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Dick Quickwood

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Everything posted by Dick Quickwood

  1. grandpappy is back in action, sonny boys. lots of shit has happened since i was on 12oz last, but fittingly enough, my sense of time seems to be getting more out of whack. it's 2006? january or something like that? 2000 was six years ago? i moved to ragsoe's old stomping grounds, i was thinking he should take me on a tour of his old tags.
  2. maybe a ground squirrel or some other creature. or jesus is sneaking around.
  3. i did the firmware update, it worked with my new media but not the old. can any cdr become an audio cd, or just certain ones? i think i'll put the old ones in the new package and return them. voila
  4. i've got one there's a problem with my cd drive/burner. the cds it makes do not play in my cd player. winamp does not recognize the fresh blank cds i got. i was going to try a firmware update, but don't know the make and model of the drive. i am not only too lazy to take it out and look for the info, but suspect it may not be there. device manager says it's an "HL-DT-ST CD-RW GCE-8240B".
  5. my brother shot this rabbit once, it went through its neck, and the rabbit literally bounced around like a rubber ball, two or three feet in the air. i nearly peed & shit myself laughing. it must have hit the trachea i guess.
  6. SSL settings or your connection? maybe a firewall
  7. i got some anti virus updates, they're .bin files. there's no other bin files in the program's folder. what do i do with them?
  8. ok. how do i find out what brand it is, i think windows is calling it generic
  9. got some different cdrs, winamp does not recognize them as blank, same as the old ones.
  10. i need your expert advice kabar. is shooting small things like rabbits with slugs as fun as it sounds? blaow! splatter
  11. the cds i made on my computer play fine on my computer, but they don't work in my cd player. i used windows media player to make them. what the hell do i do to make proper cds? a cd that i made a couple years ago works fine. where does internet explorer store cached files?
  12. what is the phoenix program? reminds me of this guy who told tales of a whole group of gooks being taken out by a tiger. he also claimed that he rubbed the enemy's shit all over himself so that they wouldn't be able to smell him.
  13. getting rid of any OTR minis or anything similair?
  14. what the fuck. i woke up at four in the morning due to my stomach being nauseous. this sucks. i may puke at any second
  15. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20051031/ap_on_...WtkBHNlYwM3MTg- pastor electrocuted during baptism. hahaha. as dirty habit would say, that's what happens when jesus hates you.
  16. damn, 12oz has been down for a week? it's almost november? i saw a car crash the other day, i heard a bang, then looked up and saw a car bouncing off the pavement, then laughed.
  17. i downloaded an .avi movie with emule, and it won't play. the problem is a corrupt avi header. can it be fixed?
  18. that's a good mop idea, you can make it in five minutes with common items. you could use smaller bottles. if only there was something to use as a tip that would work with paint
  19. i didn't know the ink in markathons is any good, i'll have to get one next time i see them. i think there's a chain store that has them
  20. haha yes. make up straight edge slogans and shout them at people.
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