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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. Put it this way... Like i said it’s the McDonalds of forums. Just because they have more people coming in and out doesn't mean it’s the better burger. People like me want the better burger. I’m not going to reddit for graffiti content and discussions.
  2. I dont know about “total users.” As far as Current active users online...
  3. Still unsure what i would allegedly disagree about here as well.. if we’re talking about the abuse of power and systematic psychological bullying and oppression leading to this kids death i’m with it.
  4. Not necessarily. Old dudes don't know and don't want to know what the fuck reddit is. They trust the expertise of people on a place like... https://www.triumphrat.net/#/ https://www.thetriumphforum.com/ ... where it’s more of a niche and dialed in discussion. Some random dude isn’t going to just stumble upon those forums like they could on reddit. They search for those. PS: That member photo is from just moments ago. I’m in my 30s and very aware of reddit, and everything it has going on, yet i couldn't give a fuck less about it. I use it to stream Patriots games when i cant get it for free elsewhere. That’s it. One of my best friends, however, treats Reddit as his absolute go to for anything and everything. Edit: To me Reddit is the McDonalds and Facebook of forums. My girlfriends child who is under 10 years old knows what reddit is. I’ll pass.
  5. When i bought my 66 Triumph i found a couple Triumph forums still active.
  6. A friend of mine is actually returning to the ring this weekend after an injury and being out for quite some time. Dana White clearly sees something in him for keeping him around as long as he has. Looking forward to seeing what that kids got going for him these days.
  7. Convincing me of what exactly? edit: PS: i still have to read everything here. A lot of catching up to do.
  8. I thought it was good. I enjoyed the downward slope they depicted and how he “came to be.” Really had nothing to do with super heroes other than the Wayne family is involved in the story. Moreso just how someone with mental illness, criminal tendencies, and a shitty environment becomes a “monster.”
  9. Going to see the Joker today.. naturally got some sort of advertisement for it because ya know, social media spying, and saw this article and with 3 little words this ladies shit talking opinion went flying out the window...
  10. 92636DC9-1BFC-4BA5-8A45-BD5594187C71.MOV
  11. 33F9F130-6DE9-42E9-87C1-C451390AFB10.MOV
  12. F8493D21-7F56-4A5C-8600-3A01C9864BAC.MOV
  13. 7C70A4D2-FBA3-45EF-A2F5-10146DFAD784.MOV
  14. 7C925DF1-8F0F-4F36-A4C8-2E6858930E2E.MOV
  15. I almost bought a Buick a couple years ago, they actually have some nice cars, ha. Edit: Wait.. i might be thinking of Lincoln. That is nice though.
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