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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. package from Havoc came today, i was fucking siked. didnt know the Caustic Christ and Riistetyt albums were CDs when i ordered em, wasnt paying attention i guess.. im kinda stoked though cause now i can listen to it in my car. im gonna go smoke weed and waste gas listening to these cds, fuck yeah. this was used as packing in the box, thought it was funny.
  2. ya wild things was the first thing i thought of too. i generally like nicholas cage movies, he can be weird and corny as hell at times, but overall they're mostly good.
  3. "have you seen kick ass" "ya it kicks ass" "so its not just a clever name." really though, its actually surprisngly good, but thats cause it has sweet fight scenes. nicholas cage is pretty funny surprisngly, acting like adam west was a plus to ha.
  4. cool shit antix. that dog haha, looks like he was walking up like "eh whats going on ove... ahh what is this!"
  5. 108 is cool live, seen them once or twice. however.. TEAR IT UP IN BROOKLYN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. kicked it with this dude for a little bit the other day, cool dude. Nate Principato
  7. didnt mind this one i guess. was only able to watch the whole 2nd one cause i watched it in fast motion, slowing it down for whatever looked like the decent parts.
  8. awesome thread. reminded me of a friend who lives on a farm (now in Iowa) and had a racoon killing his chickens. so he trapped it, drowned it, skinned it, and turned it into a banjo strap. but i think you up'd the ante.
  9. i thought that Whites shit was funny, i hear what your saying though gasface, buncha idiots, but i enjoy laughing at idiots. little fun fact i got from playing a trivia game at a bar.. Johnny Knoxville's real name is Phillip C. Clapp.... or something close to that.
  10. finally saw this too, but i disagree, sweet movie. the part where they're in the Nun suits, and the cops sitting at the construction site outside the bunker hill projects.... HA!
  11. im gonna assume that video forsit posted is probably that new Jereme Rogers song i've been hearing about.. i never get this shit, that shit BLOWS ASS, i know its gonna suck, everyone else knows it sucks, yet everyone still runs to hear the new horrible song. someone tried to get me to look that shit up earlier. I will not entertain the idea of giving that fool the satisfaction of poisoning my ears with his horrible rap. fuck jereme rogers. go cry on a rooftop naked cause you cant handle your drugs cunt. i've been dying to skate, i fucked up that finger i thought was broken again, confirming suspicions i broke something in there, cause its still not healed and its been 2 months, it was also black under my skin for a few days.. hooray for having no insurance! it just snowed, its cold, ITS SUCKING MY WILL TO LIVE!
  12. just ordered $120 woth of records from Havoc, then i saw this... "Dealing with the post office this time of year sucks. See you in 2011. You can still place orders in our webstore, they just won't ship until sometime in January. " i mean i figured they wouldnt ship probably till next week or something but.... fuck. oh well, now i'll probably forget about them and whe i get them in the mail i'll be that much more siked on em.. still need to buy a new record player though, both of mine were from the 70s and 80s and they finally shit the bed. heres a little Brother Inferior. formula for revolution freedoms son http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBzgw0pVXys&feature=related one for the resistance fucked up more than just a crime http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WO7rWRN_wk&feature=related bastard son
  13. i saw them like.. 6-7 years ago and they were pretty good. but it was also at a fest, with toxic narcotic, gang green, jerry kids, slapshot, us bombs, the unseen, darkbuster and a bunch of other bands. so i mean i was probably all jacked up and that was also 6-7 years ago so who knows now.
  14. word, haha.. figured rotcore was just another weird ass genre name. tried to give it a quick youtube search and came up with some weird techno shit. been listening to a lot of Dodsdomd lately. awesome band.
  15. the fuck is rotcore? does that fall under sludge death core grind or grind death sludge core with a tough guy crust? either way i dont like crust on my sammiches so can you cut it off like my momma used to? "Hot funk, cool punk, even if its old junk its still rock and roll to me."
  16. never heard Alpha & Omega, was never a huge fan of Outbreak.. Sick of it All is fuckin SWEET live though.
  17. i was stoked cause i initially thought of this... watched these the other night.
  19. formeldahyde junkies are sweet. all the following videos are at Gilman Ceremony http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4JZtT9ZMNk&feature=related What Happen Next http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7APgTTPxbU&feature=related American Nightmare http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZO-DiAByN78&feature=related Life's Halt http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYzWvnzgdRw&feature=related DS13 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EMibL80MNt0&feature=related Spazz part 2
  20. Negative FX the FU's the Freeze Jerry's Kids the Proletariat http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LgCxEENqwe4&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJ9JeqdkhK8&feature=related Last in Line ETA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4RS95HazTg&feature=related
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