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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. dear grd, ahh, i see now, see in America, this is a daddy long legs, it has no wings, and is harmless.. -Cag.
  2. dear grd, a daddy long legs with wings? now you've lost me.. -J.
  3. dear Priz, haha, im well aware of that.. but overkill never hurt anyone. besides.. crush with finger, or frag your fridge, what sounds more fun? -J.
  4. dear grd, its just a daddy long legs, they're harmless. dont be scurrd.. if it were a black widow, i'd say throw a frag grenade in there and hit it with a flamethrower just to be safe. -J. dear Rolf, lol. luckily for me my names not Cagney, it is Irish though and I'm of Irish and Scottish decent myself.. i drink quite often and swear like fuck too.. -Cags.
  5. cool, i'm probably gonna check into those.
  6. is that one of the books that the show Game of Thrones is based off?
  7. fuck we still got like 5 days of it here.. currently riding.. 8.25 Shape deck Indy wides 54mm Bones 100s China Reds. at first the shape had a weird shape, no pun, it wasa little chunky in the middle and skinnier at the nose and tail, but now... bata ba ba ba, i'm loving it.
  8. its all about that alliteration.
  9. the Japanese band LIE is awesome.. i've never been able to find their shit online, but i've also never looked too hard. i have the "a man dies and becomes a legend" 12" and thats real sweet. all i can tell you is they're on 625thrash, and they're sweet.
  10. dear Rolf, so you're me? "His father, James Sr. was, by the time of James Jr.'s birth an Irish American bartender and amateur boxer, though on Cagney's birth certificate his father is listed as a telegraphist. His mother, Carolyn Nelson, was half Irish, half Norwegian; her father was a Norwegian ship captain." -Cags dear UK, i would thoroughly enjoy seeing Ireland, Scotland and why not Wales someday. my younger sister just got back from 5 months in Limerick and im pretty pissed i couldn't take full advantage of going over while i had a good opportunity too. fuck yo england though, i dont care about no royal family or some big ass clock. -J.
  11. abrasivesaint


    this knife was nice when i got it like 7 years ago, still nice, but the spring doesnt really work anymore.
  12. in the spirirt of preserving history i was going to steal this book the other day, because i stole On Bullshit like 5 years ago. these days im not so pro theft, but it was from Barnes & Nobles and they wanted 15 bucks for this little 70 page fucker, which is more like 30 if printed like a normal sized book, and back then On Bullshit was like 8 bucks. so fuck that. i've bought far more books worthy of 15 dollars that this would have been. only because its such a quick read.. but some dungeon and dragons looking ass dude was eye balling me the whole time i was there, so i sat down in front of him, read it, and put it back.. /coolstorybr0.
  13. dear symbols, :lol: at cagney and lacey.. 100% agreed on fire, once that shit gets in my clothes a headache is inevitable for me. so gay. -J.
  14. dear symbols, i hear many good things about the bahamas, i have a aunt who went there one weekend a month for like 2 years. dear grd & symbols, its not so much the sleeping outdoors thing, i can actually do without the mosquitos and smelling like fire and shit.. but where we're going theres a 45-50ft bridge to jump off, and a rope swing that goes off a clay cliff into a river thats about a 20ft fall.. thats the fun part.. especially when you're wasted.
  15. Dear grd, make me a bird, so i can fly far, far far away from here. dear grd, make me a bird so i can fly far, far far away from here. but seriously, camping is sweet.. however, if its gonna rain, im not sleeping in the tent, i'll stay in my car haha. -Cags.
  16. dear grd and seyer, normally rain doesnt bother me, but its gonna be here all week, and looks like the weekend too, and im supposed to be going camping in a tent in a few days... no bueno. its also prevented me from having any outdoor fun. im bored damnit! haha. -JCags. PS: however, while sitting in a square the other day in the rain.. i was feeding little sparrow type birds (i dont know what they were) cookie crumbs from my hand.. dudes would just hover inching closer until they could snatch it up and fly away. little did i think that once i fed one, like 8 more would come over.. some people were looking at me like i was the pigeon lady from Home Alone 2.. others were all like "AWW." -Cags.
  17. dear rain, go the fuck home you lingering asshole! we dont want you here no mo! -Cags.
  18. :lol: other than that, thisthreadsucks.jpg
  19. just ate my 3rd overly stuffed fajita of the day. i fuckin love fajitas.
  20. hell yeah, i wanna see those too.
  21. sweeeet. good amount of that shit had me all like :eek:
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