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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. a buddy just gave me Grapes of Wrath to read, prob start it sometime this week. the price printed on the cover says 50 cents... i nearly shit my pants.
  2. damn how could i have forgotten about that, that was sick. i once owned that VHS, time has claimed it. anyone from NE seen Shapedeuce?
  3. been listening to some english dogs myself lately.
  4. exactly man, shit happens., i dont look down on anyone who breaks edge or anything though, its all the same to me, i just like the laugh it gives me, and its someone else to get fucked up with haha.
  5. they broke their veganism, if thats what you'd call it, for fast food? :lol: saw a like 18 year old chick with a vegan backpatch on a flannel shirt at tear it up.. i dont know what i found funnier, her backpatched flannel or how she'll probably be slobbering on some meat later that night.. AYE! someone i thought would never break edge now smokes weed and drinks like fish (he had been edge for liek 10 years) along with like 30 other used to be edge people i know. whenever people break edge and shit they seem to go off the deep end.. its either one extreme or the other. i love seeing people smoking and drinking with a big ole X on their hand, brings a smile to my face.
  6. wow.. the snitch friend sounds like he's a gaping asshole of a faggot.
  7. hot damn is a very suitable name, that dudes got pop! and skates some rad spots.
  8. Gen is taking it like a champ...... huhu huhu huhuhuh hu huhuhu
  9. facebook addition to thread.... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  10. ya you could just whip your dick out with a camera in hand and see if she relapses.
  11. this, wait it out a little bit, if they are clicking and you feel like you NEED to tell your boy, confront the chick and tell her to tell him, or you're gonna. hands.. clean.
  12. unless shes got a boyfriend to drive him home why bother?
  13. woord that switch flip at like 6:54 in the first one had like a judo kick thing going on, cool looking.
  14. haha, fruity drinks are acceptable in amazing weather and with chinese food. sometimes i think i drink to much. then i think of my friends who'll put back 14+ beers/shots/drinks on a tuesday afternoon, or the ones that go home from the bar and steal their roomates vanilla extract and mouthwash, and dont feel so bad. then i think of my fathers father whose been drinking and smoking cigs since he was 13 in the 30s, whiskey heavily for years and years, and dudes pushing 90, and think maybe i'll be like him. sometime in his 70s he was at the doctors and they couldnt believe he was in such good shape. said besides the fact its obvious hes been drinking and smoking for so long, he has no signs of any problems. dude is a walking preservative. i think i need to just chill with all the whiskey. my stomach really dislikes me these days. edit: i also think of the friends who cant drink without drinking to the point of falling on their face, and the ones who get out of work at 3pm shitfaced.
  15. hahahahaha that is pretty hilarious
  16. maybe i worded what i thought of clockwork orange a little wrong, i think i've just heard so many people talk about it that it got over hyped in my head and i was expecting it to be a little more like how the beginning is, and a lot less of how the rest of it is.. i still liked it. still not amused by the toxic avenger though. never been the biggest fan of that zany 80s horror movie style. i mean i'll get a laugh or 2, but that was just too much for me to care about.
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