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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. lol at "almost knocked my face open." i lol'd at most of this actually, what a angry, yet seemingly nice and hilarious individual.
  2. i'm a narcissist like osama, i like to watch myself on tv haha.
  3. dear thread viewers and new englanders.. people in mass dead from tornados!? tornados of notable size!?...... the fuck is this? the lightning was going nuts too, shit was cracking 3-4 times every 3-4 seconds... the rapture is coming, it just got held up in traffic.. we're doomed -JCags.
  4. wasnt the worst movie.. but fuckin christ does bale suck. seems like dude tries way too fuckin hard. i dig a lot of the movies hes in, i just cant stand him 90% of the time. this was whatever.
  5. i understand the corny thing with newer BFB, but this song right here.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVpXW-FxCik .. you cant fucks with it. like he says at the beginning, its an old one done right. i still love BFB though.
  6. dear potential job, please come through, i need you very, very badly. -JCags. edit: dear jack links jerky "messin with sasquatch" commercials, i generally laugh at you, keep making ones where people get punched 40 ft in the air or wrapped up in a blanket and tossed, that is all. -J.
  7. drinking beer, watching Futurama, oontz, oontz.
  8. i agree. i keep a stash of my used 8s and 8.5s and my 58mms in my trunk. just incase.
  9. that thing moogle posted was pretty funny. i lol'd.
  10. dear rapture, while it was funny enough, when you were supposed to happen, and the wind nearly tore all our tents and shit away, and the rain fuckin poured down, and the river raised about a foot and started flowing slightly upstream and whirl pooling back around, and we were all "oh herro rapture" we told you to blow us by getting wasted, said "fuck yo rain", threw more wood on our fire, and tied everything down better. judgement day my ass. -J.
  11. dear yahoo mail, stop popping up with this bullshit saying people wanna be my friends.. i dont fucking want yahoo friends. whose bright idea was this shit? fire their ass. -J.
  12. one of my buddies refuses to skate anything bigger than a 7.75 and thats big in his mind. its funny... when i started skating dudes were all about baggy clothes, skinny boards and tiny wheels.. these days dudes are about tight clothes, wide boards and big wheels.
  13. watching Criminal Minds about a freight hopping paint thinner huffing serial killer.. yeaah.
  14. i skated 8.5 for months.. but that + 58mm wheels = one heavy bitch resulting in many slams, so i down graded. after riding a 8.5 the lowest i can go is a 8.. i generally skate fast and are kinda all over the place.. so i need wider room for error haha. edit: i also use bones medium bushings, courtesy of Celt's advice.
  15. :lol: NOES, in my defense, i was wasted when i watched it, it was the first time i had seen it, and growing up i heard nothing but "that movie is so fucked, the rape scene is crazy ect.." and while wasted i was like... "dude didnt do anything but cut holes in her dress and the scene cut.. whats so crazy about this?" i had thought the whole movie was more like the beginning, i also didnt keep in mind that at the time it came out, that probably was pretty out there.. i do think the movie is sweet, i was just a little harsh while i was drunk.
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