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Dick Quickwood

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Everything posted by Dick Quickwood

  1. there's another place i need to see, i hear it's mad cold in the winter
  2. somehow my finger got smashed and i have no clue how, that's how i know i had a good night, courtesy of these bitches. ahhh
  3. i haven't drank that shit in a while, it really doesn't taste very good
  4. pssh, you could have at least pasted something in here about the topic
  5. i could post some good ones in this thread if i remembered them. i heard this gem at work, most people there are like maude flanders. "i can't believe she lets her drink wine, i wrote a letter to dear abby about it, but sometimes she doesn't give good answers".
  6. and i thought my night went bad because my piece turned out shitty. although i didn't find that out until i got home, so i can't really say it went bad
  7. that was a great show, i can't remember any episodes but they're still good, not like ninja turtles. fox and the wb had the best tv shows
  8. haha they put it on milk crates i don't like the new chargers
  9. mopar all the way. coz mopars have the most character. if you're getting an old car though, expect to have to fix things all the time and lots of downtime. but when everything goes right, it's like smoking crack without the crack
  10. aren't you guys all descendants of english criminals
  11. fuck, i missed out on painting tonight by three minutes. and i bet there's hardly any people or cops out
  12. it's all about lard on toast, you guys are sleeping on this nah fuck em both
  13. i broke most of my nose off and fucked up my ankle landing a wallie today, good times. i love wallies
  14. there's a thing you can download from microsoft if you have windows so if you right click on some pictures you can resize them
  15. you shouldn't mix acetomenophen and alcohol, it fucks up your liver bad or so i heard
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