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Dick Quickwood

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Everything posted by Dick Quickwood

  1. i consumed some tranquilizers and weed, went to a free thanksgiving dinner for poor people, skated it up, then went to wal mart and ate their food and bought a few things *so not bad overall
  2. my mom is obsessed with cleaning although she claims not to like doing it
  3. i'll have to check that out about the 80$ 30 gig zune, is it just in stores or online?
  4. there's pci cards to upgrade to 2.0 right? thanks guys
  5. what the fuck did i just say. bitch
  6. dhl and usps suck. usps has the useless tracking numbers that don't show anything until after you get your package. dhl takes a long time and apparently forgets to read the address on the package sometimes. i mean the address is right on the label, there's no excuse. my homey worked sorting boxes for ups and said employees would steal packages all the time, if you don't get your package that could be why.
  7. aren't you the guy who does tags on random objects and posts pictures of it in brickslayers?
  8. my computer wants to restart due to a windows update, and gives me a message every few minutes telling me it's gonna restart if i don't click the no button, my zune is probably gonna take all night to synch so my computer needs to stay on, is there a way to make it not automatically restart? oh and how do you find out what version of usb system you have? i thought i had 2.0 but now i'm not so sure, and it doesn't say in the device manager
  9. holidays can suck it. i saw some idiots camped out in front of electronics stores. i hope mad people get trampled in the stampede tomorrow morning
  10. that's cool, transmissions are complicated, especially automatics, they have like 2000 different little parts. i don't even have any idea how automatics work, is it true that the ratio of each gear is variable? because on my moms truck, it seems to have a super low first gear sometimes and sometimes not
  11. dunno yet, the software on my computer keeps freezing and it's gonna take all night to upload my music at this rate, and you can't delete stuff from the device, you have to connect it to a computer to delete stuff. wtf?
  12. just got a 30 gig Zune, the software sucks and it's taking forever to upload my music. anyone know if there are some better ones out there? no need to mention ipods, i'm not going to pay for them to annoy me with their stupid advertisements
  13. i skated a parking barrier on top of a pyramid today, which was pretty fun. i realized bank to parking block spots are my favorite if i had to choose one. i ripped that shit a new asshole with some 50-50-back boards, lippys, hurricanes, wallie to indy, etc
  14. anyone remember the "torn" tag in the xfiles episode about the guy who steals peoples livers
  15. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo i feel unfulfilled tonight because i've been too tired to do anything. fuck. and i will be working all next week so i probably won't have time to do anything fun then either.
  16. yeah having a yard is the shit, you can hang out there. can i play in your yard
  17. damn he was doing it furiously
  18. Re: Dear Slant, knock the stinky food person out with one punch. to the dome.
  19. i'd buy a home, and spend the rest on abusing my body with drugs
  20. i quit a couple months back, sometimes i still suck on some cheap cigars, but i don't inhale
  21. wow detroit looks pretty cool, i will have to add it to my list of places to see i used to live in an area where there was a lot of abandoned houses, it was quite rural
  22. my friend has this air compressor thet he made from a truck's air brakes compressor
  23. that guzman guy looks like he's all, "yeah i'm a boxer, i'll box the shit out of you"
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