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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. Some podcast i was listening to some dude was talking about BTC spiking as high as 350,000 in a couple years. Now getting me to explain why that is, is a different story. I’m looking at a lot of this like how i play Blackjack at a casino. If i make a $10-20 bet, and walk away with $60, i still have 3-6x more money than i did when i sat down. Maybe go for a walk, come back, play another $10-20. Maybe go drink at the bar with my $60. Maybe go back and play that $60.. decisions, decisions..
  2. Im trying to remember how we got around that.. save as a different name and use photobucket? Maybe thats what i did. Edit: i’m thinking of the old link code. Not just google image searching, never mind. Times they be a changin.
  3. It blows my mind that time and money was spent bailing out a fucking rapper who got in a fight. I want to say i’m not surprised, but i am.
  4. Dear NOES, how dare you assume the gender and sexual orientation of your weekend. Just kidding. Happy Birthday. Have fun. -ASaint
  5. Theres some hole in the wall Irish bar in Buffalo that had one of the best cheesesteaks i’ve ever had in my life. Top 3 for sure. It made no sense.
  6. Watching the food for tonight cook because the lady ran to the store because i forgot shit i was supposed to buy. Whoops.
  7. Just whatever the app is that comes on iphone.
  8. Breh.. i was hanging with my girl at the casino and we get into this fight, i dont even remember about what because i was drunk as shit. We end up in the parking lot hanging in the car, shes sitting backseat door open and i’m standing leaning against the car. She starts crying for whatever reason and i’m trying to get her to relax. At this point we’re not fighting shes just crying and i’m trying to get her to chill. Some group of people (3 dudes 2 chicks) walks by and this fool says “be chill bro.” To which i bark back “mind your fucking business.” And this cunt says it again, “be chill bro.” And i snap back “yo! Shut your fucking mouth before i get it wired for ya bruh.” Simultaneously my girl is screaming “bitch shut the fuck up before i fuck you up!” We have a quick moment like “awww” then we get out the car. Now i aint from the hood, but my girl is. Shes a white girl who grew up in a very well known shitty place. Walking over i think “I need to hold it down on some man shit right now... what would Boris do??” So i walk up, drop to a one handed handstand like i’m Jean Claude and bboy spin kick 2 of the fools in the mandible. I look over and my girl has this one bitch spinning from her hair like shes about to shot put her across the Mississippi. Brehs.. i didnt know i had those kinda moves in me, but i knew i had to channel my inner Boris if the 2 of us were gonna survive the 5 on 2.
  9. dear NOES, Holy shit! forgot about guess the movie. i fucking loved that game. -a.saint.
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