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Dick Quickwood

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Everything posted by Dick Quickwood

  1. earlier i thought i saw paul mcartney in the window for a second
  2. what is there a lot of in isreali opinion articles? jewpoints ahaahhHAHAHH i made that up myself, then almost forgot it
  3. i've been trimming weeds today, with a too short electric weedeater. i'm not an old lady dammit
  4. it was sunny and warm two days ago. i wake up this morning, it's cold, and there's a few inches of snow, it's blowing everywhere, i don't think i'm going to live here next winter.
  5. good luck on the move and shit get on aim one of these days
  6. honestly, nothing works like marijuana to fix my miserable state of mind. hey vinyl, do you think a cheap bass and amp in a box for 200 would work ok for a newbie? also, what does it sound like when you plug a bass into a guitar amp?
  7. i saw an 18 wheeler that was on its side and blocking the road today, it must have been the strong wind
  8. a loud helicopter just flew by flying low, with its lights off. i saw a military helicopter with two rotors the other day, flying by low. weird.
  9. i just ate a whole pizza, i don't remember ever doing that before
  10. don't take that shit with alcohol man, acetaminophen and alcohol mixed will kill your liver
  11. got a splint on my wrist and some Tylenol 3, woohoo
  12. my wrist hurts and may be broken. it's a crappy wrist that has been broken before. cool maybe i'll get pain meds
  13. bling bling, mailing stuff aint' a thing cough cough
  14. what's up fantom, i too am back, sort of, i didn't have internet service all weekend, let's see what happens first, i get some money to pay the bill, or they turn it off. send me an email @ sash97470@yahoo.com if you would
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