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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. went skating today at this indoor park from 3-6, and at 6 there was a flip demo.. pretty fuckin gnarly, david gonzalez was shredding, that little like 13 yr old kid louie whatever was absolutely destroying, burnquist did a switch flip boardside on the vert ramp, handplant 360 and doing huge kickflip indy to fakie,. and a front smith - blunt to fakie on like a 5 ft ramp, some dude (might have been glifberg) did a huge 360 board varial over one of the bigger ramps made for bikes and shit. some other dude louis something did a switch fs big spin off the top of a 5 ft ramp over a bank to flat. and some random dude in a pennywise shirt that was putting up all the banners and stickers for flip did a 5-0 seatbelt around like half the coping on the deep end of a pool. rowley didnt skate, and appleyard did like 4 tricks and dissapeared. but everyone else was killing it.
  2. abrasivesaint


    no fuckin way. just.. no.
  3. abrasivesaint


    ha, the barret in MW2 is so much better compared to the first one. i use that, sleight of hand, stopping power, and steady aim... so god damn good. 1 hit kills all day.
  4. Mystery at the berrics http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4JzYXQ7S-Nw nick tucker recruit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sm8i1QmZJW8
  5. smoking bowls and taking names on modern warfare 2 with the 12oz squad.
  6. i've been trying to do more lately, i cant do nose manuels for shit.
  7. i love mini ramps, great way to learn how to slide/balance grinds and shit. mini, beer, music, weed.. great time.
  8. ha basically, i never really became a blacklisted fan either, but a couple of those dudes are cool. i know what your talking about with the ranting, i hate that shit.
  9. blacklisted were/are touring machines. one of them showed me some taxes form or something along those lines that he had, and for 2 years it had XXXXXX on everything, so basically as far as goverment knew/ were concerned, he didnt exist for 2 years. it was kinda funny.
  10. hahaha, girl definitely wants some boulala nuts in or around her mouth. the way she looks and skates, all screamed boulala. that last girl from ladies night is what i picture zdrips to look like, some of those girls werent bad, but i've came across a few that could step to them, atleast in that video.
  11. scrolling past that swirl looks cool, just saw this, wasnt bad, kinda long but i enjoyed it.
  12. never ended up hitting up a hospital, hopefully it doesnt fuck me over.. but i've been walking better, i'll limp/ feel it every now and then but for the most part it seems good. had a few beers the other day and went skating through the streets just popping off and on curbs, wall riding dumpsters and that type of shit just fucking around, grinded a couple ledges and did some bonelesses and 180s off some shit. didnt wanna go to nuts and fuck up my leg though.
  13. abrasivesaint


    i havent even played it yet, too into the multiplayer. the g18 pistol is fuckin nasty, and i agree the m4 is ill, and the mp5 is just incredible. those random drop offs you get is one of the coolest things they added to, and how killstreaks and shit carry over if theres rounds in the game. and how if you get a uav, and then another killstreak thing, it doesnt take the uav away like it did in MW.
  14. you mean like this? he was the first to come to mind when i read that.
  15. listening to this.. about to go get my oil changed. i've already supposed to have gotten 2, haha.
  16. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD haha that teams gettin smoked.
  17. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD holy shit, that dude musta got reemed 5 new assholes after that one.
  18. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear whoever, went to the bar last night to meet some people, and only had 1 beer cause i had places to be after and was driving, im proud of myself haha. also, a fight broke out betweeen some friends and some dudes, but the funny thing about it is that one of the kids i knew, booted one of em straight in the face and both of them were standing straight up. this wasnt like a side of the head kick round house thing, and he didnt have a height advantage really, this was face to face, high kick straight to the grill hahah. luckily my friends had the situation well under control cause i was waaaay to busy laughing at the kid who just got a boot to his mouth to help anybody at that point in time ha. i felt like sharing, i figured someone might get a laugh. cause it was absolutely hilarious. -me.
  19. i hope not, ha now your getting me nervous that its gonna be fucked up. but i couldnt go to the ER if i wanted to really, i dont got insurance, so that bill would be waay more than i can deal with right now. i was doing a lot of stretches and shit last night giving it my own physical therapy kinda, so im hoping that helps a little bit. its moving a little better, im not draggin it anymore and can actually lift it and step down a little bit, but i feel like i need to be walking with a cane haha. but i probably shouldnt really be walking around at all right now, but im stubborn as shit.
  20. i thought about it, i mean i've rolled both my ankles, fractured one and pulled shit more times than i care to think of, but none of it ever felt like this.. but i think im gonna try and ride it out and see what happens tomorrow, shits crazy uncomfortable right now though. im thinking i might give it the ole whiskey treatment tonight. my luck the leg will give out and i'll fall down some stairs hammered and with a bum leg haha.
  21. i went skating all day today, was doing good, landing a lot of shit, and then right as its starting to get dark we start up this little game of skate on a quarter pipe just to kill time before its gets real dark, i was fucking around and the first friggin trick i do a split and i dunno what the fuck i tore, probably my hamstring, but this shits fuckin hurtin ha. i can hardly walk around, im dragging my leg like the shit is just dead. the day was going to good, i shoulda knew something was up ha.
  22. ya i couldnt finish watching it cause of that music.
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