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Dick Quickwood

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Everything posted by Dick Quickwood

  1. i just ate a whole pizza, i don't remember ever doing that before
  2. don't take that shit with alcohol man, acetaminophen and alcohol mixed will kill your liver
  3. got a splint on my wrist and some Tylenol 3, woohoo
  4. my wrist hurts and may be broken. it's a crappy wrist that has been broken before. cool maybe i'll get pain meds
  5. bling bling, mailing stuff aint' a thing cough cough
  6. what's up fantom, i too am back, sort of, i didn't have internet service all weekend, let's see what happens first, i get some money to pay the bill, or they turn it off. send me an email @ sash97470@yahoo.com if you would
  7. spotted this in a small town in New Mexico, i beleive it's TKO
  8. hi from the computer at the employment/welfare office haha *oh i saw a TKO streak in a chinese restraunt in a random town, i will post later, that sucker was almost hidden by the paper towels, i almost didn't see it
  9. i have about 100 files waiting to be downloaded. i've been using Soulseek a lot lately. i met a transvestite Satanist in the Black Metal chatroom.
  10. what's an ACL? maybe you can score some painkillers.
  11. snowing here too, and fucking cold, rain would be better
  12. ok, first you send me something dammit. you mean power supply right? did it actually blow up or start smoking or anything cool? i bet Pikl could help you fix it. if it was actually the power button, maybe you could "hotwire" it to turn your computer on. Earmuffs, i like the first picture after the skatepark set, reminds me of Oregon.
  13. krie-to cut firewood earmuffs did you get anywhere on a train?
  14. what color is it? does it stain on its own? what is it used for?
  15. i bought a nice chainsaw, but now i have only ten dollars, very depressing.
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