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Dick Quickwood

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Everything posted by Dick Quickwood

  1. aquire stuff and sell it at the pawn shop, may i suggest DVDs
  2. for a ball thing use a whiteout pen
  3. it's 36 degrees outside and about 44 in my room at the moment, i'm wearing a jacket and beanie.. and shorts
  4. excellent, i'm downloading stuff by her now. i didn't know the song Circles in the Sand was by her, or as old as it is. nor had the fact it exists crossed my mind in years probably.
  5. vinyl j. does that guy know your name or anything?
  6. haahah that's funny, maybe they're starting a revolution Fantom, there's going to be a presidential debate in Tempe on wednessday
  7. damn, the alien by the thread title is gone, here's a good one::crap: wow you can attach files too
  8. hahaha she's holding onto her nipples like there's no tomorrow
  9. no, but there are a lot of regulations concerning it, i'm kind of dumbfounded: http://www.fortogden.com/utahliqlaw.html
  10. ah. maybe it's not as bad as i imagine. i wonder if there's graffiti there?
  11. sounds like a fever my chest hurts when i cough, which i can't avoid doing if i try to take a deep breath. Cloner, why in the name of shit are you going to Utah? Mormons are secretly frogs.
  12. the bath kind only takes a couple minutes to dry, i didn't know that
  13. i got a sickness from my brother, last night i couldn't sleep, my throat felt halfway blocked so i had to swallow spit manually, which made me feel like it was hard to breathe, and caused me to feel nauseated, which made for cough untill you feel like puking sessions, i have been in various degrees of semi conciousness all day, a little bourbon and some Nyquil made me feel like puking, but helped me to achieve unconciousness i think, plus my head hurts. i think i'll have some more Nyquil when i finish eating.
  14. having a mop made of squeezable material is usefull, don't make up stuff when you don't know for a fact
  15. it's not that great, it would be better if it was made of a squeezable material.
  16. good idea, but doesn't the cream take longer to dry? what is the material? if it's sponge material or felt you can get that
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