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Dick Quickwood

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Everything posted by Dick Quickwood

  1. what color is it? does it stain on its own? what is it used for?
  2. i bought a nice chainsaw, but now i have only ten dollars, very depressing.
  3. nah apparently not, it's hot enough in the summer though, maybe it is in other parts of the state haha nice one Moogle, that kind of happened to me once, at the skatepark some guys smoked me out, i hadn't eaten much or at all the whole day, i thought the stuff had acid in it, i even asked them if it did, i couldn't skate, i just sat on the bench for the whole time i was there, seems like i was hearing music-like rythmic sounds too. also, a funny thing was there was this bum who sat on the bench and drank some beer, he asked me if i smoked pot, i giggled and said no, the situation deteriorated into him rambling, and me laughing, neither coherent
  4. sure does, temperatures here get down to 15 or so at night, that's the coldest i've seen, 40-50 during the day plus the wind blowing all the time, although today was sunny and probably 60 something, at least it hasn't snowed for a while, i wear dual jackets 24 hours a day unless i get hot doing something
  5. can you use your AIM buddy list with Gaim somehow, or does it have nothing to do with AIM?
  6. omg my cigarettes only cost two dollars, the brand is Move, i think they're new and it's a promotion, get 'em while you can. also, El Producto cigars are good, way better than White Owls. also the type i got are almost an inch around, great for starting accident fires.
  7. try searching for a MSDS document on meanstreaks, that should tell you the ingredients
  8. oops, i would delete those extra posts if i could
  9. real niggers eat wood screws, they're healthier too
  10. Mr. ABC used to have nightowls in his signature the current title looks like the work of seeking
  11. must be a different formula, i've used that stuff and it was crap
  12. vomit, i don't know how to thin etch, try mixing a little with water. if you really want to do it, look on the bottle and see if it lists the ingredients, also look for a MSDS document for it online, then you'll know what to use. you could use it like it is by smearing a rag or paper towel in it and using it that way, change gloves often. or put it in some container, like a thing with a brush on it used to put sauce on meat. whiteox, i doubt it's because of the stuff in your marker, mix the garvey with something opaque, use a little acetone if the solvents are different.
  13. ditto, all i've accidently cut off is a couple non-vital ones, and cats aren't "someone" i can't get the flywheel off, it looks like i'm going to be minus a chainsaw for lack of a flywheel puller.
  14. yeah, the hole the oil comes out of isn't blocked, but the other side probably is, maybe there's a wood chip or something blocking the tube
  15. the chain oiler on my chainsaw quit working today, i took the whole saw halfway apart, but i couldn't find where to get at the oil resivoir to clean it, so i put the whole thing back togather and put some gas in the oil resivoir to hopefully clean it out, it's an old saw and i can't find a manual for it, i'm sad. if the gas doesn't work i'll take it apart again tomorrow. but, it wouldn't start after i put it back togather, i hope i didn't fuck anything up. *after i typed all that out it said i couldn't edit the message **fantom you should have mail on saturday or monday, i sent a message but you weren't there
  16. the chain oiler on my chainsaw quit working today, i took the whole saw halfway apart, but i couldn't find where to get at the oil resivoir to clean it, so i put the whole thing back togather and put some gas in the oil resivoir to hopefully clean it out, it's an old saw and i can't find a manual for it, i'm sad. if the gas doesn't work i'll take it apart again tomorrow. but, it wouldn't start after i put it back togather, i hope i didn't fuck anything up. *after i typed all that out it said i couldn't edit the message
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