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Dick Quickwood

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Everything posted by Dick Quickwood

  1. fucking hot! the 80s were so dope... i need to find my schmitt stix painters hat and vision street wear beret. anyone know where i can hook up the OG vids online? street/wheels of fire, hokus pokus, powell/peralta series, etc etc... i've been looking for those fuckers for a while now. Quoted post [/b] i found video days, wheels of fire, animal chin, etc on emule
  2. i put a sharpie tip and ink tube thing in one of those once
  3. i would like to quote myself for emphasis. i'm still buzzing out, i drank that thing this afternoon. on a positive note, i did some stuff i needed to do as soon as i got home, instead of the indefinate later which is usual.
  4. i accidently learned straight no complys where you don't turn today. shit is cool, you can do those pretty high i think
  5. damn i think the starbucks coffee drinks in bottles have meth in them, i'm sweating and can barely stay still
  6. the hell indeed i downloaded a game, it consists of a .sub, .cue, .img, and a .ccd. what do i do next?
  7. what is a nosegrab with your front hand called?
  8. just went to the local modular park
  9. i've had the same problem, you have to make your computer assign a drive letter to your camera, the way to do this is to change a setting on the camera, "usb mode" or something like that
  10. nice board there nozaki what brand & model is it? deathbox maybe?
  11. hahaha. accidently clicked on this forum
  12. haha @ the wigger guy^ <!--QuoteBegin-BEEFEATER@Jan 20 2006, 05:12 PM Was he gentle? Quoted post
  13. you know what's probably worse than bakersfield? the little towns that surround it.
  14. there's not any bronze oven statues downtown or anything right?
  15. i used to know a guy kind of like that mr. yuck, he was always saying stupid shit and then arguing about it. here's something he might say: me: introduces subject of bakersfield california somehow "you wanna know how that place got its name? there was this guy who had this oven in the middle of a field, and he would bake mad cakes and give them away to people, that's why it's called bakersfield" me: lol wtf him: gets mad and argues
  16. i'm thinking about grtting an internal PCI cable modem, anyone know about these things? do i need to select one that has the capacity for the speed of my connection or do they all?
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