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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. pj is a ill dude, a couple years ago when he was getting big transworld sent Atiba up here to take flicks of him at some skatepark mini ramp. he refused and blew off atiba, and when they asked what the fuck happened he said he was "too busy skating" i've heard of that dude getting more shit from his sponsers cause hes "too busy skating" than anyone i can think of.
  2. ha thats awesome. i've been thinking im gonna start riding bigger boards lately, i usually ride 7.75s but they've just been feeling kinda weird lately. years ago my friends would shit on me for riding 7.75s cause that was "big" and they were all riding 7.5s and whatever, if you had over 7.75 kids were like ????? but now almost everyone rides nothing under a 8. i think the biggest board i had was like a 9. and that thing got ran over by 2 cars, and survived many people trying to snap it but it just held out through everything, bitch was a tank. it was a mark appleyard board with a neon light apple on it. i've heard geoff rowley is real nice dude. the person who told me that was about to get their cars towed while they were out filming and rowley went running over and paid off the drivers to leave the cars there another hour and promised they'd leave, he said hes just generally a cool guy.
  3. abrasivesaint


    ha, what? for real? thats awesome. uncharted 2 is amazing, and resistance was a fun ass game all around, i've beaten that game more times than i can count cause its still fun to play.
  4. ya somethng about berra rubs me the wrong way, same with koston. i was sliding 180 switch smiths the other day, but popping out is whats getting me, im not good at switch or nollies. completely pulled them outta my ass too. but its probably because i've been trying a lot of hurricanes, and 180 switch willys and shit. speaking of which what exactly would you call that? is it an "over willy"? or is it just a 180 switch willy, cause i've heard mixed things, i noticed one of those creature dudes did one down the rail the other day.
  5. edit: actually false, i dont think they suck as a team i think its obvious they're generally good, but i hate them, its in the blood. person below had a shitty hangover today as well
  6. ha, i've kicked it with bucky lasek, one of my boys uncles opened a small chain food taco joint with him. have also kicked it with danny garcia, and ryan gallant, pj ladd and jereme rogers many times (when the 3 of them were still on Coliseum living in MA) met keenan miltons brother while skating a couple weeks after the dude died, he just came up to us and started kicking it and after about 20-30 mins he was just like "ya know i had a brother who was real good at this shit, he was on some teams and stuff, you guys ever heard of keenan milton?" we were just like hell ya dude your brother was ill, sorry to hear about that shit. also met jason dill when i met danny garcia, dill seemed like a huge douche.
  7. ya that dude doing those nosepicks on that electrical metal tube up on the wall was real ill, a lot of that shit was real cool.
  8. trying to muster up the energy to go to where i've been supposed to be at for like 3 hours now.
  9. awesome, i was looking up some creature the other day.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OdLTjOlsd7Y skate or dice chris cole vs. billy marks http://www.theberrics.com/dailyops.php?page=2
  11. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD that guys a lucky bastard, that roller blader got smoked, thats what he gets.
  12. very true, i was watching one of his parts earlier.
  13. i had to watch that tommy fynn video again, that kids awesome, lots of style.
  14. that was only a matter of time, a bunch of kids having been getting into this little longboard craze. i see them everywhere around here now, not to long ago i saw a dude with no shirt, a bathing suit, flip flops, sunglasses, listening to an i pod, on a longboard pushing mongo. i felt like i had to clothesline him and let him know he wasnt on venice beach.
  15. just found out a dude that grew up with bachinsky from around the way recently got on Axion. that tommy fynn kid was good, he was going pretty fast on a lot of that shit too. also, i love getting kicked out of skate parks for skating without a helmet, definitely makes my day.
  16. trying to fill my night with nonsense until im able to sleep.
  17. ya i just had to watch that video again, that gap to front board was awesome, nothing but love from me for cole, and the rest of zero. like whoever said it, could do without the music, but it did fit the part kinda well, and i'd rather hear that than some of the other shit people use.
  18. what the fuck did you just have me watch? gay. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJ1q9a3mEM8 chris cole battle commander ft. jamie thomas tommy sandoval tony asta ian berry that alleyoop backlip he did at the end is my shit, i've been working on that same thing down a similar ramp.
  19. still reading this shit, awesome book so far, i've just been slacking on it like crazy.
  20. for real, i'll take something like a huge smith down a rail over a nollie big heal noseblunt on a flat ledge any day, not saying that i dont respect that shit for being crazy, i just prefer what id consider "style" over crazyness. but i mean its all circumstantial i guess. basically... im more of a misled youth person.
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