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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. damn, really? i bought that shit like 9 years ago on VHS and watched 3 times in a row the day i bought it haha. great movie.
  2. thats the spirit, ha. im def. looking forward to skating that place, looks fun as hell. does it flow as good as it looks like it does? funny they painted the lanes and the lady bug and shit on the ground, looks like a interesting place.
  3. im actually currently out of state and wont be back for a week or so. im heading to skate in DC in a couple days and im sure i'll be all nice and jacked up for some shredding when i get back. i was gonna hit you up a couple weeks ago cause i found a spot that was a building foundation, and there was a fire hydrant gap at one of the ends.. but they were in the process of tearing it down so it was only there for about a week or so, i have a flick of the spot, it was awesome.. but i dont think anything was able to get thrown down on it other than some ollies. my buddy tried to nollie it a few times but gave up after he fell like 3-4 times. i guess its understandable cause hes got a construction job and having a busted ankle or leg or something isnt good for work.. but hes still a puss ha. but i've been going on blunt cruises lately searching for spots and combing areas and have come across a couple good ones. i def. wanna check newburyport soon to, and i still havent been to groton, we'll figure some shit out.
  4. hah damn right. i've been trying to do more fluent motion fast plants, im not as comfortable with them, but i love me a good boneless. word it could be, the dude who told me roxbury sounds like a walrus when he talks and is drunk just about everytime i see him, and probably wouldnt know the difference between roxbury and JP haha.
  5. someone was trying to get me to right GO CEILINGS! on a white shirt and go as a..... ceiling fan. last year the 2 i saw that were the best were a friend who dressed up as Quailman... awesome. and a dude who wore a huge bow and a gift label that said "to: women from: god." being gods gift to women... clever. there was also a sluttiest costume contest, that was cool.
  6. i've never made my way over to it, but i believe its behind a school or something. when we were sober my buddy told me its gnarlier than it looks, so i think i bit off more than i can chew ha. its the spot on the poster on the wall at the beginning, and the spot he nosegrinds at the very end..
  7. props for jumping. i have friends that go every summer, and i was supposed to go this summer but i bitched out, i will not be bitching out next year if they do it.. i wish it'd be possible to hear, cause this shit would be cool to hear while free falling.. everytime i hear this shit it makes me think of someone free falling, especially the very beginning.
  8. word, biggest ramp i've bonelessed in was a 6 footer, i'll give this a shot.. as of right now i do not have a deathwish, so im not going into it though ha. edit: this will be good, i gotta start bonelessing everything again, i've been talking some smack about doing a boneless fs360 into that brick bank in roxbury (the spot at the end of bachinskys part in WTF is a bachinsky, also in some random flip shit/photo shoot.) it started as drunken ramble, but someone remembered when we were sober so i had to stand by what i said haha... god help me haha.
  9. in it? out of it? or into it? how deep is it?
  10. newburyport looks fucking sick, its one of the few parks around the area ive been dying to go to, and havent.. after seeing those flicks, i will be soon. whats the deal with the ramp ion that first shot? is it more of a bank or does the flick just make it look that way? also, DESTROY.
  11. been watching these the past few days. sammy baca david gravette emmanual guzman, hill bomb..
  12. so anyone know of any decent parks/spots in DC? im gonna be there for a few hours within the next week.. got about 8 hours to kill so im gonna try and get some skating in.. edit: found that green lab skate park on google, its one big pool, looks fun.. looks like theres a lot of universities and schools around it too.. so hopefully theres something cool.
  13. figured this out about halfway through. this was alright, freddy looked more like one of the things from the Decent than he did freddy.
  14. word ill have to check that out.. theres a movie called Starkweather, saw it on tv a couples years back and havent seen it since.. decent movie though.
  15. personal favorite.. was considered more of a spree killer than a serial killer cause their run only lasted 2 monthes. Bruce Springsteens album Nebraska was named after their spree, and the song Nebraska is about it. Charles Starkweather and Caril Ann Fugate. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Starkweather
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kZlVnoUWLM&feature=fvst always wondered where those sound clips about his mothers severed head came from.
  17. word looks fun though, i stopped in shrevesport once, shit was a ghost town at 5pm on a wednesday. i assumed martial law had been issued and i was gonna get shot. ha.
  18. that photo makes that park look downhill ha.
  19. word, didnt even notice that image was a .45, i googled searched it and threw up the first flick. ya it wasnt the most accurate. but i was also shooting from 60 ft most of the time.. the first clip was at like 35ft but from there on out it was 60. made a few good shots with it though. the shells fly around like a mother fucker, one of them landed smack in my shoe and burned the shit outta me. i shot a glock9 years ago and enjoyed that one much better, im pretty sure it wasnt subcompact though.. that colt took the cake for the day though, that bitch was fun.
  20. was shooting these earlier... good day. colt 9mm smg glock 9mm
  21. holy shit. hahaha. i wonder if hes flow for anyone yet?
  22. i thought westgates part was the shit. prob my personal fav.
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