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Everything posted by TresOne

  1. Where did you find that stencil so large?
  2. Re: TEAM ALCO only if NyQuil does too
  3. Re: TEAM ALCO Tastes like shoe, but fucks you up
  4. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD ^^ that is fucking awesome. must have taken forever
  5. Amazing photos in here... Some from 3 months backpacking in SE Asia: Sorry if they're huge, I'm tech-retarded.
  6. Jesus Christ! Justone's stuff is fucking amazing! How long did that jungle one take you to do? Unreal.
  7. Have you confronted his noisy ass about it? First thing's first - tell him that he snores like a train and that it's keeping you awake. Chances are you're not the first one to tell him that.. Maybe it has something to do with his medication, maybe not. An old roomie of mine used to snore so fucking loud it drove me insane. It was bad.. it would get to the point where he was basically choking himself in his sleep with the snoring. He had to end up getting surgery where they lazered some nasty shit off the walls of his throat that was causing all the snoring. You need to sleep too, so tough shit for old dude if he snores too loud. Gotta look out for #1.
  8. -went for eats at some fancy dig downtown; over-priced and the food was sub-par to say the least. I could whip up exponentially better pasta in half the time. -waited in line outside the bar/club for 2 hours to try and get in and see some friends before i jet off for a few months.. couldn't get in, froze my ass of in the process. Retarded emo groupies crowd every bar they can at the end of exam week... shitheads. -looking for shit to download on Limewire to fill up my spankin' new Ipod mini.. neat little gadget s'about it.
  9. JJC, that toothpick one is teh hottnessssss. Them shits is nice too, coffeebeaner
  10. All i know about wrestling was learned from the oldschool Nintendo games... Back then, the Undertaker's Tombstone was all you needed - that shit meant game over for sure. Other than that, wrestling is gaysauce. ...Go Fight!
  11. since i don't know you folks that well: some time ago, PMB mentioned how one night he had such a rank fart in the shower with his lady, that it made her barf. It was a great story, really.
  12. 1.) Chapstick Marker: -you can use pretty much anything that will solidify to seal off the bottom of the chapstick. The easiest is candle wax, but it cracks / comes loose from the bottom of the container very easily. You can use plain white-glue too, that seems to work for me. In any case, put a strip of electrical or duct tape around the little rotating bit on the bottom of the chapstick to stop it from turning. More often that not, that's what causes them to leak - that little bit will get rubbed and turn, causing the wax or glue on the inside to break away from the base, and leak all over your pocket. 2.) Eraser Nibs: - Same thing happened to me a few times. I ended up racking a few tubes of super-glue / crazy-glue, and it seemed to solve my problems. Just put a bit of glue around the inside of the opening to the mop, then fold the strip of eraser as usual and stick it in.. give it some time to dry though before you use it. Only problem is, once you do this, good luck refilling that mop ever again. I use bingo-dabbers and cheap shit like that to make my mops, so it's no problem to toss em out and go get more. If you're using a mop that you want to reuse later, condiser finding some other material for the nib.
  13. ^^ in your experience, how quickly (if at all) does brake fluid eat through plastic markers and/or nibs? I was thinking of putting a tad in my chapstick marker, and in my bingo-dabber markers, but i've never tried it before, and don't wanna have that shit eating a hole in the marker one day when it's in my pocket.. I've refilled ink mixed with brake-fluid in metal markers like Pilots many a time, but just wondering what your thoughts were on the plastic ones...
  14. ^^ not bad, you're developing.. the 'v' is nice, but the 's' (which i'm assuming it it) needs some work
  15. Might as well... this thread IS for toys, afterall. Whatever happened to this thread being for toys? ..what? it still is? Damn, i'm in! Some old simples from long, long ago. But i won't try and cover up for the fact that they suck some serious shit. ;) http://www.fotango.com/cgi-bin/view_image.cgi?PICTURES=A274621_1'> http://www.fotango.com/cgi-bin/view_image.cgi?PICTURES=A274621_2&ORIG_REFERER='> http://www.fotango.com/cgi-bin/view_image.cgi?PICTURES=A274621_3&ORIG_REFERER='> http://www.fotango.com/cgi-bin/view_image.cgi?PICTURES=A274621_4&ORIG_REFERER='> http://www.fotango.com/cgi-bin/view_image.cgi?PICTURES=A274621_5&ORIG_REFERER='> http://www.fotango.com/cgi-bin/view_image.cgi?PICTURES=A274621_10&ORIG_REFERER='> http://www.fotango.com/cgi-bin/view_image.cgi?PICTURES=A274621_12&ORIG_REFERER='> Simple and shitty. :o ^^^ and if those don't show up, or come up as shitty links.. then fuck it... you're not missing much anyways...
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