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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. i was over it like a 1/3 of the way through, i watched the rest of it, but fast forwarded a lot.
  2. thought this was gonna be a little different, cool though i suppose. holy crap, was not amused.
  3. that place is incredible, been there 3 times this past week. that transfer will be sick, i was talking about that a couple days before, dunno if i'll be trying that though ha. hink im gonna try to back crail those banks next time, if my beer gut will even allow me to make that grab haha. not my flicks. edit: .. just looking at these flicks is killing me right now.
  4. dear NYC, while bouncing around boroughs the other day a homeless Harlem crackhead thought i was 7 years older than i am while talking about how clubs suck today and he misses the 80s thinking i could relate with him. when he found out how old i was, he told me that i stress to much and it shows in my face and i need to relax more, and thats why he thought i was so old. /coolstorybr0 of a crackhead telling me i need to take life easier. - Cagney.
  5. that is one of the sweetest quotes i've ever read.
  6. I've been skating for 10+ years and a 12yr old would smoke me in skate, but I'll skate till my legs don't work and charge my balls off.
  7. Had no idea last in line was playing the tear it up show, so fuckin sweet.
  8. went to hingahm earlier, little tight, but its pretty awesome. this dude did a nice back tail big spin on one of the down ledges.
  9. kickflips are arch enemies to many.
  10. word, is that a sal flip i see 3 flicks down.
  11. great hardcore albums can ONLY come from the 80's raaawwrrrrr hdtgfsdkfgskfgkj
  12. hes dancing up and down in that scene and thats photoshopped. looks like hes kick flipping and the boards heel flipping. or maybe a impossible ha. still funny.
  13. hingham new par you say. word, ill be back this weekend, ill shoot u a pm later. heading to NY for a few days, grabbed a new pair of 54mm bones 100s for the trip. beer, booze, skating, drunk st. paddys day girls.. fuckin A.
  14. fucking ringworm, i've gone to like 5 shows to see them only to have them never show. fucking unicorns.
  15. read like half of this the other day while waiting for some people to go get drunk. "hitler interview" saying he hopes a small memorial, preferably a cross, will one day be made in his name with the translation "Excuse me" had me laughing. after getting drunk i dont remember the other stuff ha.
  16. the indoor park being built in Nashua, NH. http://graniteskatepark.com/Gallery.html if you fastfoward to around 3:50 in the life of BK video you can see the park being skated http://www.1031skates.com/
  17. watched brain wash the other day, good stuff. if you have not seen it.. http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjMxMTcxMDU2.html
  18. just watched this, little out there, but i kinda dug it.
  19. decent watched a good chunk of this on fast forward. already seen the ending so i watched most of this on fast forward too.
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