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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. word, i saw a similar show at the basement that was called the house of suffering a few years ago, both those bands played, maybe it was a tour or something? how many years ago was this?
  2. who fucks with the atheann models here? i grabbed a couple the other day and started doing some to scale shits on them and its fun as hell. but how do some of you do shit on these? i've been using a wide piece of masking tape and taping the whole train, then drawing out the sketch in pencil and cutting it out with a razor then using spray paint to fill what i just cut. then using a fine tipped sharpie to outline, and normal sharpies to outline some things and do little touches in the fill. its a process taping and cutting out each part i paint cause i've been doing 2 color fills and then using the same tech. to do the clouds around it and shit buts its still pretty fun, but how have some of you done them? markers? similar techniques that im talking about?
  3. i was watching some fight yesterday, i think they were old but it was that dude cerone vs. ben hendersen(?) and that dude ben was made of fucking jello, cerone had that dude in some holds that would easily break most peoples arms or make them tap out. and dude was just chilling there like oh ya, this sucks, oh hey look at that im out again.
  4. was that show in boston? at the HOS? with hit me back?
  5. ha i was gonna end that post with up the punx, but didnt.
  6. haha ya DAOs been banned for a week or 2 now, maybe longer. manny santiago bangin http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NkEGXJSfaxM
  7. every band is the hardest band. saw the F.U's the other night. was never a huge fan, and by that i only mean i dont listen to them all to often, it was cool though. other than the FU's who were just grown men looking dudes, me and my buddy were the only non "punk looking" kids at the show. and i could tell quite a few of them were looking at us like "what the fuck you doing here." a lot of those kids are way too punk for their own good. reminded me why i cant be around for most of those kids for more than 20 minutes. almost everything about them is so typical and predictable its not even funny. on a good, side note: 8/10 girls that were there were cute as shit.
  8. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear girl, sucks to hear your gone. ill never forget the day you told me you wish you had a recording of my laugh so you could hear it whenever you needed. you were a cool girl, and i know a lot of my friends are gonna be bumming hard the next couple weeks and shit. that is not the best birthday present i could have recieved.. how come someones gotta die every year around the holidays? damn. -boston.
  9. haha, thats what im fuckin wondering, that park is supposed to be amazing. its seriously been "in the works" for almost 10 years now, they have all the money they need.. but im sure they uhh.. "misplaced" the funds for it.. probably to repave 93 so all the fucking businessmen can have a smoother ride to work. but we'll just keep on dreaming for now.
  10. mcfly you bozo, those boards dont work on water!
  11. that dude looked like elissa steamer. he was pretty good though.
  12. you should be alright, just stay awake for a couple hours and take it easy, if you start to feel fucked up then maybe do something about it.
  13. richie jackson bangin http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z947Jmot5AE hippe jump firecracker? what?
  14. word, they re did that whole park huh.
  15. that was not the type of "getting dusted" i was expecting, at all. was just watching this.
  16. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD haha, thats a funny batch. whats the one in the middle from?
  17. abrasivesaint


    naw, i never really got into much other than Mortal Kombat
  18. hoods only has like 3 songs i ever cared about, this song however fucking kills them all
  19. all i know is, i've never had my shit taken from me, nor been arrested for skating, and i never plan to. sticking around to argue with a security guard pays off in no way, in terms of skating.
  20. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD isnt that one of the final destinations? that lego one is awesome haha.
  21. couple videos i found from the flip demo, theres a bunch of shit that went down thats not in these videos though. when they first start showing the vert shit, around .45 seconds, theres a girl in a pink helmet on the right, shes nuts, i've seen her trying 720s on that vert ramp, she cant be older than 15 and i believe she has a couple younger brothers who are also pretty good. i was talking to their father for a couple minutes telling him how his children are psycotic haha. but they got it made, the girls sponsered by the skatepark and their father does some shit for the park while they skate, so they get to skate there whenver they want for free. theres so much shit in that park that you cant see in that video also. im jealous.
  22. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD haha, found this from that video
  23. haha i agree, im sure if its true dudes a biochemist or something and his dad had something to do with finding the autism gene thats probably where it stemmed from, or people are just retarded.
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