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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. ya its a pretty massive pool. they use it from july 4th to labor day i believe, other than that i think its drained. i read in either transworld/thrasher/skateboarder that its documented that its been skated for around 35 years.
  2. ha, thats sick. ya that spots pretty fun, to even just charge the deep end and whipping around it is so much fun, and its cool the shallow end is banked so wall rides are possible just about all around the place.
  3. heres a few other flicks, none of these are my flicks either.. this is a nice park up in NH, lots of tranny, and the lights are on until midnight. this is like a 6 ft little vert wall thing. this dude backtailed the top of this cone more times than i could count, it was kinda funny, never seen someone "tailside" tap the top of a cone.
  4. not my flick, but heres a fisheye flick of the C-Bowl in Boston. skated this thing like 4 days in a row 2 weeks ago, once with Chupa and Crack but our pool party got rained out. this thing got reaal slippery, ask Crack.. im pretty sure he saw me go shoulder/head first into the wall haha. a friend told me Fritz Mead, whose now on 1031 i guess, kickflipped into this recently, and is trying taildrop kickflip off the lifeguard seat.... fucking absurd. chupa/crack.. i'll be going back over there pretty soon, my buddy wants to land that nosepick. i'll let you dudes know whats up.
  5. Zero tour came to nashua like a week or so ago.. this dude dressed up for th event.
  6. was gonna go as bacon, and im still really pissed i'm not, but the costume was $60. this mask was $25, and i already have a suit, so maybe bacon next year.
  7. trying to get tires for my car tomorrow, as long as that works out fine im about 95% down. haha.. im pretty sure im doing something that night, just gotta remember/find out what it was/ what time it was.
  8. you talking about that blue thing he crails? i was trying to think where that could be myself haha.
  9. ya some of those spots look sick as fuck, i believe someone told me that dude is from NH, so i'd assume some of them were around there. edit: sitting around the other day with a buddy we came up with a few modified presidential names.. Abraham DeepEnd John Quincy Slashams Franklin Dipitmore Rossevelt John F. Shreddedy William Howard Thrash George W. Push James K. Polejam Calvin Cooledge Ulysses S. Fastplant even though its not presidential, our personal favorite was.. Shred Kaczynski "the Unahill Bomber" yesdrunk/yesstoned haha.
  10. richie jacksons good shit, i havent heard much of anything about him in like a year tho, the last thing i remember from him was that welcome to Ipath teaser they put out. fritz mead
  11. i always skip over that shit too, that night i figured why the fuck not i guess. pretty absurd movie haha. halloween is seriously the best time of the year for movies, shits incredible.
  12. haha, i did the same thing he did around :45 a couple weeks ago but the table was down a small grass gap.
  13. will not see that movie, didnt think the first one was good. all it looks like they did to this one was add a baby.
  14. haha holy shit, where do you land? flatground?
  15. looks like a fun pool party. so if you come up frontside and overcrook its a nosegrind.. but if you come up backside and overcrook its a overcrook, and not a nosegrind? now would you apply that same logic to crooked grinds? because the only thing that seperates them is whether your back truck crosses the rail or not. always thought nosegrinds are sort of an art of a trick, if you cant lock em you cant lock em and thats that, your doing an overcrook or a crooked and you gotta deal with that. but people cant call sloppy nosegrinds whatever they want just cause they cant lock straight on. you cant call a whale a dog, even if its skeletal structure resembles a dog haha... ya dig? i mean i do understand where your coming from, but i completely disagree. if you can do a trick frontside, you can do it backside, and if people say you cant than you cant do it either way. this aggression will not stand man haha.
  16. i wasnt really sure either, it looked just a little under tweaked to me to be a noseblunt but i could be wrong.
  17. damn, how old is that kid? kickflip back overcrook, hell yeah! i love overcrooks, just wish i could do them haha.
  18. hah. if that dude wasnt wearing sandals he wouldnt need a brake.
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