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Issac Brock

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Everything posted by Issac Brock

  1. I'm really hoping to see the pistons sweep the bulls (which it looks like they will be doing), and come up from two sweeps having everyone intimidated as fuck.
  2. I don't see how its political, but thats pretty interesting. I would hate to have that happen to me.
  3. God you guys are retarded, and I'm sure none of you paint either.
  4. holy smokes, i didnt know that!!
  5. optrik! and heres two flicks for the sake of keeping it going, just one from downtown and one from off woodward
  6. yeah he's real serious. here's a couple old good peices from detroit
  7. why don't you let people appreciate your graffiti on the streets rather than promoting the shit out of it online?
  8. paperchase = detroit graffiti
  9. Painting too much to even be worried about pictures lately. My flick is http://www.flickr.com/photos/fourfortyone. I'll pm you
  10. hahahahahaha at 50 talkin about beef and then rollin away on the segway
  11. Ride a bike, that sun+trees shot is a winner. Print?
  12. cats dont give a shit about their owner. they also have no idea whatsoever about whats going on around them. at least thats how it seems when i encounter cats
  13. I love those things. Chip rack = free chips. Especially when its busy. Busy + chip rack = unlimited free chip giveaway
  14. kettle chips with a grilled sandwich and lemonade = summer bliss
  15. those crab+oar fills on the highway are pretty nice
  16. HOLY SHIT THIS MOVIE FUCKING SUCKED I didn't want to believe it but this is just like all the hype xmen 3 got, and it just blew cock and balls.
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