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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. thats fuckin awesome. some friends of mine dug out a sweet cement bowl in upstate NY not too long ago, but someone filled it back in on them. so then one of the kids decided to start digging his own bowl in the middle of the woods.. turns out someone bought that property like a month later and filled that in on him to. i guess he had a 8 foot bowl dug out and was preparing to start to cement it and everything. sucks.
  2. i feel like my buddy is gonna flake on this pool skating... so im moving to plan B. which is contact this chicks cousin, cause he skates and is close with her and her fam.. im starting to lose hope, but will not give up. chupa we should def. meet up sometime and chill and get some flicks and shit.. i got a few things up my sleeve but nothing special. i got some friends that would def. be worth the time to take flicks of though, and would def. appreciate it. the dude who usually comes around with us has the most awkward work schedule so he hardly comes out anymore. i'll try and think of a couple spots that could be cool to flick some shit at.
  3. ya if we do get to skate it, flicks will be taken.
  4. found out something sweet the other day.. so this girl my buddies been fucking lately, the pool at her parents house is getting done over, so as of right now its drained. so my buddy is working on trying to get this girl to allow us to shred her pool before they do anything to it, cause he checked it out and its skate-able. if this all works out im gonna go apeshit. backyard pool sesh! hopefully. :cool:
  5. newburyport eh? never been... gonna look into that.
  6. haha.. ya i honestly dont expect that place to be built in my lifetime. but hopefully it does. if that location is bust a good possible spot could be that HUGE vacant lot in allston where there used to be a couple ledges and shit. havent checked out orchard since they moved but thats awesome they have a ramp there. edit: anyone see the xgames setup? shit looks pretty fuckin fun.
  7. david gravette hesh law http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMIX39NbA2E&feature=related devin appelo hesh law http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4kGjGq38ENk&feature=related "a study in carcass manipulation" haha devin appelo has got some balls, some of those drops he faces... no thanks. and on that note, im going skating.
  8. word, i'll give em a try. went skating here twice in the past week, its a hike but its worth it every so often.. ate shit at least 5 solid times.. the ground here shows no mercy at all.. its like sandpaper mixed with sawblades.. last time i was there though some kid did a nollie front tail on that ledge on top of that ramp in the middle in the far back.. it was awesome. one of my buddies did a 540 out of one of the quarters to flat, that was sweet too.
  9. the heshers on the run? ya that was sweet. when was creature started anyway? i didnt realize they were that old. anyone here ever change out bushings? been riding the independent wides buty am considering switching in the Venture bushings.. but i might just have to break them in, they were sitting around for a while.
  10. was just watching this. found it from links from celts post. that statue they show is awesome haha. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7xzaKuTmOI&feature=fvw
  11. GOD DAMN. my body is thrashed right now and you just made me wanna skate so fuckin bad, what you trying to do to me mongoloid haha.
  12. that thrasher video was sweet, theres a few spots in that video that arent around anymore. in regards to the park, i've been saying someone who was in on all the plans or whatever should try and get a hold of the larger donaters and have them see whats up with it, i'd be real fuckin bullshit if i dropped 75+ thousand on a park almost a decade ago and it wasnt built. shit they could even go to a news station, theres gotta be one that would eat that story up. maybe not though.
  13. bought these yesterday, pretty good so far. took a couple good spills yesterday though haha, theres still streams of dried blood on my arms and legs, still picking sand and smalls pieces of gravel from my skin and scalp, and im sore as shit. i know if i go skating today, which i probably will, all my wounds are gonna get twice as worse, fuck it, thats what makes us skateboarders right?
  14. a park in allston huh? havent even heard of it but im gonna ask around now. hopefully they go through with it and its a decent park.. or hopefully the finally work on the charles river park.
  15. put on a almost brand new setup yesterday, new 8.25 board, practicully brand new independent wides, kept my independent bearings, and pig tall boy 58mms. 8 just didnt seem wide enough anymore and my trucks where destroyed, my wheels were down to like 52mm from like 56 i believe.. now i just need new shoes and i'l be golden. never had pig wheels, interested to see how they hold up. and these ipaths i've been wearing kinda bummed me out. the sole completely seperated from the shoe pretty quickly. now when i do feeble and shit i can feel my foot slide out the side of my shoe.. also, someone told me the other day Ipath is now owned by Timberland, and Vans is owned by Jansport.. didnt know that.
  16. gonzalez is a savage. as is rowley. as is the flip team.
  17. i didnt either until i bought them haha, figured i'd give them a shot though. i went to a small shop and those were litteraly the only bearings they had. they didnt have shit for decks, shoes or anything else either. edit: that front board to front hurricane at 2:30 is fuckin SWEET. so was that nollie front nose 360 shuv. at 4:00
  18. starting to notice my independent bearings are starting to crap out on me. they're getting more slow and dont spin as smoothly or easily. should have just spent the money and gone with some swiss.
  20. i love skating pools, bowls, and parks of that nature.. oregon seems like my idea of a heaven with all those sweet ass parks they got. i can skate street but my chest is more on the big side and my blance is all sorts of fucked up, so if i cant get a flow going im just gonna eat shit all day skating street. i'd rather try to rip around a park. i have what i like to call Cardiel Syndrome, i need to go fast at all times to try and get a flow going or theres more of a chance i'll get hurt. atleast when your going fast and you fall you just kinda tumble and roll like a ragdoll and usually end up jumping back on my feet haha, as opposed to falling like a sack of bricks like when i try and skate ledges rails and stairs. edit: hallelujah is out now correct? anyone seen it yet?
  21. anyone try out theeve trucks? my buddy got some recently and hes says they're pretty good but the other day his kingpin just loosened and his bushings fell right off as he was riding.. kinda odd. been thinking of putting a pair of indys i've had sitting around on my board, my venture are pretty rugged these days, the kingpin is almost completely flat ha.
  22. havent even started it actually, but its next....
  23. this weathers been killing me, i seriously havent gone out skating before like 7-8pm if i've been going out at all. shits way to hot.
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