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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. abrasivesaint


    ya a lot of kids dont understand the concept of some of that shit, in headquarters if i dont see anyone else doing it ill go for the capture points, but i only end up trying to capture shit like half the time, the other half i try and cover dudes trying to capture. i always find it funny that if someones got a helicopter or some shit i always get mowed down the most cause we're probably getting smoked and im the only one charging down the map trying to get to the damn spot while dudes are creeping and trying to snipe from the other side of the shit. haha, incase you dudes havent seen this, check this lucky shot from hell. http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1924919
  2. abrasivesaint


    terminal is a cool map, if your playing demolition the spot in the plane you gotta blow up turns into a slaughterhouse haha. favela is cool too, lots of tiny little alleys kids forget about, i love sneaking around and knifing like 3 dudes all thinking im still posted up where they initially saw me.
  3. my buddy cant skate for shit, like i mean at all, he probably couldnt ollie a 4 stair if his life seriously depnded on it. but he can do those ballerina twirl shits mullen does like nobodys business, i've seen the kid do 900 spins on a bank, its funny shit.
  4. speaking of danny way, i just recently saw when he jumped the great wall of china, and man was i let down, i was expecting like a gap, like a big gap. not a normal sized mega ramp. the ramp lead right up to the edge of the wall, atleast set it back a couple feet. still cool to say you jumped it non the less.
  5. abrasivesaint


    awesome. get my god on.
  6. ya he seems like he'd be a nice dude, i guess some people just cant hang with the fact hes a nut on a skateboard so they try and knock him down a peg.
  7. ya thats what im saying, but i've heard quite a few kids trying to pass that shit off within the past year or 2.
  8. abrasivesaint


    i wont sit in a spot for more than 2-3 kills, but i will post up for a minute or 2, get a UAV or drop and move on to a new spot, get a kill or 2, and repeat. but if im defending a bomb or something i will just post up and just pick em off as they run at it, when bombs and shit are planted dudes panic real easy and forget about a little tactic called flanking. that rundown map can be a HUGE pain in the ass if your playing anything but deathmatch, cause dudes just camp and stare at the bridges and you hardly have a way of crossing without getting picked off. you gotta jump into that little river and break for one of the 2 stairs and hope theres not someone sitting there either.
  9. speaking of mullen, anyone know if hes legit autistic? or is that just some bullshit started cause the dudes a freak when it comes to skating?
  10. ya thats a seatbelt, a reverse crail basically.
  11. haha, that made me think of this.. check out this guy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSLwX_MLvJs
  12. hitting pavement in the winter sucks some serious dick, but it comes with the terroritory. make some grind boxes and shit and bring them along, do a little searching for a file cabinet, get a piece of plywood, and some angle iron, and your golden. or try and find some of those small orange barriers, im sure theres a spot somewhere that'll have one you can snag.
  13. dao, i've been informed a seatbelt is in fact a tailgrab.
  14. whats with the posts of just posting band names? atleast post a interesting video or something.
  15. abrasivesaint


    haha dont get me wrong, im a fan of silencers, mostly on something like a mp5 though. and i agree being surrounded and having them not have any idea your there is funny/awesome.
  16. ha, ever heard someone call a hardflip, a illusion flip? that was a new one to me, and they just described it as a shitty looking hardlip. edit: shit or maybe they were talking about frontside flips when they look like hardflips, jesus christ i dunno anymore.
  17. ha touche, shit i forget maybe its a tail grab. or maybe its just another made up, re-named trick spawned from a video game, i dunno. so ya, he did a crail.
  18. abrasivesaint


    ya it looses range. silenced snipers sounds amazing, but i havent found it too usefull. they always gotta take something from you when they give you some perk/attachment with this game haha.
  19. haha, its a nosegrab, but you use your back hand and cross your chest like a seatbelt.
  20. abrasivesaint


    not a fan of silenced snipers really, and havent used much but the barrett with stopping power, but very rarely do i hit a dude in the upper body/head, no matter how far i am, and not kill him. i does piss you off real bad when it doesnt kill em though ha.
  21. i think of JB Gillet everytime i see you posting.
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