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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. @glorydayswhat weight and cut did you end up getting?
  2. I just got confirmation that my brave stars shipped yesterday. Hoping to see them on my door step by wednesday @glorydays
  3. Been eyeing acreage in west virginia for a few days now.
  4. mr.yuck


    Im waiting for the day these protestors figure out how to break off into two groups and have one circle behind these pigs and box them in.
  5. Lol. I heard some anti freedom reporter talking about him finding the ground littered with 40 mm casings and Im over here like "holy shit man"
  6. @Elena Delle DonneI literally have a friend trying to convince me that the wild fires were started by government space lasers. I dont even know what's going on with people anymore.
  7. These are all we have out my way. I see tankers sometimes and even though there is a large coal terminal around here, I rarely see hoppers and never see box cars.
  8. @glorydaysI was talking to my dads uncle a few months ago and he was talking about when he was younger he would wear his jeans out in the rain and let them dry on his body in the sun to get those janks tight as fuck. I guess this would have been in the early 50s.
  9. Playing castlevania 4 on a tv it was never meant to be played on. My nephew is not impressed by these graphics or game play.
  10. mr.yuck


    Man. This was the most bungled preorder/system launch Ive ever seen.
  11. I never thought I'd be the one to say some shit like this but, that's entirely too much ass on both of them. The white chick has full grown cankles and her bingo wings are in full development. I agree with @One Man Bannedthat hoe probably stinks.
  12. Interesting. Im gonna set up an etsy and just steer people towards my page. "Authentic work style denim"
  13. These cats spend so much money to look so poor. Also something Ive been meaning to bring up. Almost on the daily I have people asking me where I got my jeans. They are ripped in the knees and have paint and caulk all over them. Is there really a market for this shit?
  14. @swif1bro I almost barfed when I saw the ticket on those weird sinch waist jeans. I didnt realize it was so serious.
  15. Lol im hoping these hard ass jeans will hold my rickety ass together for one more season.
  16. Just ordered some brave star 15 oz true straights. I feel crazy as fuck following their sizing guide. I went down a size and still ended up with a 38 lol.
  17. So last night we got so much rain one of my neighbors trees just fell over, took out power lines and landed just a few feet from the car. For some reason I parked my van on the street last night. If I didnt that jank would be a pancake right now.
  18. mr.yuck

    Work Wear

    Im looking for heavy weight hoodies for as cheap as possible so that I wont cry when my paint rig exolodes all over it or I catch a nail and tear a foot long gash down the arm.
  19. Bet. That's exactly what I need. 800 oz denim. Shits an inch thick and I can slide down a roof on my ass to get them to break in and fade.
  20. 5292b9cc117900f99f1468222a168d550e572310.mp4
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