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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. havent been on the havoc rex site in like 7 years.. heres some tunes i enjoy. brother inferior http://www.havocrex.com/mp3/brother_inferior_who_will_protect_us.mp3 tear it up http://www.havocrex.com/mp3/tear_it_up-through_being_cute.mp3 riistetyt http://www.havocrex.com/mp3/riistetyt_ei_totuus_pala_tulessa.mp3 ... http://www.havocrex.com/mp3/riistetyt_illusio.mp3 rambo http://www.havocrex.com/mp3/rambo_if_our_leaders_are.mp3 vitamin x http://www.havocrex.com/mp3/vitaminx_bad_trip.mp3 ... http://www.havocrex.com/mp3/vitaminx_peoplethatbleed.mp3 from ashes rise http://www.havocrex.com/mp3/from_ashes_rise-reaction.mp3 dodsdomd http://www.havocrex.com/mp3/dodsdomd_vallust.mp3 ds13 http://www.havocrex.com/mp3/ds13_killed_by_the_kids-vi_skatar_dom_dor.mp3 ... http://www.havocrex.com/mp3/ds13_ds13.mp3 holding on http://www.havocrex.com/mp3/holding_on_just_another_day.mp3 9 shocks terror http://www.havocrex.com/mp3/9shocks_mobileterrorunit.mp3 ... http://www.havocrex.com/mp3/nine_shocks_terror_attack_with_a_gasmask.mp3 code 13 http://www.havocrex.com/mp3/code13_two_fisted_tales.mp3 ... http://www.havocrex.com/mp3/code13_hardcoreforthekids.mp3 aus rotten http://www.havocrex.com/mp3/aus_rotten_fuck_nazi_sympathy.mp3 ... http://www.havocrex.com/mp3/ausrotten_aids.mp3 civil disobedience http://www.havocrex.com/mp3/civil_disobedience_faith_not_sight.mp3 destroy http://www.havocrex.com/mp3/destroy_burnracistsystem.mp3 speaking of Civil D... anyone know where i can get me some of that. there was one particular song i laways liked, forget the name, but i wanna hear it.
  2. i could picture him transfering turns in a bobsled.. also, happy 420 pages of skateboarding.
  3. really.. i figured that movie was gonna be a laugh.. now i'm intrigued. watched this last night.
  4. ya, i believe he started really getting into after his knees got mangled. i believe i saw some video of him like freestyle fixed gearing (ha) somewhere, like doing wall tap 360s and shit. not 100% on that though.
  5. DS13 ETA - I Dont Believe In Unity ..Killed By Skateboarding Caustic Christ - Sobriety Sucks ..Fear Totalitar - Spela Bort Alt Du Har http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MtpSmm2bjNQ Tragedy - No End In Sight http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DbbZddsBK_o&feature=related
  6. handrail at 2:45 is incredible, and the fall right after is horrible haha.
  7. ha, ya i shredded my pants and sweatshirt on that thing, and my shoulder was real sore the next day. which didnt help 2 days later when i took those other spills.. but im determined to land that, im just too busted up right now haha. thats how those dudes can be, sometimes they throw themselves at shit, other times they just talk about it, i try to always throw myself at something i think i could do, especially if i talk about it. and when it comes to ability i'm the worst of them, but i have the drive that they dont sometimes, i always picture tricks at spots and shit like that and try to push my ideas on someone i know could do it. dude was talking about a nosepick on it all week too, then completely pussed out. worst part is i know he could do it.
  8. ya burnside looked incredible all cleaned up.
  9. yea, i looked them up to make sure i was thinking of the same band too.
  10. ya after that i was done, that shit HURT. i'm probably not gonna skate for like a month or so now, i've been getting worked lately.
  11. not to be corny but.. aggression and heart. the anger just isnt there, not enough people are pissed off anymore or know how to work for the respect that comes from being in a band. kids just assume cause their in a band that everything gets handed to them.. merch, respect, friends, drinks at the bar, ect.. thats shit you earn. people are too complacaent and there are too many bands that seem, and sound, like they're just trying to be punk/hardcore. very few bands actually stand for something these days. i dont care if your up there screaming about your dog puking on your couch or how you cry at night about your ex girlfriend., you need to make me feel the anger you felt when you saw your dogs puke splattered across your couch, otherwise your doing it wrong. thats how i look at it. edit: just for the record, i've been going to punk and hardcore shows off and on for just about over a decade now. i've strayed the past couple years due to other life shit.. but i still hit up shows when i can.
  12. that sucks he got hit by a car. RIP. took some mean spill the other day, first time i was trying a halfcab feeble on this 6 ft quatrter and i got the nose of my board in the upper ribs, fell and got coping in my lower ribs, then fell to flat and just laid on my face for a few mins.. that hurt.. then 20 mins later i was charging at this 8ft quarter and got real bad speed wobble, flew about 4 feet and crashed straight into the ramp, somehow twisted and fell off the side inbetween the ramp and a wall landing in a inch of dust and shit. as i was laying there i heard everyone in the park like "holy shit man that dude looks dead." thought i fucked up my arm at first cause if i tried to make a fist it hurt like hell and my arm would shake, but its just sore as hell... i'm feeling it today though, feels like i got jumped. one of my buddies always says to me " dude you love skateboarding, but it fucking hates you man" .. im starting to agree haha.
  13. just removed a tampon for you, your welcome. edit: if first blood got rid of half the typical breakdowns and kept it fast it'd be so much better.. but i still dig it.
  14. ya fuck that noise, getting arrested, nevermind for skateboarding, is not in my itinerary. no skateboarder thinks that skateboarding is wrong, and so when younger kids are skating and cops show up they think nothings gonna come from it.
  15. thought this was decent. this was a huge let down, first one blows this outta the water.
  16. fuck yeah dude, nice flicks. almost did a method on this thing on the left the other day, my feet were on the inside of the bolts of the one i was gonna stick, def. would have snapped my board. that vert wall is great too.
  17. Solitary Neglect http://www.youtube.com/user/basementsrule#p/u/52/dS5nlpNxDK8 part 2... http://www.youtube.com/user/basementsrule#p/u/53/h7qhi8alRdo Sgt. Slaughter http://www.youtube.com/user/basementsrule#p/u/92/9o2Wc-apOus part 2. http://www.youtube.com/user/basementsrule#p/u/90/I3KCRRImVFA part 3. http://www.youtube.com/user/basementsrule#p/u/91/SOC2j5aG_b4 Out Cold
  18. bought this the other day, great movie, also bought both of these, the first one was $3. the 2nd was $6.
  19. solid part. havent seen that in a real long time.
  20. this is the place lit up until midnight. last time i was here this local kid was doing fs360 heelfip indy grabs about 3ft off that spine and landing in the pyramid bank. shit was cool.
  21. hurricane!! god damn... ya i' havent had a problem there so far, my buddies girl lives right down the road anyway so i got a a nice little retreat spot haha.
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