they like haha. in other news.. not sure if any of you were into/heard of the band Out Cold from MA, but i just found out through the grapevine that the singer passed away recently.. just posting incase it concerns anyone. RIP.
  19. not just the heads, he experimented in imapling people in numerous way. i believe the main way was shoving it up your ass and watching gravity force you down on it. dude was vicious for sure.
  20. ha, word. that reminds me, saw some weird ass movie on SyFy where these people lived in a village where they didnt age, marry, ect.. they just existed.. and their was a ogre that came up from underground every year i think and they fed him a sacrifice or the whole village would get eaten.. dont remember the name of it. SyFy has some weird fuckin movies.
  21. someone was talking about splice the otherr day, itcouldnt remember if it was good or bad though, so its worth seeing?
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