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Ferris Bueller

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Everything posted by Ferris Bueller

  1. it's on the idiot box. dave chappelle always knocks him. and he was in that drumline movie. fuck that, i'd rather see/hear famu beating on some drums than that prick.
  2. That girl up top look like a walking stick. Otherwise, the one right ^^^^ is top choice.
  3. If you're going up in there and buying a ticket at the gate, then prepare to pay top dollar. Since they won the Series in 2004, the prices are up there. I went in the summer of 2004 with three of my cousins, and the only choice we had was to pay $70/pop. We were lower box, <20 rows behind home plate. Those tix nowadays might run $90 or something obscene.
  4. i was all about zumiez because of the shoe selection they had. they ain't got the funky kicks no more.
  5. It's next to impossible to get a discount on an Apple computer at retail level. Stores that sell Apple products aren't even allowed to mark the things down, especially in the event of trying to close a sale. The retail Apple Sales Consultants are only allowed a certain number of employee purchases each year, so the likelihood of you getting a deal through them is nil, as they'd be throwing away their own opportunity. Your best bet is to pick a used one up off of eBay. Sometimes colleges/universities will sell off their older models for super discounts.
  6. Lesbians love this bitch. And her grill piece is banged up.
  7. Re: starbury's I like the concept and all, but I wouldn't rock basketball shoes in the casual sense whatsoever. I like to ball, though my foot would come out sideways and rip one of those jawns quick like my dad did with the Chuck Taylor's in his time. Gimme an old pair of Air Max court shoes and I'll wear those out.
  8. Re: I want to shave you, yet again And that is the exact song I was thinking of.
  9. yeah, you're shit out of luck right now. brooklyn land is nothing. i really can't tell the two from eachother, but they're both shitty. you can take the #5 bus into town, but have fun. NIGGAS IS WILD ON THE #5.
  10. Re: I want to shave you, yet again A Ginuwine song just came to mind after seeing you sitting on that bike.
  11. Re: Five-second rule for dropped food? Try 30...and other news. death and soda flavor yo, i'm on to that cucumber pepsi jumpoff. shit sounds refreshing, but someone should make like a cucumber water.
  12. fuck you. smoking weed or tobacco instantly gives me breathing problems right now. heat is no problem, as i grew up in florida, but jesus. the pollen index is through the fucking roof, and it makes it very hard for me to breathe.
  13. Yo I don't mind the pulsating headache. But it's the liquid shit the next day which I can't stand.
  14. VBS.tv is great. The Baile Funk (I don't know if it's still up) and Epicly Laterd shorts are cool. I can spend hours at this place.
  15. Depending on wherever in the continental US you guys may be, there is a Midwestern-ish Office-only server which has great pings consistently. And no more than 34 players. It gets pretty intense. it's a Source server Check it out, ping-wise. I'll be playing there tonight.
  16. This fight sucks. Who's the girl with the coke sunglasses on?
  17. Murderapolis Minneapple Twins Territory
  18. Zumiez has the best selection of shoes in all of the MOA. Palmer's is straight hood. There usually tends to be Somalian thugs hanging outside, askin' who you wit.
  19. An answer to your question regarding investing in Clemens: No. He should have retired long ago, despite the high-profile move Steinbrenner is initiating for his return to the Yankees bullpen. It will only spell disaster. He's had his time, that old bastard.
  20. bangers and mash with a side of faggots.
  21. hipsters drive cars? i thought moping around from place to place is how they do.
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