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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. those can turn into the best spots, some foundation in the middle of nowhere. so many possibilites.
  2. ya its pretty nice, i suggest during the week if you can, less people and its only $10, on weekends iits $15. i'm seriously having dreams about that mini, i just wanna skate it. i need new wheels and bearings, not only is my casing popped off but now theres chunks taken out of it, so my wheel literally spins like half a turn and stops. trying to go with something new, i usually ride black panthers, used to ride luckys. my buddy swears his lucky 7s are awesome, i've kinda been thinking i wanna lean towards swiss but dont know if i wanna spend the money while unemployed on a ill pair of swiss'. also thinking of picking up some spitfire wheels, cant remember if i've ever bought spitfire, right now i have fast life, they're pretty good.
  3. ya it was the first thing i thought of when i showed up, still a fun park though, and is cheaper on weekdays then any other indoor park and is just as far away as the others. if i was to make 1 complaint it would be that bank to ledge on the top in betweeen those stairs. it is soo fuckin hard to get speed and keep speed going up that ramp and be able to grind that ledge for more than a inch. theres a 8 ft quarter like right where the camera is too, but more to the right, but you have to cut at a retarded angle to ttry and grind it.
  4. heres a new section they're building heres the street section, kidna felt like they were trying to go for some sort of berrics feel with it
  5. ya it was real fun, the coping sticks out a little to far at parts but the ramp is awesome, so many possibilites. ron the closest side to where the picture was taken i was trying to air out of the mini and no comply stall the flat and land in the street section behind it, came close the first time, after that i was just pissing in the wind.
  6. skating this shit last night, pretty fun. vert wall in the back is so fun, we had a little vert contest to see how could go higher.. going to fakie is where its at. my buddy was just about breaking that last 1/4 of wood at the top there.
  7. ha, one day they'll admit they're on some slaughterhouse five shit and can see in 4 dimensions, and know how every trick they do plays out before they even roll up. edit: that 2nd song in that first video was horrible, could not finish watching this shit was cool. i remember someone posted this a while back.
  8. ha^ was watching this the other day, was cool, got kinda repititious and stale at the end but cool none the less. could have just been that i was tired as shit and towards the end was trying to sleep...
  9. DC United. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4KcqS4rc_M
  10. havent really seen anyone do it besides david gonzalez, but its just the opposite of a airwalk, grab the tail and kick your legs out. fakie tailwalk at 4.10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXWQs6ZaguU
  11. cardiel is a hero.... pun intended. i told myself i was gonna step up my fliptrick game this year, but i think i got too much love for transition in my blood that once again im gonna push it aside and try and step my Cardiel game up. if i cant air out and air from one ramp to another by the end of this year i might consider death.. quiting skateboarding is not an option.
  12. thats next on the to learn list i think, time to start getting some air. i used to try airwalks all the time, i'd fuckin shit myself i was ever to learn tailwalks, such a cool looking trick.
  13. that really mellow like 8 ft quater is so weird to skate, first you gotta push/pump through the whole damn park to get speed to skate it, then as your riding up it, its so mellow by the time you hit coping your doing like .0000001 mph, so its just enough speed to jam your board into a stall. but ya i've also been there like 3 times this month, we usually hit it up late on a weekday in hopes no one will be there due to responsibilites they may or may not have. the other night some dude on a bike tried to wall tap the wall ebhind the mellow quarter and completely cased the coping coming back in and almost scorpioned the flat, luckily for him about a second before he hit ground and squirmed and managed not to die. i almost took a pretty good dive in that bowl too, i carved around it to get speed then 50-50d about 2/3 of where it cuts out and leaned waay to far forward and almost did a swan dive onto my skull. also, thats a big tail drop earl.
  14. been going to a lot indoor parks around MA and NH about once a week for the past month or 2 due to snow and wantign to skate really bad. been loving this bowl... just carving around, do a little feeble grind, carve around, 50-50 around the kidney part, carve around fronstide, 5-0, repeat, and repeat until i die haha. and this mini is awesome, the 6 ft extention on the right with the pool coping is cool. my buddy tried to taildrop off that blue wall in the back into the mini and popped way to far and basically cannon balled to flat, kinda funny. edit: wanna start trying to carve switch good while moving fast and maybe do a half cab feeble around the kidney part of that bowl.
  15. whenever i think of mccrank i think of him saying "im picturing a tarp... and maybe a ramp." in that nerdy as shit voice. from whatever video that was, maybe menikmati, or some day in the life of mccrank or some shit.
  16. this kid is getting surgery on both his ACLs tomorrow so a bunch of people went to a indoor park today and went apeshit. some cool stuff was thrown down. was skating this bowl with my buddy and this old dude he came with that his friend knew, whole time i just figured he was some random old dude, apparently it was dan gallagher, who i guess created hardlfips, didnt know that. cool guy, did a nice wall ride off some ramp.
  17. 10 skaters who changed the decade, according to transworld. marc johnson andrew reynolds mark appleyard dennis busenitz paul rodriguez eric koston john cardiel daewon song heath kirchart danny way chris cole
  18. abrasivesaint


    hardly use bling, but a red dot, silenced m16 is a beast of a gun.
  19. abrasivesaint


    dude knows whats up^ thats one class i set up as soon as i get it and never change it.
  20. ha i must have missed all that, i just saw the video the other day. went to a indoor park last night, good session. my buddy recently entered a contest there and landed 5 solid tricks on this HUGE ledge, the kid that beat him was trying a kickflip nosegrind all day and finally landed it so he took it. but afterwards donny barley chased him down and told him he skates like a beast and got his name and shit, so now my buddies all cocky about it, telling people about his "donny barley daps" haha. i spent a chunk of the day carving the shit outta the bowl they have. go up, feeble carve around the whole bowl, go up 5-0, carve around the opposite way. repeat.
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