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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. this dude who used to ride bikes, thats been skating a lot lately.. was doing switch 360s on this 6ft mini yesterday, as well as nosegrind to lipslide on a 4 ft quarter... kids got some random ass, and good tricks up his sleeve. and like 2 weeks ago went to a park near my buddies apartment and this local kid showed up. dude did a japan air like 5 ft above the 4-5ft spine, then did a stalefish 360 over the spine.. followed by a indy 540.. followed by a handplant 360... ollowed by a frontside flip indy grab like 5 ft off this kicker.. dude was fuckin SHREDDING. best part is dude always has the worst shoes, and like wal mart decks but tears shit up.. my buddy ollies this box to the flat and he calls us crazy white boys (dude was black) i was like my dude... you just did a japan air like 10 ft in the air, followed by a 540 over a spine... and we're fuckin crazy?
  2. the fuck just happened?! that looked like they had strings attached to his board and they pulled it out from under him.. that doesnt even look real. almost looked like a glitch from skate 3 or some shit. his tail get stuck in a crack or some shit? those parks look real fun celt, especially that akron place. edit: god damn that bowl you posted imnotwitty looks fucking amazing.. fuuck.
  3. my wood is wider than yours... get it? hope this cheers you up as much as it usually does for me... edit: alright serious question time, some friends have been discussing this off and on for a few weeks now cause one of my buddies got butthurt about this trick one of my other buddies was doing... so this dudes goofy, was doing a frontside tail, then doing a bs360 shuv out, but landed back goofy, i told him he should try to go to fakie cause it would be interesting to have that little sex change thing going on... this dude chimes in screaming about how its a bigspin, even though it had nothing to do with anything really.. but the question is... would you consider it a bigspin if he went back to normal stance? i was saying no, because your body needs the 180 rotation for the big spin, but they were saying because you do 90s both ways its a bigspin and thats how it would probably be called in a magazine... i said fuck them and their magazine cause that just doesnt make sense, the 90 degree turns are canceling out if you wanna get mathmatical about it.. when you do a bigspin you land opposite stance from what you started in... i mean take out the tailslide, that would just be a 360 shuv shifty, am i wrong?
  4. dude looks like kid rock ha, he shreds though.
  5. for real, i honestly dont even know if i'd be able to get into drop in position without my legs buckeling haha. that shit looks soo gnarly from that angle.
  6. from the great pictures thread... seriously imagine this.
  7. if this dude is the next icon of horror, my left testicle is worth 5.5 million. this looks like the cover of american history x
  8. edit: flick didnt work.
  9. i havent been on the berrics in a while. was just watching this, good shit. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fE15-BjIWNw
  10. my buddy was wearing this the other night, almost shit my pants.
  11. ya it seemed it, definitely gonna be a few more trips to skate out there. if it wasnt half raining all day and dude didnt crack his cranium we definitely would have roamed around some more.
  12. went to a pretty decent indoor park in springfield, ma today, dude running it was tearing shit up.. as were a lot of the younger kids, definitely saw some potential and some kids shredding out there.. good to see. then we went and skated this awesome bank/ledge spot in downtown, 13 sets, big bank, ledges all across the top with a handrail behind them... so you could pop on the ledge, then pop over the rail and land in the bank... it was all fun in games until someone cracks their head open on a front crook pop out.
  13. musta really fucked up my knee the other day... everytime i kneel on it if feels like someones got a cleet (sp?) on the back of my knee pushing inbto my muscles, does not6 feel to great.
  14. i dont think there is really.. none that i can think of right now atleast.. we drive like 30 mins to some far off town every time we go skating. did you check out that concrete disciples website? we just wrote down all the parks that looked good and started crossing them off the list.. thats the thing thats always sucked about up here, theres not a whole lot readily available, all the good spots require driving far away, and thats if someone let you in on where they are haha. went skating on marathon monday down at the eggs, almost got fuckin ran over by 2 motorcycle cops. dudes just whipped right down the sidewalk and started grabbing kids skating the ledges, me and my buddy grabbed our shit and started running, then we found out down the street from some other kids that i guess the cops were on a rampage all day handing out $100 tickets for skating around boston. some kid said he got a ticket for skating through a park. i've eaten shit so many times in the past weeks too, i really need to take that break i said i was gonna take, im all sorts of fucked up right now. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHDdqubE7zQ
  15. i'd personally go frontside, i havent tried grabbing, but id say it depends on how high you5r trying to go, if you just wanna start popping a little bit id say no grab, but if you wanna break coping maybe grab, i tried to keep it small at first and just kept doing fakie ollie and fs 180s back to back to get comfortable, then just work your way up the ramp until you start airing over coping.
  16. ya she is, saw her in this movie the other night, forgot how hot she was, what was that movie she was in with ice cube? also saw this, not as bad as i thought it was gonna be.
  17. did a fakie ollie for the first time above coping today on a 6 footer, been going for fs airs too but i notice im reachin for ground when i do em.
  18. heres a poll question.. what do you think Mike V. would be more excited about, the naked girl.. or the handplant..
  19. haha what the fuck is that? is it a movie? a porn? or just a photo of a naked chick doing a handplant?
  20. always been a big fan of ipaths whether im skating them or not, comfortable shoes. never worn the cats though, they dont seem like great skating shoes, although im told they are.
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